why, year after year, do we see numerous motion/formation, offsides/false start, substitution and personal foul penalties seemingly every game?
Missed tackles and wasted time out seem to be a pattern as well.
Marrone's teams just don't seem very disciplined - it's the same foolish mistakes over and over and over again. Marrone holds himself out as a disciplinarian, so what gives?
The fumble on the lateral was horrifying on a number of levels, as was the play of the Special Teams.
I used to defend Marrone, but it's becoming harder and harder to do so.
Loved the play of the offense yesterday, though -- even the Nassib haters had to be impressed.
Missed tackles and wasted time out seem to be a pattern as well.
Marrone's teams just don't seem very disciplined - it's the same foolish mistakes over and over and over again. Marrone holds himself out as a disciplinarian, so what gives?
The fumble on the lateral was horrifying on a number of levels, as was the play of the Special Teams.
I used to defend Marrone, but it's becoming harder and harder to do so.
Loved the play of the offense yesterday, though -- even the Nassib haters had to be impressed.