Yeah Im a glutton for oline play review |

Yeah Im a glutton for oline play review


Living Legend
Aug 26, 2011
I dont know that I can do a whole game of his pain but i went back thru the first quarter.

we allowed 2 sacks and 3 pressures give or take.

we played 4 wr, 3 wr, 2wr/2te. we went no back 4-5 times too.

Pitt got very little pressure, we actually had many good chances to do damage.. Jackson dropped 2, his first drop to start the game being the biggest.

The blame can be spread all around. the 2 tackles by far made the most mistakes. but on almost every play someone did something wrong. Although I will say the TEs did their job. the RBs/Neal missed Key blocks too, maybe where strickland is missed the most.

we had 2 tackles get beat on the same play. we had guards run over by LBs, we blocked air a few times

we had multiple false starts. we had a holding on a quick screen for no reason, but 2 plays really show thru.

if you just watched the first period you would think its all fixable. Mostly technique issues.

This was not play calling or QB play at least thru the first quarter.
play 1 8:15 to go tied zero zero. 7 on 4 blocking.

Hacket crashes down and almost saves the play. neal blocks wide as he is watching DE. the LG/LT just totally blow this play up. LT knows he has outside help and has to block in to out.. he stays with the DE and the DT runs by the guard.

DT runs free and a big sack

Now the question is. what should be happening.. Once the DE loops under is the RB the free release or is he supposed to stay in? if he releases there is no one in the flay except a LB chasing from midfield.

this is not talent or play call or schem just confusion


play 2 , 1st and goal from the 8. we go 2 TE. Pitt is man D.

so complain about play calling, pass blocking, etc

1st play of the game should have been a TD, this should have been one too. either you throw the quick out to the TE who has a chasing LB and Safety. or throw the slant to the open WR with no middle Safety.. Instead it becomes a sack. its a good call against the D and well blocked..



1st play, I can only assume Evan Adams is expecting a blitz and looking for a linebacker, because he isn't looking at the DT until it's too late. Just makes no sense.

2nd play, my god throw the ball. You can see both options open. Unless he was afraid of the zebra getting in the way on the slant, but still.
Referencing the OP, it's hard for me to believe that Mo would be that much worse this year in pass protection than he was last year. He didn't seem to be a liability last year when he started getting more carries as the year went on. Is it possible he just has the same expectations for this line as he did for last year's and is taken by surprise by how much more he needs to help?
play 2 , 1st and goal from the 8. we go 2 TE. Pitt is man D.

so complain about play calling, pass blocking, etc

1st play of the game should have been a TD, this should have been one too. either you throw the quick out to the TE who has a chasing LB and Safety. or throw the slant to the open WR with no middle Safety.. Instead it becomes a sack. its a good call against the D and well blocked..

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Good breakdown in general but I think this one is particular symptomatic of our issues. Tommy needs to make the decision and deliver the ball quickly. That slant is wide open but he, generally, wants nothing to do with throwing the ball in the middle of the field/down the seam. It has to improve.
I dont know that I can do a whole game of his pain but i went back thru the first quarter.

we allowed 2 sacks and 3 pressures give or take.

we played 4 wr, 3 wr, 2wr/2te. we went no back 4-5 times too.

Pitt got very little pressure, we actually had many good chances to do damage.. Jackson dropped 2, his first drop to start the game being the biggest.

The blame can be spread all around. the 2 tackles by far made the most mistakes. but on almost every play someone did something wrong. Although I will say the TEs did their job. the RBs/Neal missed Key blocks too, maybe where strickland is missed the most.

we had 2 tackles get beat on the same play. we had guards run over by LBs, we blocked air a few times

we had multiple false starts. we had a holding on a quick screen for no reason, but 2 plays really show thru.

if you just watched the first period you would think its all fixable. Mostly technique issues.

This was not play calling or QB play at least thru the first quarter.
I've done it for each game. NC State the line was better than some think. Pitt? 1st Q was best. :-(
play 1 8:15 to go tied zero zero. 7 on 4 blocking.

Hacket crashes down and almost saves the play. neal blocks wide as he is watching DE. the LG/LT just totally blow this play up. LT knows he has outside help and has to block in to out.. he stays with the DE and the DT runs by the guard.

DT runs free and a big sack

Now the question is. what should be happening.. Once the DE loops under is the RB the free release or is he supposed to stay in? if he releases there is no one in the flay except a LB chasing from midfield.

this is not talent or play call or schem just confusion

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Adams watching for a LB blitz. Vett and TE? protecting the edge. Dunno whose responsibility inside man is(from the LT perspective) Vett has edge help, and inside help. Well designed pressure, to confuse the T and G. Teams have been hammering this. Showing pressure to freeze , or make a lineman commit, and then bringing something else. Been using delays, and twists to exploit. This one's more straight forward.
play 2 , 1st and goal from the 8. we go 2 TE. Pitt is man D.

so complain about play calling, pass blocking, etc

1st play of the game should have been a TD, this should have been one too. either you throw the quick out to the TE who has a chasing LB and Safety. or throw the slant to the open WR with no middle Safety.. Instead it becomes a sack. its a good call against the D and well blocked..

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This one didn't bug me, as much as you. There was execution on the line. YES. I would have preferred a throw to the guy running down the line, but I dunno the 1st reads of the play. I chalk this one up to football(I got 30 more with beefs)

1st drop? (Jackson) It happens. NC state was the most brutal game I've ever watched. Tommy corrected a WHOLE bunch of stuff for Pitt(for a bit). Good for him. I found this very encouraging. Pitt's Dline approach to play both run/pass fill the gaps, on the way to the qb? Gave us fits. They also added twist/delay blitz's to confuse the linemen. Generally, the spread doesn't allow def to use these concepts. They sold out on the blitz, so yeah, maybe the drops hurt us, but that's football.

Welch was effective cuz they didn't plan for it. To the play calling, Babers incorporated it before TD was ever knocked out. Only for Pitt's lack of planning, Welch helped re-establish the spread. (and to help the line) Evidenced by corner penalties... (unprepared)

While the line may have played better against NC, Tommy progressed in this one.

I'm not going to be surprised if we present a different line to FSU, or a different QB. I have no idea. I am pretty certain we're going to mess with them. ;-)
play 1 8:15 to go tied zero zero. 7 on 4 blocking.

Hacket crashes down and almost saves the play. neal blocks wide as he is watching DE. the LG/LT just totally blow this play up. LT knows he has outside help and has to block in to out.. he stays with the DE and the DT runs by the guard.

DT runs free and a big sack

Now the question is. what should be happening.. Once the DE loops under is the RB the free release or is he supposed to stay in? if he releases there is no one in the flay except a LB chasing from midfield.

this is not talent or play call or schem just confusion

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If I coached this? They were showing 2 possible outside. Vett has outside. His TE/RB has inside/outside depending. They freeze the guard(LB) Nice job, by the Def. He has to check for inside help(C) first. They funnel 2 inside, because the TE/RB is 2 steps too far out.(he played outside, unless the LT has inside. Remember, they show the LT 2 outside threats). It's a very well designed Defensive play. Show 2 to the LT(bait the TE/RB to bite outside), Show LB to LG to freeze. Show 2 to the LT , to think he has help inside, and then exploit the G/ RB/TE confusion. Easy to see after. Hard to see when you have .5 seconds to react. Its a really well designed defensive play.

After they have success, teams are baiting with the same looks. and bringing pressure from elsewhere, to confuse further... smh
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He appears to be looking at Jackson the entire time and doesn’t throw it. Ref in the way? Doesn’t look at Hackett at all.

Watch the series he gets hurt. He’s looking directly at and doesn’t throw a quick out to an open Hackett which would've been a 4/5 yard gain. It’s the first read to. Hackett is visibly frustrated he didn't throw it.
He then steps up and takes a sack or gets back to the line. Why doesn't he throw this ball?

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the 1st quarter was actually way better than you realize from the score.. tons of chances. in addition to the drop we also had the quick slant to johnson that he bobbled and a little bigger inside guy probably takes to the house as well.. we go down to the goal line and the the oline had issues and we had this play. mostly mental mistakes with the false starts as well.

the running game though.. its like the whole line is undersized and plays too small.. just no pop or drive.
the 1st quarter was actually way better than you realize from the score.. tons of chances. in addition to the drop we also had the quick slant to johnson that he bobbled and a little bigger inside guy probably takes to the house as well.. we go down to the goal line and the the oline had issues and we had this play. mostly mental mistakes with the false starts as well.

the running game though.. its like the whole line is undersized and plays too small.. just no pop or drive.

I think if he doesn't bobble it he might've taken it to the house.
play 2 , 1st and goal from the 8. we go 2 TE. Pitt is man D.

so complain about play calling, pass blocking, etc

1st play of the game should have been a TD, this should have been one too. either you throw the quick out to the TE who has a chasing LB and Safety. or throw the slant to the open WR with no middle Safety.. Instead it becomes a sack. its a good call against the D and well blocked..

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Yeah either Jackson or te scores . It was a good call. Ball shoulda been gone already.
The thing is and correct me if I’m wrong shouldn’t TD mind set be to get the short stuff going and the ball outta his hand ASAP and let the players make the plays because once that is being done it opens the whole concept of the long ball. It’s like he is always looking for something better when he could just take the short stuff which will lead to long stuff and less blitzing
play 2 , 1st and goal from the 8. we go 2 TE. Pitt is man D.

so complain about play calling, pass blocking, etc

1st play of the game should have been a TD, this should have been one too. either you throw the quick out to the TE who has a chasing LB and Safety. or throw the slant to the open WR with no middle Safety.. Instead it becomes a sack. its a good call against the D and well blocked..

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i love these posts -thanks
for all the doom and gloom on the oline. it really starts in the middle.. a dominant center can not only do his job but help out the guards. he creates the push since he is usually the one who gets the best jump on the snap. if servais was playing at a higher level i think you can correct some of the other issues.. is heckel the answer? Can we one at least 1 game before the last 3 so that we can play all hands on deck down the stretch.

i would rather get to a bowl game and have to save a few guys from a 5th game than not get to one at all.

maybe we get the NT/center back down the stretch? can only hope.
What do you base this on?
I'm basing it on having watched SU quarterbacks for the last 30 years. All of our "program changer" quarterbacks had those moments even in year 1 where you just knew they were going to be special. And I really hate to rag on Tommy because I had high hopes for him, drank the kool aid, etc. The knock used to be that our QBs can't check down when their primary receiver is covered, but Tommy is developing a horrible reputation for looking down OPEN receivers and freezing. This is just an untenable situation and I hope Dino has a plan beyond praying that Tommy snaps out of it.
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