A-Rod/Dempster | Syracusefan.com



Living Legend
Sep 1, 2011
Disgusting display by Ryan Dempster last night. Girardi was dead on in his post game about the venomous hatred towards A-Rod. Paraphrasing "Little kids in the stands with their parents cheering as a pitcher attacks a player and we wonder what is wrong with this world."

My question for the A-Rod haters is what is with the venom? Yes, he should be suspended but not for 200+ games, he should get what Braun got, 65 games. It's not his fault MLB didnt have a testing system in place and steroid use was rampant. For the ones that got caught, theyre first time offenders under the MLB rules. Most got 50 games, Braun got 65 because of the lying etc. so thats what A-Rod should get. Just like Barry Bonds, MLB has made A-Rod the face of everything wrong with the world to cover up their shortcomings as a league.

If Dempster is so upset then maybe he should examine the team he represents. Everytime he walks past those Championship rings that are undoubtedly displayed in the team facilities he can be reminded that they too, were won on the backs on PED's. Dont throw stones in glass houses. The hypocrisy and hatred towards A-Rod is pathetic.
On a related note - CC did not retaliate. CC Always retaliates. Then CC was gone by the time 2-3 more Yankees got plunked in the 8th and 9th.

Disgusting display by Ryan Dempster last night. Girardi was dead on in his post game about the venomous hatred towards A-Rod. Paraphrasing "Little kids in the stands with their parents cheering as a pitcher attacks a player and we wonder what is wrong with this world."

My question for the A-Rod haters is what is with the venom. Yes, he should be suspended but not for 200+ games, he should get what Braun got, 65 games. It's not his fault MLB didnt have a testing system in place and steroid use was rampant. For the ones that got caught, their first time offenders under the MLB rules. Most got 50 games, Braun got 65 because of the lying etc so thats what A-Rod should get. Just like Barry Bonds, MLB has made A-Rod the face of everything wrong with the world to cover up their shortcomings as a league.

If Dempster is so upset then maybe he should examine the team he represents. Everytime he walks past those Championship rings that are undoubtedly displayed in the team facilities he can be reminded that they too, were won on the backs on PED's. Dont throw stones in glass houses. The hypocrisy and hatred towards A-Rod is pathetic.
The red sux have always been a bunch of bush leaguers...their resentment and jealousy towards the Yankees know no bounds!!

In the past they have always played this type of ball and then get pissed when someone does it back...they can give it, but can't take it...

I am sure there will be retaliation during the next series. Plus was a stupid move, ARod is not exactly a clubhouse favorite, but he is a Yankee and I am sure the team has his back in this case...all Dempster did was rally the team around ARod...maybe this will cause a turn-around for the Yanks? Maybe later I will be thanking Dempster??! I hope so!! GO YANKS!!!
On a related note - CC did not retaliate. CC Always retaliates. Then CC was gone by the time 2-3 more Yankees got plunked in the 8th and 9th.
The way the umpire handled it pretty much handcuffed the Yankees. CC couldnt retaliate without getting ejected. The one spot I thought he might was when Ortiz was coming up and it was clear CC was done after that inning, but then the guy ahead of Ortiz got on and it became a dicey situation with one out. Someone from Boston will get hit next series, no doubt.
Just watched the highlight and Girardi was PISSED/FIRED UP!!! I guarrantee you that the next series will be must watch baseball...especially being at Yankee stadium!!

I am sure that Girardi has informed his pitchers that the hitters must be "defended" in the next series...although if there is bench clearing brawl, if I was ARod, I would ensure I have an army of security waiting for it to happen and protect me, cause you know at least half of the red sux, if not most/all will go for him!!
Just watched the highlight and Girardi was PISSED/FIRED UP!!! I guarrantee you that the next series will be must watch baseball...especially being at Yankee stadium!!

I am sure that Girardi has informed his pitchers that the hitters must be "defended" in the next series...although if there is bench clearing brawl, if I was ARod, I would ensure I have an army of security waiting for it to happen and protect me, cause you know at least half of the red sux, if not most/all will go for him!!
Haha, props to Girardi for the "My Cousin Vinny" reference.
All I can say, is I hope Dempster apologizes to his teammates before the next series, so he doesn't have to after...
The unwritten rules of baseball are pure and utter bullcrap.

On the one hand, everyone talks about how the game needs to get cleaned up, and how terrible it is that player's cheat. From the player's mouths.

On the other hand though, it's completely acceptable to hit a player if you believe he's narcing out other cheaters. Because you don't tell on another player.

Oh Lord

Baseball sucks. Between the stupidity of the unwritten rules and the math nerd takeover of the sport, I'm quickly losing interest.
The unwritten rules of baseball are pure and utter bullcrap.

On the one hand, everyone talks about how the game needs to get cleaned up, and how terrible it is that player's cheat. From the player's mouths.

On the other hand though, it's completely acceptable to hit a player if you believe he's narcing out other cheaters. Because you don't tell on another player.

Oh Lord

Baseball sucks. Between the stupidity of the unwritten rules and the math nerd takeover of the sport, I'm quickly losing interest.

There are unwritten rules in all sports...just baseball's is famous...
I guess I missed that...what did he say and to whom?
Despite the ejection, Girardi said he had no regrets over his actions.

“Zero,” he said. “You can't start throwing at people. People have had concussions. Lives are changed by getting hit by pitches. Whether I agree with everything that's going on, you do not throw at people and you don't take the law into your own hands. You don't do that. We're going to skip the judicial system? It's ‘My Cousin Vinny.’
Eh, the Yankees probably won't retaliate. The Red Sox have been plunking Jeter, etc...forever, and it's odd how little the Yankees responsd. Very odd - but they rarely seem to.
I'm no A-Rod or Yankees fan, but that's messed up. Throwing baseballs at people at 90 MPH plus is really dangerous. Taking steroids and breaking the rules isn't good, of course, but chucking a baseball at someone can really hurt a person. Not cool.

My guess is either A) MLB has a vendetta against A-Rod, B) A-Rod was more egregious than everyone else with Bio genesis, or C) a combo of both

Baseball sucks. Between the stupidity of the unwritten rules and the math nerd takeover of the sport, I'm quickly losing interest.

I resent that! First one I buy, but to me the nerd stuff makes the game more enjoyable for me.
but to me the nerd stuff makes the game more enjoyable for me.

You've changed, man. I don't even know you anymore.

It's not so much the existence of the nerd staff that irritates me, as it is the misapplication.
You've changed, man. I don't even know you anymore.

It's not so much the existence of the nerd staff that irritates me, as it is the misapplication.

I can accept that, totally fair.

One of my pet peeves, if anyone cares, is when people are talking about a pitcher with a low ERA, like 2 or something, and they immediately will say "if you look at this FIP and xFIP, he's getting lucky". My first thought is pretty much always "of course he is, no one is going have an ERA under 2 over any sustained period of time without getting lucky". but that's probably just me.

But I love looking at the fangraphs pages for random stats. And I'm also a huge nerd
I can accept that, totally fair.

One of my pet peeves, if anyone cares, is when people are talking about a pitcher with a low ERA, like 2 or something, and they immediately will say "if you look at this FIP and xFIP, he's getting lucky". My first thought is pretty much always "of course he is, no one is going have an ERA under 2 over any sustained period of time without getting lucky". but that's probably just me.

But I love looking at the fangraphs pages for random stats. And I'm also a huge nerd

I think right now people want to think its a statistical renaissance, but there's so much focus on why certain things that should be happening aren't happening, vs understanding if maybe there's something behind why they aren't happening.

It sounds weird, but a lot of the statistical stuff is used so negatively.
The way the umpire handled it pretty much handcuffed the Yankees. CC couldnt retaliate without getting ejected. The one spot I thought he might was when Ortiz was coming up and it was clear CC was done after that inning, but then the guy ahead of Ortiz got on and it became a dicey situation with one out. Someone from Boston will get hit next series, no doubt.

Yep, the Yankees need to win games more than anything else. And they had a doubleheader coming up. CC can't get tossed in the 2nd. The ump really screwed it up. Either Dempster is tossed or you wait until the Yankees respond before the warning.

It's such an unbelievably cowardly move by Dempster. If you're that angry, be a man and challenge him to a fight. But you're an AL pitcher, which means you don't have to bat. So you throw 90 mph fastballs at him.

If baseball really wanted to be fair, the pitcher with his weapon gets his shot. Then the batter with his (the bat), gets a shot of his own.

I say all of this a person who strongly dislikes ARod and hopes the Yankees can get out of that contract.
I think right now people want to think its a statistical renaissance, but there's so much focus on why certain things that should be happening aren't happening, vs understanding if maybe there's something behind why they aren't happening.

It sounds weird, but a lot of the statistical stuff is used so negatively.

So basically people are too quickly to write things off as good luck and assume they're going to regress without looking deeper at it? That's probably true.

But I also think it can go the other way. Every time, for instance, you see a pitcher have a good year backed by a fluky low BABIP, the fans of his team will tell you why this pitcher is different and can continually keep that low BABIP. They are wrong much more often than they are right.
So basically people are too quickly to write things off as good luck and assume they're going to regress without looking deeper at it? That's probably true.

But I also think it can go the other way. Every time, for instance, you see a pitcher have a good year backed by a fluky low BABIP, the fans of his team will tell you why this pitcher is different and can continually keep that low BABIP. They are wrong much more often than they are right.

I think at a certain point it cuts both ways that people mistakenly try to use anything to project something else.

The nerd says "Pitcher A isn't likely to keep it up." The fan says "Pitcher A is different and can keep it up." I say "I don't care what happens next, I just care what happened. Let's evaluate that."
I think at a certain point it cuts both ways that people mistakenly try to use anything to project something else.

The nerd says "Pitcher A isn't likely to keep it up." The fan says "Pitcher A is different and can keep it up." I say "I don't care what happens next, I just care what happened. Let's evaluate that."

Yeah I definitely get that. It's easy to get caught up in the stats and lose that the game is awesome. I like to think I don't do that

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