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  1. Blaster

    game thread: what the hell

    Is that like 10 kicks out of bounds this year? lol
  2. Blaster

    More turnovers than the Lafayette Apple Festival.

    I love the Apple fest and have been to it every year except the 2 years i lived in denver.
  3. Blaster

    Penn State - Holy Crap

  4. Blaster

    Week 10 Pick'm

  5. Blaster

    Big East files lawsuit against WVU

    IMO the league hasnt been weakened yet becouse all the same teams are still in the league even for 2012 so there is no drop off for WVu in competitiveness until the teams are swapped out. They should be held to the 27 months since they helped draft it up voted to keep it in the bylaws atleast 2...
  6. Blaster

    Big East files lawsuit against WVU

    I have seen alot of WVU fans on other boards saying that WVU could just bolt at the end of the year and pay off a few small lawsuits and be on there way. IMO if they just leave they could sued for enough to bury there program for a generation lol. I dont know tho but it will be fun to see how...
  7. Blaster

    Big East files lawsuit against WVU

    Yes they did alot better job
  8. Blaster

    Week 10 Pick'm

    Yea even in the pick'm world that is a game refered to as a stat padder
  9. Blaster

    Boise State to Big East Actually On Tap?

    This is what i have been thinking. The BE is gonna line up there 7 new teams. Then see who would like to start in 2012 and what the early exit fee's would be. Then see if SU, Pitt and WFVU would cover the early exit fee to get them in/out early.
  10. Blaster

    Week 10 Pick'm

    Get picks in 2night is the first game. Guess FSU was a thursday game my bad for getting it wrong
  11. Blaster

    Week 10 Pick'm

  12. Blaster

    OT - Nice n Easy store now open in Dewitt!!!

    Zebbs Wendys/carls jr wegmans subs!!
  13. Blaster

    Week 10 Pick'm

  14. Blaster

    WVU to sue BE

    i have a pritty good feeling that once the BE invites some of these schools they will let us go anyway. they are just talking tough to raise the buyout and such.
  15. Blaster

    Week 10 Pick'm

    Thursday FSU @ BC Saturday Syracuse @ Uconn Louisville @ WVU USF @ Rutgers Cincinnati @ Pitt Virginia @ Maryland NC @ NCST Duke @ Miami Notre Dame @ Wake S.Carolina @ Arkansas Texas A&M @ OU Kansas st. @ OSU LSU @ Alabama Current standings rrlbees...... (68-26)(9-4)...
  16. Blaster

    Anyone rooting for USC

    I'm rooting for USC becouse Clemson needs the help to move up. Clemson going to a NC game helps the ACC's Image alot
  17. Blaster


    BC is in the atlantic division so they are saying they would be our crossover rival. VT would be in our division so we would play them anyway. BC has been in 3 acc championship games so they are not that bad.
  18. Blaster


    VA...VT MD...Pitt Clemson...GT FSU......Miami BC...SU NC...NCST Duke.....Wake I still like this. works out great for FB and BB.
  19. Blaster

    WEEK 9 Pick'm

  20. Blaster

    B12 - WVU HaHa

    This reminds me of 03 with us and the ACC.
  21. Blaster

    WEEK 9 Pick'm

    bump 2morrow first game
  22. Blaster

    WEEK 9 Pick'm

  23. Blaster

    Just loved this part

    Might wear it again for usf but i need to make some adjustments to it. Sew a thigh piece back on and put some foam in the helmet so its not so loose.
  24. Blaster

    Just loved this part

    For wvu i was in x wake was like a couple rows up
  25. Blaster

    Just loved this part

    i sat in 301 for wake= win sat in 319 for rutgers= loss 301 for WVU= win Also the rutgers game i wore the storm trooper costume so im not sure exactly what went bad the 319 part or the costume was bad luck.
  26. Blaster

    WEEK 9 Pick'm

    Get your picks in early there is a game on Wednesday and thursday
  27. Blaster

    Wanny and Fridge

    The jury is still out on me for Todd graham atm. It looks real bad but man those QB's they have are aweful imo so i wanna see year 3 before i make any assumption but edsall is a clown
  28. Blaster

    WEEK 9 Pick'm

    Wednesday Uconn @ PITT Thursday Virginia @ Miami Sasturday Syracuse @ Lville WVU @ Rutgers NCST @ FSU VT @ Duke BC @ MD Wake @ NC Clemson @ GT OU @ KSU Stanford @ USC Current standings rrlbees...... (59-22)(7-4) chip....... (55-26)(7-4) BlackKnight76...
  29. Blaster

    Ollie clowned by Matt Millen

    Words cant describe how much i enjoyed that.. 150% priceless
  30. Blaster

    Nickname for Adonis Ameen-Moore

    Since we are from syracuse wouldn't "The Snowplow" be more fitting?
  31. Blaster

    Never forget - Oliver Luck

    Really try and get ppl to get loud on 1sr and 2nd down around you i notice every week most wait till 3rd to get loud
  32. Blaster

    WEEK 8 Pick'm

    24 hours left till first games
  33. Blaster

    WEEK 8 Pick'm

  34. Blaster

    Interesting final outcome

    Yes you are right. i knew that as i was typing it up but for some reason i still screwed it up. Ty good catch i will fix it. I think there is one difference tho between LSU/Bama and OSU/Mich. That being OSU/Mich game was the last game of the year as i recall and most ppl thought that Mich...
  35. Blaster

    Interesting final outcome

    Ok end of december rolls out and we have... 1.Alabama 13-0 2.LSU 11-1 3.OU 12-0 4.Wisconsin 13-0 5.Stanford 13-0 6.Clemson 13-0 7.Boise st 12-0 8.OSU 11-1 9.Houston 13-0 This would be an almost perfect ending to the season. Not that it will happen Clemson is bound to losse 1 just out of a...
  36. Blaster

    Phil Steele says Beef

    I expect a little better than #6. On the other hand i wouldn't mind smacking the S# out of a possible new BE member that is suppose to be an upgrade from us from the BE looked overs.
  37. Blaster

    Next year OC

    Well i think it depends on how the Offence does in the second half of the year. If the production dips a little bit or get alot better he is safe. If the offence goes from worse to falling off the map i could see a change. I look at him as a RS sophmore OC in that i just want to see him develop...
  38. Blaster

    WEEK 8 Pick'm

    Friday Rutgers @ Lville WVU @ Syracuse Saturday Cin @ USF NC @ Clemson Wake @ Duke BC @ VTech GT @ Miami MD @ FSU NCST @ Virginia Current standings rrlbees...... (52-18) (4-5) chip....... (48-22) (6-3) BlackKnight76... (47-23) (5-4) Blaster...
  39. Blaster

    OT: i thought skip holtz was going to make USF smart

    It is hard for me to believe that there is no QB on the bench that cant throw better than BJ. But then again i'm not at there practices so...
  40. Blaster

    So, The Reports Yesterday Were Wrong - BE

    Hell, all this realignment stuff is what is making all these day time soaps close up shop. Also the sooner we leave the sooner we start making more $$$
  41. Blaster

    Why a Win Friday Would Mean So Much

    Well the best thing that could come out of beating WVU is getting a more positive mention on ESPN and CFB Live. Thats about it but recruits watch that stuff so it might help a little.
  42. Blaster

    which Wv team shows up

    We need to drive the ball. Atleast 2 first downs a drive would be nice. Even if we drive 50 yards and have to punt thats not to bad 6 straight 3 n outs will kills us. They cant expect to be even close if they think they can hang our defense out on the field for 90 plays a game. Also the...
  43. Blaster

    Maryland's Opetion Attack is Killing #8 Clemson

    That didnt last long :D
  44. Blaster

    What we are learning about the big east is eveyone

    They could still market it that way we beat WVU we would be the front runner for the BE BCS bid. WVU is the toughest team by far we play in the BE. Given even Lville could beat us the way we play sometimes but, if we beat WVU who is left that we cant beat? Not saying the rest of the schedule...
  45. Blaster

    You think this will have much of an impact on SU athletics?

    Cant hurt Click Channel 9 to air first 2 hours of disturbing the peace.
  46. Blaster

    WEEK 7 Pick'em

    looks like pitt is trying to @#$ us again
  47. Blaster

    If 40,00 bring the same energy next Friday

    i am suprised they arent decorating syracuse in BEAT WVU stuff all over the place. The malls signs on the road you name it.
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