40 Plus for SU | Syracusefan.com

40 Plus for SU

The orange roll 45-13

Tuthfully, it wouldn't surprise me if we lit it up. I think I predicted 37 or 38 points and I think Nassib et al are on the verge of breaking out
The only thing that gives me pause is the opening game/might not yet have all the kinks worked out yet thing. But I think that our O is going to take some big steps this year and tonight is as good a time as any to begin
I'll be happy with 20+ and a win. I'm thinking somewhere in the 23-13 range sounds about right.
You may very well beat us but this is funny.

Funny? Maybe but last year you guys gave up 30+ points seven times. 40+ points four times. 50+ points three times.

you gave up 48 to Duke, for crying out loud

Your D may have improved, and you may give OUR D some problems, but I'm thinking SU's offense is going to light it up tonight.
Our D started 5 freshman last 2 or 3 of them true. That is huge. Both our corners was true freshman last year and a pass happy Duke was our first BCS game. We also put up 54 on them does that mean we are going to put that much up tonight. Typically most teams start out relatively slow in season openers.
Our D started 5 freshman last 2 or 3 of them true. That is huge. Both our corners was true freshman last year and a pass happy Duke was our first BCS game. We also put up 54 on them does that mean we are going to put that much up tonight. Typically most teams start out relatively slow in season openers.
Jimmy, Bless your Heart. If you had said 54 points against Duke's BB team I would have been impressed, but in FB...MEH. Because not just No, but Hell No is Duke a FB powerhouse. And BTW, you might as well put your toilet paper away, you won't be needing it tonight.

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