While I will give Scott Shafer a chance as the HC of SU I think back to when WVU hired Bill Stewart | Syracusefan.com

While I will give Scott Shafer a chance as the HC of SU I think back to when WVU hired Bill Stewart


Living Legend
Aug 28, 2011
West Virginia booster Ken Kendrick gave a quote I never forgot he said "He is so overmatched it's not even funny," said Kendrick, managing partner of Major League Baseball's Arizona Diamondbacks. "He's a nice guy and a father figure. But they had a wonderful architect and they hired the painter to build the next house. I want Bill Stewart to win and I want our program to be successful. But I feel bad for our future. I'm very concerned."

I don't understand why Dr. Gross rushed the hire even if Scott Shafer was the man he decided on he should have atleast waited a week as it was a recruiting dead period and checked other candidates. Instead, he hired the short term fix, but our recruiting outside Zack Allen and Gus Edwards isn't anything special so I feel we rushed this hire. I am going to support Shafer 100% and will keep my 4 season tickets, but I am concerned.
Shafer was Assistant HC under Jim Harbaugh at Stanford.

He has done a good job at SU.

He is hardly avuncular - he is a no-nonsense, tough coach who will run the program the way Marrone ran it.

I'm fine with him.
West Virginia booster Ken Kendrick gave a quote I never forgot he said "He is so overmatched it's not even funny," said Kendrick, managing partner of Major League Baseball's Arizona Diamondbacks. "He's a nice guy and a father figure. But they had a wonderful architect and they hired the painter to build the next house. I want Bill Stewart to win and I want our program to be successful. But I feel bad for our future. I'm very concerned."

I don't understand why Dr. Gross rushed the hire even if Scott Shafer was the man he decided on he should have atleast waited a week as it was a recruiting dead period and checked other candidates. Instead, he hired the short term fix, but our recruiting outside Zack Allen and Gus Edwards isn't anything special so I feel we rushed this hire. I am going to support Shafer 100% and will keep my 4 season tickets, but I am concerned.
No problem. Some choose to stress no matter what happens. I find life too short to to stress over these things unless the hire were already a proven incompetent. That is not the case here. Therefore I will head to the beach and enjoy myself.

Can't wait for next season's football to arrive.
West Virginia booster Ken Kendrick gave a quote I never forgot he said "He is so overmatched it's not even funny," said Kendrick, managing partner of Major League Baseball's Arizona Diamondbacks. "He's a nice guy and a father figure. But they had a wonderful architect and they hired the painter to build the next house. I want Bill Stewart to win and I want our program to be successful. But I feel bad for our future. I'm very concerned."

I don't understand why Dr. Gross rushed the hire even if Scott Shafer was the man he decided on he should have atleast waited a week as it was a recruiting dead period and checked other candidates. Instead, he hired the short term fix, but our recruiting outside Zack Allen and Gus Edwards isn't anything special so I feel we rushed this hire. I am going to support Shafer 100% and will keep my 4 season tickets, but I am concerned.

I look at it this way -- what was WVU to do? They hired a guy who came in and completely remade their program from top to bottom. He had unprecedented success. He leaves and what do you do? Essentially hire a guy you think has a pretty good shot of sustaining at least a good share of that success or go outside and take a chance a coordinator or up-and-coming young coach? I'm not sure what the answer is but I really don't think you can blame them that much for hiring bill stewart (who, by the way, went 28-12 in three+ years -- it's not like he was an abject disaster).

I think the same is true for SU. You have a program that endured some truly uninspiring play near the end of the P era, then hit a nadir in the Grob era, then limped along inching its way back toward respectability under DM until finally appearing break through in the last 7 weeks. So what do you do? Interview a bunch of guys, maybe settle on one of them or hire the experienced DC who has a good resume, has produced some good defenses and actually wants the job?

I don't really think there's a *right* or, by extension, a *wrong* answer here.
Comparing SS to BS is like comparing a thoroughbred race horse to a mule.

BS has much more on common with GRob than he does SS.
What... This place is ing nuts. Yes because Stewart and Shafer are so much alike... Stewart was 60 something.. Shafer will do just fine. In addition, how do you know Gross didn't reach out to a few guys... Like I said, show me realistic hire at this point in time with a better resume and then on top of that show me a coach with a better understanding of what it's like to actually coach at a small private school in the modern day landscape... Can't wait to see your list of candidates.

Well why didn't Gross get Golden or this OC or DC, etc.? I think Shafer stacks up just fine versus any current DC or OC out there who we had a realistic shot of hiring, risk with hiring any flavor of the month OC/ DC. Short of hiring a well established HC from another program, Doc made the right hire for the program
Yet Holgorsens record isn't much better than BS.. Interesting, they have replaced a solid defense with a really good offense, it's sexier sure, but it's not great
West Virginia booster Ken Kendrick gave a quote I never forgot he said "He is so overmatched it's not even funny," said Kendrick, managing partner of Major League Baseball's Arizona Diamondbacks. "He's a nice guy and a father figure. But they had a wonderful architect and they hired the painter to build the next house. I want Bill Stewart to win and I want our program to be successful. But I feel bad for our future. I'm very concerned."

I don't understand why Dr. Gross rushed the hire even if Scott Shafer was the man he decided on he should have atleast waited a week as it was a recruiting dead period and checked other candidates. Instead, he hired the short term fix, but our recruiting outside Zack Allen and Gus Edwards isn't anything special so I feel we rushed this hire. I am going to support Shafer 100% and will keep my 4 season tickets, but I am concerned.

I think Shafer is far from being the 'painter' but if you feel the hire was rushed, throw out your better candidates? Who are they?
Raise your hand if you know without a doubt Gross didn't vet candidates and "rushed" through the process? This is his THIRD football coach. You may disagree with the move but the comparison to Bill Stewart is wayyyyyyy off.
Candidates I would have atleast called Bob Diaco, Tom Herman, Dan Mullen, Randy Edsall, Chad Morris etc. I am not saying Shafer shouldn't have been picked, but atleast look at all possible candidates.
Yeah, I am ******* nuts for having a non-kool aid mindset. I support the program you support the program we can have differing minds. I said my reasons, the decision was rushed and not all candidates were vetted. This year's recruiting class wasn't enough justification for keeping Shafer. If Gross took a week and interviewed candidates and decided Shafer was the best candidate fine. if you going to bring up Golden as OC stuff. I have a different opinion than you I could give a s*** if you disagree with me and if you don't like it don't read. My god who the f*** are you. We hired Shafer 48 hours after Marrone left all I wanted was a proper search its pretty obvious Dr. Gross didn't interview many candidates.

No you're nuts because of this comment "even if Scott Shafer was the man he decided on he should have atleast waited a week"

If Shafer was the man, why would you wait a week? What's the point of that?

Do you think the concept of "Succession Planning" is something that Dr. Gross had never touched on with Marrone over the past 4 years? For all anyone knows maybe Shafer was identified as that person. You assume because he was hired quickly that it means that it was done irresponsibily and out of desperation.
Yeah, I am ******* nuts for having a non-kool aid mindset. I support the program you support the program we can have differing minds. I said my reasons, the decision was rushed and not all candidates were vetted. This year's recruiting class wasn't enough justification for keeping Shafer. If Gross took a week and interviewed candidates and decided Shafer was the best candidate fine. if you going to bring up Golden as OC stuff. I have a different opinion than you I could give a s*** if you disagree with me and if you don't like it don't read. My god who the f*** are you. We hired Shafer 48 hours after Marrone left all I wanted was a proper search its pretty obvious Dr. Gross didn't interview many candidates.
Don't give a shat? Really?

Fooled me.
Candidates I would have atleast called Bob Diaco, Tom Herman, Dan Mullen, Randy Edsall, Chad Morris etc. I am not saying Shafer shouldn't have been picked, but atleast look at all possible candidates.

Dan Mullen? What. In addition, how the F do you know who gotf--ing called? Being a kool aid guy is one thing, trying to present your opinion as fact as to how the whole process went down is not only moronic but completely misinformed.

And Diaco is so much better than Shafer because he can recruit at ND? Have a really good defense with all that talent? Please.

Like I said, this is just stupid
Yeah, I am ******* nuts for having a non-kool aid mindset. I support the program you support the program we can have differing minds. I said my reasons, the decision was rushed and not all candidates were vetted. This year's recruiting class wasn't enough justification for keeping Shafer. If Gross took a week and interviewed candidates and decided Shafer was the best candidate fine. if you going to bring up Golden as OC stuff. I have a different opinion than you I could give a s*** if you disagree with me and if you don't like it don't read. My god who the f*** are you. We hired Shafer 48 hours after Marrone left all I wanted was a proper search its pretty obvious Dr. Gross didn't interview many candidates.
So where is the proof he didn't interview any candidates? Your whole post is based on hearsay and your opinion.

And to be honest, Bob Diaco and Shafer have pretty similar resumes (outside of recruiting but you can't make that comparison) and this board probably would have been ecstatic if we hired Diaco.
No you're nuts because of this comment "even if Scott Shafer was the man he decided on he should have atleast waited a week"

If Shafer was the man, why would you wait a week? What's the point of that?

Do you think the concept of "Succession Planning" is something that Dr. Gross had never touched on with Marrone over the past 4 years? For all anyone knows maybe Shafer was identified as that person. You assume because he was hired quickly that it means that it was done irresponsibily and out of desperation.
You are so wrong its hilarious. If Addazio wasn't hired from Temple by Boston College he would have been the pick to replace Doug Marrone that is my opinion and not 100% but I am pretty sure its true. Doug Marrone leaving so late in the game is why Scott Shafer is the next SU Coach. All I want is a proper job search if there was a succession plan in place for Doug Marrone your nuts if you think Shafer would have been the guy over Hackett. I have my opinion you can have yours, my god. Its not like I am abandoning the program I feel the process was rushed. Thank you for the lack of personal shots.
West Virginia booster Ken Kendrick gave a quote I never forgot he said "He is so overmatched it's not even funny," said Kendrick, managing partner of Major League Baseball's Arizona Diamondbacks. "He's a nice guy and a father figure. But they had a wonderful architect and they hired the painter to build the next house. I want Bill Stewart to win and I want our program to be successful. But I feel bad for our future. I'm very concerned."

I don't understand why Dr. Gross rushed the hire even if Scott Shafer was the man he decided on he should have atleast waited a week as it was a recruiting dead period and checked other candidates. Instead, he hired the short term fix, but our recruiting outside Zack Allen and Gus Edwards isn't anything special so I feel we rushed this hire. I am going to support Shafer 100% and will keep my 4 season tickets, but I am concerned.

It is a terrible comparison. Stewart was an undistinguished college coach who bounced from job to job his whole career, never reaching coordinator level except for one season in the CFL. He was also HC at VMI for 3 years, going 8-25 before being forced out for racist remarks to one of his players.

Shafer meanwhile is one of the most respected defensive coordinators in the country. Has has been a DC almost from the start of his career and has turned down several HC jobs already. He is in many ways the exact opposite of Stewart, a charming, bumbling, incompetent but lovable coach who was never HC material in any way, shape or form.
You are so wrong its hilarious. If Addazio wasn't hired from Temple by Boston College he would have been the pick to replace Doug Marrone that is my opinion and not 100% but I am pretty sure its true. Doug Marrone leaving so late in the game is why Scott Shafer is the next SU Coach. All I want is a proper job if there was a succession plan in place for Doug Marrone your nuts if you think Shafer would have been the guy over Hackett. I have my opinion you can have yours, my god. Its not like I am abandoning the program I feel the process was rushed. Thank you for the lack of personal shots.
LOL, this describes everything you have said in this thread.

Anyone who doesn't agree with your "factual opinion" is drinking the kool-aid.

So where is the proof he didn't interview any candidates? Your whole post is based on hearsay and your opinion.

And to be honest, Bob Diaco and Shafer have pretty similar resumes (outside of recruiting but you can't make that comparison) and this board probably would have been ecstatic if we hired Diaco.
If we did a full search and came up with Shafer I will admit I am wrong, but if a whole 48 hours is all you take and you hire a guy in-house it doesn't seem a full search was completed. We found out in the chat Dr. Gross has been in California in the last week with his children how could a complete search be done if the AD is in California and the last search committed consisted of 2 BoT members, Dr. Gross and 3 former players and this search was done in 48 hours.
Dan Mullen? What. In addition, how the F do you know who gotf--ing called? Being a kool aid guy is one thing, trying to present your opinion as fact as to how the whole process went down is not only moronic but completely misinformed.

And Diaco is so much better than Shafer because he can recruit at ND? Have a really good defense with all that talent? Please.

Like I said, this is just stupid
Again MY OPINION IS NOT FACT ITS MY OPINION, I have never said my first post was a fact it is my opinion. Different people can have different opinions. If you want to me put a disclaimer jeez I can do it. C'mon, but you attack me and call me an idiot I will come back at you, What was that Golden s*** jeez.
You are so wrong its hilarious. If Addazio wasn't hired from Temple by Boston College he would have been the pick to replace Doug Marrone that is my opinion and not 100% but I am pretty sure its true. Doug Marrone leaving so late in the game is why Scott Shafer is the next SU Coach. All I want is a proper job search if there was a succession plan in place for Doug Marrone your nuts if you think Shafer would have been the guy over Hackett. I have my opinion you can have yours, my god. Its not like I am abandoning the program I feel the process was rushed. Thank you for the lack of personal shots.

Do you not understand the term "Succession Planning"?

You don't succession plan with people outside your organization strictly because of the situation with Addazio you bring up.

If you talked to Dr. Gross, Marrone, Hackett personally and they told you there was no succession plan in place and Shafer was hired immediately because of lack of better options, then I'd accept your position and agree with you as well. But again, you're forming an opinion based on assumptions and then passing judgement.
LOL, this describes everything you have said in this thread.

Anyone who doesn't agree with your "factual opinion" is drinking the kool-aid.

Yeah, okay dude please stop. The kool-aid drinkers are everybody who attacks anybody who thinks SS wasn't the right hire. I felt it was rushed, and wasn't a proper job search, but go ahead and talk down to me. My opinion is my opinion and if you don't agree fine. If Marrone left in December it is HIGHLY likely a longer job search than 48 hours is conducted to find Doug Marrone's successor. I think Addazio would have been the guy maybe I am right, or maybe I am not.
Do you not understand the term "Succession Planning"?

You don't succession plan with people outside your organization strictly because of the situation with Addazio you bring up.

If you talked to Dr. Gross, Marrone, Hackett personally and they told you there was no succession plan in place and Shafer was hired immediately because of lack of better options, then I'd accept your position and agree with you as well. But again, you're forming an opinion based on assumptions and then passing judgement.
Fair enough, I am not saying people have to agree with me, I am expressing my opinion. Your last paragraph is your opinion and I not going to tell you what to think or your wrong.
Yeah, okay dude please stop. The kool-aid drinkers are everybody who attacks anybody who thinks SS wasn't the right hire. I felt it was rushed, and wasn't a proper job search, but go ahead and talk down to me. My opinion is my opinion and if you don't agree fine. If Marrone left in December it is HIGHLY likely a longer job search than 48 hours is conducted to find Doug Marrone's successor. I think Addazio would have been the guy maybe I am right, or maybe I am not.
Well, it's my opinion, and not 100% but i believe it to be fact, that Marrone gave Gross word that he was interviewing for a job somewhere close to after the Pinstripe Bowl. This gave Gross close to 2 weeks to evaluate candidates and begin speaking with them. I very highly doubt that Gross began his search as soon as Marrone announced he was going to the Bills. You seriously don't believe that, do you?
if marrone did interview at tenn like some say-gross had plenty of time to do a preliminary search -

i doubt very much gross was as blindsided as we fans were-

if his 4 years of defense wasnt enough to convert you to his camp-

your just a guy who wants a name more than the right choice -

he earned his shot
Well, it's my opinion, and not 100% but i believe it to be fact, that Marrone gave Gross word that he was interviewing for a job somewhere close to after the Pinstripe Bowl. This gave Gross close to 2 weeks to evaluate candidates and begin speaking with them. I very highly doubt that Gross began his search as soon as Marrone announced he was going to the Bills. You seriously don't believe that, do you?
If this was true, then I am not surprised Doug Marrone left and feel Dr. Gross hopefully conducted a true vetting process. I hope he confirms this during the 12:30 press conference tomorrow for Scott Shafer.

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