Anyone believe this BS?!? |

Anyone believe this BS?!?

I refuse to believe a kid who grew up in a children's home and comes from such a poor background would willingly give up his free ride. This smells like a steaming pile that smells bad. OOH! Like old hummus that's been left out in the sun. Yes, that's what it smells like.
How is this any different from giving someone a scholarship for an also-ran sport and having them play hoop or football like teams used to do decades ago but then prohibited? It is clearly bending the rules and would seem to be against NCAA rules.
Rules are made to be broken . . . or at least bent for convenience
The answer is No (to the topic question) ... I read this yesterday and thought ... Where is this kid going to get tuition, etc money? And the answer from UConn is "financial aid". So this kid gives up a full schollie so he can be in debt for the next umpteen years? Now Louisville and SU are doing the same thing btw. I believe Louisville has 3 kids off schollie and now on financial aid. Brandon Reese, from what I have heard,is giving up his schollie for his final year to open up a spot. But these examples are completely different. The reason that UConn has no schollies is b/c the NCAA took away 3 for the year. They needed 1 for Drummond... Too bad, so sad Mr Bradley and a spit in your eye NCAA.
The answer is No (to the topic question) ... I read this yesterday and thought ... Where is this kid going to get tuition, etc money? And the answer from UConn is "financial aid". So this kid gives up a full schollie so he can be in debt for the next umpteen years? Now Louisville and SU are doing the same thing btw. I believe Louisville has 3 kids off schollie and now on financial aid. Brandon Reese, from what I have heard,is giving up his schollie for his final year to open up a spot. But these examples are completely different. The reason that UConn has no schollies is b/c the NCAA took away 3 for the year. They needed 1 for Drummond... Too bad, so sad Mr Bradley and a spit in your eye NCAA.
I'm sure Bradley is being taken care of. Financial aid, grants, academic "scholarships" will be readily made available for him. And if you think he will leave UConn with a load of student debt you're being silly. I'm sure this wasn't 100% his decision, therefore he will not be suffering much.
Reese was never a scholarship player (he was a walk on) - he received a scholly beacuase Syracuse did not have 13 on scholarship for a particular year

Completely different from over recruiting and pulling a scholly from a scholarship player
Guys, I've got a great idea to let them know we really don't like this. Wait for it...

Brandon Reese, from what I have heard,is giving up his schollie for his final year to open up a spot. But these examples are completely different.

I was under the impression that Reese got the scholarship because it was available & it was a year by year kinda thing. If he didn't get it, then it was wasted $$. I don't think that is even close to being the same thing that happened @ Calhoun's circus.
Absolutely true ... we had an extra schollie and they gave it to Brandon Reese for the year. True again ... I do not believe Bradley is going to walk out of UConn with any debt and I do believe this was fully discussed with him before he gave up his scholliie for Drummond. That does not make it any less nefarious. Why bother to have any NCAA sanctions for misdeeds if the misdoer finds a way around the sanctions. What is worse is the so-called self-policing by the University admin ... especially when they become partners in the crime!
Brandon Reese, from what I have heard,is giving up his schollie for his final year to open up a spot. But these examples are completely different.

I was under the impression that Reese got the scholarship because it was available & it was a year by year kinda thing. If he didn't get it, then it was wasted $$. I don't think that is even close to being the same thing that happened @ Calhoun's circus.
Curious to know why Reese had to give up his scholarship - by my count we have 12 guys on 'ships. Riley would have been 13. Shouldn't that mean Reese is still good?
We needed the extra scholie to accommodate the full massiveness of THICKBURGER.
Absolutely true ... we had an extra schollie and they gave it to Brandon Reese for the year. True again ... I do not believe Bradley is going to walk out of UConn with any debt and I do believe this was fully discussed with him before he gave up his scholliie for Drummond. That does not make it any less nefarious. Why bother to have any NCAA sanctions for misdeeds if the misdoer finds a way around the sanctions. What is worse is the so-called self-policing by the University admin ... especially when they become partners in the crime!
Yet another example of why the ncaa is unnecessary
He is a better candidate to do this than most of our kids. With no family financial support, he probably qualifies for the maximum non-athlete financial aid. If his academics are good, he could likely go to any Ivy League school for free, whether he played basketball or not.
This is obviously a large loophole that Calhoun is driving a Mac truck through.

It really is improper because 1) The kid was already on scholarship and 2) they used his financial situation to manipulate the system for their own gain.

In reality, 90% of the football schools in the SEC would be able to qualify players on similar financial situations, and allow them into school just on grants, aid, etc. This is a loophole that should be closed. What's to stop The University of Florida from putting guys on "grant aid", and using their open scholarships to go out and get as many players as they need....or maybe they do this already.

The NCAA needs to close the loophole by stating, 1) if a player was recruited to the university by means of an athletic scholarship and 2) enrolled and used that athletic scholarship, then 3) they cannot be reduced to "other financial aid" (removal of scholarship) AND still remain an active member of the athletic team.

When I attended the University of Miami, the QB Ryan Clement did a similar thing. Miami was restricted in schollies because of the Pell Grant scandal. Clement was the starting QB, but went to walk-on status to free up a scholarship. Of course, Clement's family was fairly well off, so he could afford the tuition. I don't mind kids doing that, if their family has the money. Different situation if the kid is poor (like a large amount of D1 athletes are).
Curious to know why Reese had to give up his scholarship - by my count we have 12 guys on 'ships. Riley would have been 13. Shouldn't that mean Reese is still good?
You are right ... for this year we have 12 schollie players and Reese was given 1 that could continue through this year. He's a senior and with his graduaton that gives us 3 available schollies for next year.
I believe that was a 1 year thing following the Devo-Harris-Flynn out. We are up to the 13 available schollies. That is not, however, the reason that UConn lost 3 schollies.
They lost 2 schollies for the rolling APR (academics) and 1 for recruiting violations ... supposedly leaving them with only 10 schollies fo the 2011-2012 season... but we know how that works.
The NCAA needs to close the loophole by stating, 1) if a player was recruited to the university by means of an athletic scholarship .

I think this is the rule. ESPN ran a story about it when Drummond committed; said that a "recruited" athlete can't drop down to a walk-on.

Crooked. But it doesn't surprise me a bit. The NCAA is, as Mike and Tony say, Barney Fife.
I think this is the rule. ESPN ran a story about it when Drummond committed; said that a "recruited" athlete can't drop down to a walk-on.

Crooked. But it doesn't surprise me a bit. The NCAA is, as Mike and Tony say, Barney Fife.

And their president fully supports it.

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