24 hours later & the loss still doesn't bother me | Syracusefan.com

24 hours later & the loss still doesn't bother me


2nd String
Aug 30, 2011
Full Disclosure: With a first grade son and another son who's 5 years-old, last week's massacre in Connecticut hit extremely close to home and has had me in a funk since the moment I learned of it.

I watched yesterday's game versus Temple with my first-grader (okay, part of it as he was quite distracted by Lego and Lincoln Logs) and we hi-fived on several occasions.

But that's the thing... I watched the game WITH my son... Right by my side.

I don't know how I'd go on if I were personally affected by an event such as the Sandy Hook shooting... And I truly can't fathom how those parents will.

Sure the loss was disappointing, but I have way too much to be grateful for this Christmas than to wallow over what, most other years, would have frustrated me for days... We all do.

One game does not a season make and frankly, just watching the game with my boy was enough for me... 20 years from now, I'll probably remember this game more than most just for that very reason.

Merry Christmas to you all - and let's hope the Orange take it out on Alcorn State on the 29th ;)
Great post, and I'm 100% in the same boat as you.

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As best I know, Scooch and I live closer to Newtown than anyone else on the forum, and I have many friends there. Several of the funerals were held at funeral homes down the street from my home, and the tragedy continues fill page one of all the newspapers around here. It is impossible not to remain consumed by it.

I attended the game yesterday (long-planned NYC get-together with friends), and I was much less upset with the outcome than I've been with similarly ugly games. I hadn't thought about it, but I think your post explains why.
Full Disclosure: With a first grade son and another son who's 5 years-old, last week's massacre in Connecticut hit extremely close to home and has had me in a funk since the moment I learned of it.

One game does not a season make and frankly, just watching the game with my boy was enough for me... 20 years from now, I'll probably remember this game more than most just for that very reason.

Merry Christmas to you all - and let's hope the Orange take it out on Alcorn State on the 29th ;)
Great OP, and in my selfish moment I was thinking how the loss affects my ability to attend the 903rd win. The 31st would have been perfect. Not sure I can make the Rutgers game. And now, I'm ok with it. Thanks for keeping things in perspective.
As I've gotten older and had kids it makes it a lot easier to maintain perspective.
I have been in a funk since that friday morning. I couldn't turn off the coverage which didn't help. The wins and losses since haven't really made me happy or sad.
Agreed. Actually I don't live near there, but my sister in law's (brother's wife) sister taught and was an administrator in that school district for years, and just moved to a neighboring school district in May. She was in that school, worked with the shooter as a special needs educator, and knew most everyone who died. So this has hit particulary close to home for me. Even if I did not have that connection tho, how could one not be affected by this? And yes the loss pales in comparison. Glad you get to have those experiences with your child, and hope you have many more in the years to come.
I agree 100%. Having a daughter mellowed me a lot and something like Sandy Hook mellowed me even more. Sports are a great outlet, but that's all they are an outlet. There are plenty of things much more important in life than sports! It's too bad something so awful has to occur to really remind us.
I was/am concerned about the loss because it seems to indicate a lack of cohesion ever since Michael's L & T incident. But I am glad to read these posts because it never hurts to remember that there's a whole world outside of basketball. I don't believe Sandy Hook will be soon forgotten, and hope that it will be a catalyst for deep social and individual change. Regarding the latter, we went to see the new Bond movie last night and there were 7 previews before the movie, every single one filled with assault weapons and mass killings. EVERY ONE. People in the theater were shifting and murmuring and I wondered, "Why am I seeing this stupid Bond movie?" Afterwards as we were walking to the car, I said to my husband, "We have met the enemy, and it is us." To be continued...
I am back "home" in Danbury CT right now for the holidays and attended church this morning in Bethel CT, a directly neighboring community. The pastor asked anyone directly affected by the massacre to stand up and about 30 folks stood up. We have lived in the area 30 years and are still feeling the pain and will be long after the press leaves. Basketball just isn't as important as being able to give your kid or loved one a hug.
I agree it does put things in perspective.

I've cried a number of times since that Friday, but there is something to be said about being a sports fan. Following a team and rooting for them really can be a pleasant diversion from some of the unhappier times, and events, in our lives.

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