Something You Might Want to Consider Before You Make a Post | Page 5 |

Something You Might Want to Consider Before You Make a Post

Great post sutomcat.

People were getting irked this past month or so when people would post info about football recruiting, including myself. I am not going to come out and give direct quotes from anyone or anything I hear. I led my posts on as much as I could without revealing who/what the source was. I said things were about to get exciting and it sure as hell was. The specific battles the staff was dealing with as other schools trying to poach our recruits was a real challenge. Please put me on ignore if you don't like to read "cryptic" stuff like that. It's not cryptic if you sit back and think for a minute.

I was pretty tight with Marrone's camp and every time I posted anything, certain people bashed it. I know many people truly dislike DM and that's fine. Don't shoot the messenger. Main reason I don't post most of the stuff I hear anymore. The situation 2 years ago with Ogundeko was insane. Posted a few things, but we didn't have a chance at landing him and Doug knew it, much to his dismay. Soap opera.

Not as close with Shafer's group, but still hear some stuff from time to time, especially recruiting and practice/roster info. There is no sense in sharing some of the info, especially when we know the writers over at steal the stories and spin them into their own. Maybe if they weren't such douches to the coaching staff, they would have access to the program like our old friend Dave Rahme. Cohen really burned that bridge even though he's gone, but that started when he was writing with a negative bias at the Daily Orange. Marrone banned him from any access to the team after a certain article he wrote.

I agree with oldpinepoint, I miss the pay board days. Some of the negative nancies on here truly discourage many from posting a lot of the stuff they hear. It's a shame and only hurts those who actually deserve some of that info.

Thanks for the mods who clean up the posters who find satisfaction in bashing others and their "info". Sorry for the rant, but if you have nothing positive to say, why say anything at all?
Great post sutomcat.

People were getting irked this past month or so when people would post info about football recruiting, including myself. I am not going to come out and give direct quotes from anyone or anything I hear. I led my posts on as much as I could without revealing who/what the source was. I said things were about to get exciting and it sure as hell was. The specific battles the staff was dealing with as other schools trying to poach our recruits was a real challenge. Please put me on ignore if you don't like to read "cryptic" stuff like that. It's not cryptic if you sit back and think for a minute.

I was pretty tight with Marrone's camp and every time I posted anything, certain people bashed it. I know many people truly dislike DM and that's fine. Don't shoot the messenger. Main reason I don't post most of the stuff I hear anymore. The situation 2 years ago with Ogundeko was insane. Posted a few things, but we didn't have a chance at landing him and Doug knew it, much to his dismay. Soap opera.

Not as close with Shafer's group, but still hear some stuff from time to time, especially recruiting and practice/roster info. There is no sense in sharing some of the info, especially when we know the writers over at steal the stories and spin them into their own. Maybe if they weren't such douches to the coaching staff, they would have access to the program like our old friend Dave Rahme. Cohen really burned that bridge even though he's gone, but that started when he was writing with a negative bias at the Daily Orange. Marrone banned him from any access to the team after a certain article he wrote.

I agree with oldpinepoint, I miss the pay board days. Some of the negative nancies on here truly discourage many from posting a lot of the stuff they hear. It's a shame and only hurts those who actually deserve some of that info.

Thanks for the mods who clean up the posters who find satisfaction in bashing others and their "info". Sorry for the rant, but if you have nothing positive to say, why say anything at all?

Bravo, Rocco. Couldn't have said it any better.
One man's "insider" information is another's guess. Sometimes it is hard to tell who is just trying to impress everyone with supposed information v. who really has real information. That's not to say I would attack those who I think are pretenders ... in fact, I just ignore them because sometimes just questioning them opens one up to an onslaught of attacks. "How dare you question the great and powerful Oz?"

I know, right? People should stop questioning me.
It's life, deal with it. My god I feel like I am talking to one of my kids. What

Agreed ! What? Please find something of worth to do with your life. Why would anyone CARE about something as trivial as THIS!

Why is it that Igor and Blue Curtain got to stick around? Admittedly, Igor and BC are kinda fun stupid versus mean stupid but stupid does make for some great threads.

24-0 has halted their postings for the time being. The internet must be out in Florida again.
Ding ding ding.

Is he permanently banned or just not post here anymore? His refusal to answer any questions about the origins of his SU fandom struck me as the actions of a troll.
rrlbees said:
Read my whole post. It was not for one post. It was a culmination of which those were the last ones.
I read your whole post the first time. To expand on my thought... You became annoyed at the negativity, so you banned a guy? Couldn't you, like everyone else have ignored him?! These are rhetorical questions really. Not meant for you to answer. I tend to challenge authority, because I feel like there needs to be some limit to that authority. I like most would rather see this place cleaned up and really never complain when it's my posts that get deleted, or when I earn a ban. Lot of "get off my lawn types" complaining to the mods and inciting a reaction couldn't be more funny to me.
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