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2019-20 Iggy Co-Winner Leading Frosh Scorer
Aug 18, 2011
Still really bitter about that O$U game?

And by bitter I mean it kind of broke me as a fan.

I don't express this lightly, I have been about as rabid of a fan as you can get since 1983 or so, but I don't think I will be able to invest anywhere near the time and emotional energy into watching athletic contests whose outcome are, ahem, "influenced" by non-athletes.

Granted it is August and we'll see how I feel come November, but, after having pained myself to watch the replay several months later, I cannot be convinced that the outcome of that game was going to ever be different. People can point to a couple blown layups early and other little things that our players didn't execute well enough, but that game was a huge steaming pile of screwjob.

I do not believe my fanaticism will recover. Thanks for that NCAA.

If it somehow does, the calls in first game at the DeanDome/Cameron Indoor with likely deal it a death blow.
That's how i feel about the NBA after watching any game involving the Miami Heat. I consider myself a huge fan of basketball but i'm not going to be able to not remember LeBron James literally pretend to fall over, untouched, 3 times in a game and have a foul called everytime. I'm not hating on LeBron, I'm hating on that damn bald headed ref(idk his name).

As for the Sear-acuse Orr-inge and my college basketball fandom.. well i have new found hope since that one recent retirement.
That's how i feel about the NBA after watching any game involving the Miami Heat. I consider myself a huge fan of basketball but i'm not going to be able to not remember LeBron James literally pretend to fall over, untouched, 3 times in a game and have a foul called everytime. I'm not hating on LeBron, I'm hating on that damn bald headed ref(idk his name).

As for the Sear-acuse Orr-inge and my college basketball fandom.. well i have new found hope since that one recent retirement.

Seriously, he's 260 pounds plus and he goes down like he got hit by a mack truck, when in fact he got 'touched' by a 190 pound guard. And I'm with you about this not being on Lebron, this is on the NBA and star treatment by the refs.
Seriously, he's 260 pounds plus and he goes down like he got hit by a mack truck, when in fact he got 'touched' by a 190 pound guard. And I'm with you about this not being on Lebron, this is on the NBA and star treatment by the refs.

Yet somehow... Derrick Rose, a guy who plays his heart out and just takes a BEATING on the court rarely gets a "star" call. In fact, more often then not they let it go. I've heard people cite the fact that his game is going to the rim and is physical... isn't that LeBron's game too? He's already the best player in the world right now, does he really need the help?

Oh well, someday Stern will go. Hopefully sooner rather than later.
Stern has said he wants to clean up the flopping. I'm not totally sure what his proposal is, but i'm all for it.
Still really bitter about that O$U game?

And by bitter I mean it kind of broke me as a fan.

I don't express this lightly, I have been about as rabid of a fan as you can get since 1983 or so, but I don't think I will be able to invest anywhere near the time and emotional energy into watching athletic contests whose outcome are, ahem, "influenced" by non-athletes.

Granted it is August and we'll see how I feel come November, but, after having pained myself to watch the replay several months later, I cannot be convinced that the outcome of that game was going to ever be different. People can point to a couple blown layups early and other little things that our players didn't execute well enough, but that game was a huge steaming pile of screwjob.

I do not believe my fanaticism will recover. Thanks for that NCAA.

If it somehow does, the calls in first game at the DeanDome/Cameron Indoor with likely deal it a death blow.

I definitely am. My wife is an Ohio State grad, from a family of Ohio State grads, and this topic comes up quite a bit in our household.

Still stings, even several months later. I hate the ing Buckeyes. I used to make a false pretense about being supportive, but not after that game. I'm going to revel in bad things happening to that corrupt program from now on.

That game was the worst officiated I've ever seen in person. We were a better team than OSU, even without Fab, and the game got stolen from us.
Nah. I brush it off due to the horrible officiating.
Stern has said he wants to clean up the flopping. I'm not totally sure what his proposal is, but i'm all for it.

Stern says a lot of things. Hasn't done much good for the actual game of basketball lately though. The one good thing he had done (there are probably a few others, but i'm trying to make a point), changing to a FIBA like synthetic ball he changed course after a couple star players, coaches and owners complained.
That was brutal - we were the better team, OSU got one bad call on Sully and then we were called for foul after foul after foul , even when OSU shoved our guys.. SU got the foul. Scoop/Kris deserved that final four berth. OSU then kerplunked against Kansas. I would have loved to see what Dion would have showed up with if we had a shot at KU and even UK. I would love to see OSU again next year, on our way to a NC and beat the living piss out of them.
The OSU game was hideous, but frankly I am more burned by the absolutely game changing call made at the end of the Marq game the year before - where a ref literally made up a new rule to take away the game from us. And I am MOST burned by the Butler game the year before where KJo was, without exaggeration, suplexed by a guy within 1 foot of a referee who had to dodge the flying bodies in order to make an incorrect out of bounds call in favor Butler at the same time.

I'm so orange-colored-glasses that maybe I am wrong about all these calls. But my god to my mind we have lost a key starter twice in the last three years and been victimized severely by the refs in three out of the last three years to get knocked out of the tournament. It's no wonder JB doesn't have more final fours.
The Marquette call was the worst, to me. That's just missing a rule. There can be more of a grey area with fouls a lot of the time; there's contact on virtually every play. But they just seemingly didn't know the rule in the Marquette game. Kinda like the Giants-Niners playoff game in 03. The Marquette game was tied with 50 seconds left and we had the ball when the call was made, Marquette then came down and hit the 3. We still needed to win that game, it wasn't like we had it in the bag. That of course does not excuse the call being missed.

On the Ohio State game, I haven't watched it since it happened, but I remember there being a god awful call on Triche when he should've had an and-1 and they called it a charge.

I generally try and avoid complaining about one bad foul call or whatever in a close game because I'm sure we were the beneficiary of good calls prior to that. The Marquette game is different because the refs just seemed to forget the rule. And the complaint about the Ohio State game is different because it wasn't just one call.
The OSU game was hideous, but frankly I am more burned by the absolutely game changing call made at the end of the Marq game the year before - where a ref literally made up a new rule to take away the game from us. And I am MOST burned by the Butler game the year before where KJo was, without exaggeration, suplexed by a guy within 1 foot of a referee who had to dodge the flying bodies in order to make an incorrect out of bounds call in favor Butler at the same time.

I'm so orange-colored-glasses that maybe I am wrong about all these calls. But my god to my mind we have lost a key starter twice in the last three years and been victimized severely by the refs in three out of the last three years to get knocked out of the tournament. It's no wonder JB doesn't have more final fours.

For sure Butler and Marquette was worse with the officiating. For me, it was more Dion having a horrible game and Joseph with the (yet again) unforced dribbling off himself out of bounds late in the game a few times. Ugh.
Still really bitter about that O$U game?

And by bitter I mean it kind of broke me as a fan.

I don't express this lightly, I have been about as rabid of a fan as you can get since 1983 or so, but I don't think I will be able to invest anywhere near the time and emotional energy into watching athletic contests whose outcome are, ahem, "influenced" by non-athletes.

Granted it is August and we'll see how I feel come November, but, after having pained myself to watch the replay several months later, I cannot be convinced that the outcome of that game was going to ever be different. People can point to a couple blown layups early and other little things that our players didn't execute well enough, but that game was a huge steaming pile of screwjob.

I do not believe my fanaticism will recover. Thanks for that NCAA.

If it somehow does, the calls in first game at the DeanDome/Cameron Indoor with likely deal it a death blow.

I will always believe the fix was in on that game! I think with the Berny thing they didn't want us to go to the FF4. I saw it from the start Brandon's "charge" with the guy so far under the basket he was damn near out of bounds! There is no way to miss that call! It was an intentional act and I could go on but I wont!...I feel your pain Dnabb5
On the Ohio State game, I haven't watched it since it happened, but I remember there being a god awful call on Triche when he should've had an and-1 and they called it a charge.

That call on the Triche foul at the end of the first half still burns me. He was fouled in the act of shooting but because it didn't hit the rim they declared there was no shot, therefore, no foul. Stupidest call I've seen in a long time. Clock stops when the foul is whistled so the ensuing shot should have counted because the shot clock should have stopped at the same time.
That call on the Triche foul at the end of the first half still burns me. He was fouled in the act of shooting but because it didn't hit the rim they declared there was no shot, therefore, no foul. Stupidest call I've seen in a long time. Clock stops when the foul is whistled so the ensuing shot should have counted because the shot clock should have stopped at the same time.

Again no ref could ever make that mistake its impossible! The rule is clear at every level of bball there is no reason to even go to the monitor...none!
That call on the Triche foul at the end of the first half still burns me. He was fouled in the act of shooting but because it didn't hit the rim they declared there was no shot, therefore, no foul. Stupidest call I've seen in a long time. Clock stops when the foul is whistled so the ensuing shot should have counted because the shot clock should have stopped at the same time.

That was the first round game, but yeah, that was a brutal call.
That was the first round game, but yeah, that was a brutal call.

I keep wondering if I'm misremembering this play. Anyone else have that on youtube or anything?
The losing team in a close game is always going to point to the refs. If you want to advance, you need a little luck, but you also can't put yourself in a position for the game to be decided by one or two calls.

OSU was the better team sans Melo. The refs were a huge distraction and altered the flow of the game, but pound for pound OSU was the better team that night. With Melo, that completely changes the conversation and the refs would have called the game more straight up, but you play with who you've got.
The Marquette call was the worst, to me. That's just missing a rule. There can be more of a grey area with fouls a lot of the time; there's contact on virtually every play. But they just seemingly didn't know the rule in the Marquette game. Kinda like the Giants-Niners playoff game in 03. The Marquette game was tied with 50 seconds left and we had the ball when the call was made, Marquette then came down and hit the 3. We still needed to win that game, it wasn't like we had it in the bag. That of course does not excuse the call being missed.

On the Ohio State game, I haven't watched it since it happened, but I remember there being a god awful call on Triche when he should've had an and-1 and they called it a charge.

I generally try and avoid complaining about one bad foul call or whatever in a close game because I'm sure we were the beneficiary of good calls prior to that. The Marquette game is different because the refs just seemed to forget the rule. And the complaint about the Ohio State game is different because it wasn't just one call.

That call on Triche is forever engrained in me b/c I think Francis had Triche's reaction as his avatar well into the summer. hilarious. never seen any more emotion from Triche as that. sitting on the baseline with his hand's open like wtfff
Yet somehow... Derrick Rose, a guy who plays his heart out and just takes a BEATING on the court rarely gets a "star" call. In fact, more often then not they let it go. I've heard people cite the fact that his game is going to the rim and is physical... isn't that LeBron's game too? He's already the best player in the world right now, does he really need the help?

Oh well, someday Stern will go. Hopefully sooner rather than later.

LeBron is just getting the same #1 star treatment that MJ got. MJ got plenty of brush calls and he got away with more push offs on his drives than any other player I can remember.
I forced myself to re-watch that game a couple of weeks ago and a few things surprised me. I had completely forgotten how close the game actually was. For some reason I remembered it as not being that close. Tied at the half, OSU gets a lead and then we come back and stay within 1 or 2 almost to the end. Down two with maybe 3 minutes left Triche got a pretty clean look at a 3 and missed. Had that gone in, I think we take it. And i have to admit, though the officiating was definitely horrendous, it didn't seem quite as one-sided when I watched again. it was just bad all around. In retrospect the Butler game (KrisJo suplex) and Marquette game (phony over and back) were probably worse.
Tough to get too worked up about bad calls when every game has countless bad calls. Those fat old men aren't very good at their (difficult) jobs. The NCAA long ago let the game get out of hand.

OSU hurt - sorry to see Joseph and Scoop go out without a Final Four - but we weren't likely to beat Kansas on Saturday night. Don't get me wrong. It's disgraceful that those guys called the game as they did, seemingly without repercussions. It's frustrating; even without Fab, I think we were the best team in the East. But there isn't a lot of the "what-if" associated with many of our tournament exits.

Butler was a different story. We were going to run the table without Arinze - tired Kansas State (or Xavier, I forget) on Saturday, short Michgian State the next week, and Duke on Monday night (a great matchup for us).

The officials absolutely decided both of those games, but our sans-Fab ceiling was too low this year, especially given the potential Final Four matchups.

(Also, history has been rewritten to suggest that Sullinger's second foul was a bad call. It wasn't. Dion elevated past him and he turned to push him in the hip. That's a foul. As is dropping a shoulder and plowing through Keita.)
Butler was a different story. We were going to run the table without Arinze - tired Kansas State (or Xavier, I forget) on Saturday, short Michgian State the next week, and Duke on Monday night (a great matchup for us).

The only reason I can't totally agree for sure that we'd have beaten K-State (i forgot too, had to look it up) after their triple OT game is that we had a game the night after our 6 OT game and we won that one. Game even went to OT.
The only reason I can't totally agree for sure that we'd have beaten K-State (i forgot too, had to look it up) after their triple OT game is that we had a game the night after our 6 OT game and we won that one. Game even went to OT.

Hmm, good point. Might not have been the big advantage it seems in the abstract. Would have loved our chances, though.
After the game I went back and checked boxscores going back 20yrs literally and we never played a regulation game where we were called for more than 22 fouls and that includes games where we were fouling intentionally at end of game situations. That game we were called for 29 fouls! Dion fouled out in 20mins of play and James fouled out in 11mins of play! (our best scorer and best 3pt shooter) Aaron Craft was the only player to foul out on their team and he did it in 39mins. Games are fixed by putting a teams best players on the bench in foul trouble of course you have to call a few the other way to make it look above board!

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