All Knick fans should be rooting for no NBA season this year. |

All Knick fans should be rooting for no NBA season this year.


2nd String
Aug 30, 2011
Here's why;If there is no NBA season then Dwight and Chris paul's contract will expire. If there is no season then there is no trade deadline which means that the Knicks would most likely be able to sign either one of them without having to give everything up. If I am wrong about their contract expiring at the end of the season please correct me, but I believe that, that big three would be better than Miami's big three if the Knicks get either.
If they get Howard that might be the best front line in the past 10 years
Their contracts do expire at the end of the year. But you're assuming they'd want to play for not a lot of money. Can't really see that one happening.
Here's why;If there is no NBA season then Dwight and Chris paul's contract will expire. If there is no season then there is no trade deadline which means that the Knicks would most likely be able to sign either one of them without having to give everything up. If I am wrong about their contract expiring at the end of the season please correct me, but I believe that, that big three would be better than Miami's big three if the Knicks get either.
Knicks fans want to see basketball asap ... there's no reason why they can't do real damage this year ... and to be honest, head to head, the Heat do not want to see the Knicks come playoff time
Their contracts do expire at the end of the year. But you're assuming they'd want to play for not a lot of money. Can't really see that one happening.

I think if they release Chauncy's contract after this yr thats 15 million plus I believe they have not hit their cap space.
My guess is that contracts are based on seasons as defined by the CBA and not years as defined by the calendar.Also, I am sure all thatwould be addressed in the new CBA. The owners want to keep.stars with the teams for competitive reasons.

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I think if they release Chauncy's contract after this yr thats 15 million plus I believe they have not hit their cap space.

We have no idea what the cap is going to be.

They have $41 million in committed salaries for the next season, for 3 guys. Throw in the cap holds, plus I assume they aren't going to have all minimum salary guys, and there isn't a whole lot of room there. Also, the Knicks are over the cap, they're at $60 million right now, cap is $58 million for next year. Can't imagine the cap is going to be any higher than $58 million, revenues are going up, but they're going from 57% to probably 51% or less.

And Melo and Stat are getting raises every year, they combine to make about $43 million in 2014, and $46 million in 2015. It's going to be tough, Howard/Paul would have to take a massive pay cut I'm thinking.

My guess is that contracts are based on seasons as defined by the CBA and not years as defined by the calendar.

Nope, I thought it may have been that way, but when a team signs a player for 5 years, they get him for 5 years, not 5 seasons. Paul and Howard will be eligible for free agency next summer, assuming the lockout is over.
We have no idea what the cap is going to be.

They have $41 million in committed salaries for the next season, for 3 guys. Throw in the cap holds, plus I assume they aren't going to have all minimum salary guys, and there isn't a whole lot of room there. Also, the Knicks are over the cap, they're at $60 million right now, cap is $58 million for next year. Can't imagine the cap is going to be any higher than $58 million, revenues are going up, but they're going from 57% to probably 51% or less.

And Melo and Stat are getting raises every year, they combine to make about $43 million in 2014, and $46 million in 2015. It's going to be tough, Howard/Paul would have to take a massive pay cut I'm thinking.

Nope, I thought it may have been that way, but when a team signs a player for 5 years, they get him for 5 years, not 5 seasons. Paul and Howard will be eligible for free agency next summer, assuming the lockout is over.

Good info. I'll be shocked if the Knicks as they currently stand ever do better than a 4 seed and 2nd round exit.
If they get Howard that might be the best front line in the past 10 years

Howard is way more important to them than Chris Paul. Chris Paul is not going to last as many years as his deal will require, and still be the same athlete. He has a lot of miles on him already, and has had to carry teams far too much for this early in his career. Howard will still be playing at a high level much longer than Paul, in my opinion. Good big men can last a long time. PGs whose games are built on speed and explosiveness are always just one knee injury from becoming very average players. Look at Baron Davis. I could name a million guys like that, who used to be the best PG in the league - for a couple years.
We have no idea what the cap is going to be.

They have $41 million in committed salaries for the next season, for 3 guys. Throw in the cap holds, plus I assume they aren't going to have all minimum salary guys, and there isn't a whole lot of room there. Also, the Knicks are over the cap, they're at $60 million right now, cap is $58 million for next year. Can't imagine the cap is going to be any higher than $58 million, revenues are going up, but they're going from 57% to probably 51% or less.

And Melo and Stat are getting raises every year, they combine to make about $43 million in 2014, and $46 million in 2015. It's going to be tough, Howard/Paul would have to take a massive pay cut I'm thinking.

Nope, I thought it may have been that way, but when a team signs a player for 5 years, they get him for 5 years, not 5 seasons. Paul and Howard will be eligible for free agency next summer, assuming the lockout is over.

There's going to have to be some kind of grandfather clause for this reason. Teams would have to disassemble too much to take that kind of hit to the salary structure immediately. Owners aren't going to want to see all their teams turn to simultaneously, when they're trying to win fans back from a lock-out. They seem kind of tone deaf, with these continued threats in the media - "we're going to cancel another 2 weeks worth of games", "we're going to cancel Christmas (literally!)", "we might have to cancel all the way to January - those players had better agree by Wednesday, or we're going to lose more games".

It's funny, but there doesn't seem to be any outcry among the fans. In fact, the silent indifference is deafening. The owners should be listening the lack of fan interest in whether the season starts now or in January. None of it matters until about April or May, anyway. The season is way too long, and the players travel too much. It's a mediocre product, and they're about to make it worse - on purpose. Mind boggling.
Here's why;If there is no NBA season then Dwight and Chris paul's contract will expire. If there is no season then there is no trade deadline which means that the Knicks would most likely be able to sign either one of them without having to give everything up. If I am wrong about their contract expiring at the end of the season please correct me, but I believe that, that big three would be better than Miami's big three if the Knicks get either.

I think most NBA players would love to see this go until January, if they have enough cash to get by. Seems like the football players' union is smarter, having obtained lockout insurance that paid all their members something like $250K if the owners locked them out. That was a huge factor in the rapid settlement of the NFL players lockout - the fact that the guys weren't going to be broke from being financially irresponsible. The NBA union didn't do anything like that for their players, and they have SEEN this movie before. They should have known better. But an extended off season will probably allow a lot of guys to heal up from the wear and tear.
I disagree that it is a mediocre product, but it does seem that with the exception of the hardcore NBA fan (such as myself) the average fan doesn''t really seem to mind all that much about the lack of hoops so far.
I still think knocking the season down to 40 games a year would work wonders. 7 games a month for 6 months. Heck split the league to two divisions like the AL and NL in baseball and add a few more franchises. Even let the leagues interchange for 4-5 games a year. You don't have to play every team in the NBA every year. Thats also what makes college basketball so great. Even practicing for the upcoming matchup is a huge deal in football where they have 7 days to prepare and talk about it. I can't remember the last team even on the verge of playoff seeding when I felt a regular season game was important. Probably never.

Heck add two wildcard games. Let the 7th place team choose to play the 8th 9th or 10th place team and let the other two be forced to play in the other wildcard game.

In my opinion Basketball never belonged with more then 50 games a season. Its not a outdoor stadium in the middle of summer and its more physically opposing and hard work in practice. To many games and they try to play a unimportant game like its a big deal because of the name of the franchise. A 4 game loosing streak can mean nothing in the NBA but mean the difference between a 3 seed and a 8 in college. I don't watch much NBA basketball but the times have changed and thats just my 2 cents.
Howard is way more important to them than Chris Paul. Chris Paul is not going to last as many years as his deal will require, and still be the same athlete. He has a lot of miles on him already, and has had to carry teams far too much for this early in his career. Howard will still be playing at a high level much longer than Paul, in my opinion. Good big men can last a long time. PGs whose games are built on speed and explosiveness are always just one knee injury from becoming very average players. Look at Baron Davis. I could name a million guys like that, who used to be the best PG in the league - for a couple years.
agreed 100%
blake griffin is gonna be the best big man soon, could average 30 and 15 someday, he is who i would go after when his rookie contract is up

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