B. S. O. D. | Syracusefan.com

B. S. O. D.


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
Here's what happened, for those that are interested.

Two weeks ago I started getting what is known as the dreaded "Blue Screen of Death":

All I could do with it was to turn the machine off with the power button and then turn it back on. I got it three times on Tuesday night. The next day I ran a full system scan which took all day but found no virus of any kind: just a few cookies. On Thursday I called the Geek Squad, (the tech service offered by Best Buy) and they established remote access. Their agent also did a scan and was engaged in a clean-up of the computer, (it's a full PC, not a lap-top), when the blue screen popped up again. While calling them back I turned the machine off and on again. I was still on hold when the blue screen re-appeared. the Geek told me he had found nothing wrong with the software so there must be something with the hardware and I should take into the local Best Buy where they could work on the hardware.

I brought it in on Friday and pretty, smiling clerk cheerfully told me it would be ready on Sunday. I got home and the work order, (which identified the problem as "B.S.O.D.", which either meant "Blue Screen of Death" or that the machine had OD'd on BS), said the expected completion date was 1/14/13, which was Monday. But I didn't hear from them until Tuesday, when they said they needed a disc that came with the machine so they could restore it to an earlier version of itself. They'd isolated it to a corrupted driver that helps Windows boot up but had not been able to install a new one. I brought it down and they said it would be ready sometime on Wednesday. I waited all day Wednesday and didn't hear anything so I called in that evening. They said it would be done by Noon Thursday. I didn't hear anything by then so I called them again and was told it was taking a long time to "download the updates" and I could pick it up on Friday. On Friday I drove down and was told they'd been unable to restore it, (every time they thought it was done they got a screen asking if they wanted to restore it all over again). They asked if I wanted it back "as is". I asked them to hook it up to a monitor to show me what the definition of 'is' was. They couldn't even boot it up. I told them they could have it for recycling and walked over to the sale department to buy a new machine.

People keep urging me to "get a Mac". The Macs they had on display cost 3-4 times as much as the CPUs and lacked the capability to insert the CD-RW I had saved all my writings on. I was told I'd need to buy something extra for that. I hadn't been able to transfer anything from my first computer to my second back in 2003 because of a compatibility problem. I didn't want to go through that again so I opted for another PC. The clerk said Dells had a bad reputation these days, (my first Dell last 6 1/2 years and still worked- it just didn't have enough RAM-, this one lass than 3), so I bought a Hewlett-Packard. They have a service where a Geek will come out to your house and hook everything up for you, which I requested since I have the technical skill of a Neanderthal. Because of the games and Saturday and Monday, I couldn't get an appointment until today and I'm finally back on line.

Unfortunately, I've run into a glitch in transferring my files to the new computer. My second computer had WORD and when the disc I made for that one was inserted into my third computer, which had WORKS, It made a WORKS copy of it for storage on the new machine. But this machine has WORD and WORD doesn't seem to like anything done on WORKS. I've found I can open a document using WORD but not keep it. But I can highlight, copy and then paste onto a WORD page and it will save that if I ask it to. So I've got a lot of work to do the next few days.

The vacation from the internet hasn't been all bad. I've gotten around to doing several of the chores I never got to because I was ODing on the BS here. I've got the cleanest closets in North Syracuse. Now I can get back to being useless.
Welcome back.

And get a Mac.
Welcome Back. We missed you. How about a report on the Coach's Show last week?
My solution is to have a next-door neighbor who is a geek and "owes" me because I routinely supply his family from the overabundance of vegetables I grow in my garden. Before I figured that out, I usually was without my home desktop for at least a week at a time while being fixed. Thanks for reminding me that I should do another backup on my 2 TB external hard drive.
Welcome back. Please, always do yourself a favor and get the full version of Office and never the one without MS Word. Software engineer here, and sorry about your data problems. But again:
  • Office with Word
  • Get a large external hard drive, at least 1 Terrabyte (backup important data at least once per month if possible)
  • Protect yourself with two free products for home use, Malware Bytes and Avast antivirus. Not only are they free, but they are not "memory hogs" meaning your pc is free to perform faster by concentrating on other processes.
Then, uninstall Norton or whatever junk came with your pc to begin with. These and other "freebies" that came with the pc sometimes slow you down, and even are considered themselves "spyware".

You will then live the rest of your life virus free, even though this sounds like hardware failure.

By the way, I'm that next-door neighbor geek ;)
Welcome back. Please, always do yourself a favor and get the full version of Office and never the one without MS Word. Software engineer here, and sorry about your data problems. But again:
  • Office with Word
  • Get a large external hard drive, at least 1 Terrabyte (backup important data at least once per month if possible)
  • Protect yourself with two free products for home use, Malware Bytes and Avast antivirus. Not only are they free, but they are not "memory hogs" meaning your pc is free to perform faster by concentrating on other processes.
Then, uninstall Norton or whatever junk came with your pc to begin with. These and other "freebies" that came with the pc sometimes slow you down, and even are considered themselves "spyware".

You will then live the rest of your life virus free, even though this sounds like hardware failure.

By the way, I'm that next-door neighbor geek ;)

I had them take out Norton and put in Trend Micro, which I had with my last one and which seemed to work fine and not slow things down. I do back up my stuff. What is the purpose of the external hard drive? And do you have any ideas about how to get WORD to accept WORKS documents, (as WORKS accepted WORD before?).
Welcome back. Please, always do yourself a favor and get the full version of Office and never the one without MS Word. Software engineer here, and sorry about your data problems. But again:
  • Office with Word
  • Get a large external hard drive, at least 1 Terrabyte (backup important data at least once per month if possible)
  • Protect yourself with two free products for home use, Malware Bytes and Avast antivirus. Not only are they free, but they are not "memory hogs" meaning your pc is free to perform faster by concentrating on other processes.
Then, uninstall Norton or whatever junk came with your pc to begin with. These and other "freebies" that came with the pc sometimes slow you down, and even are considered themselves "spyware".

You will then live the rest of your life virus free, even though this sounds like hardware failure.

By the way, I'm that next-door neighbor geek ;)

Mine came with McAfee. Should I get rid of that and install the other 2?
Believe it or not, a Western Digital external hard drive, like the very popular Passport, has an unusual problem that can wreck your computer. After a couple of years the external drive crashes in such a way that it makes your computer virtually unusable. Western Digital is not acknowledging the problem but they have a new driver. This problem is becoming more prevalent and it is discussed on geek chatrooms. It happened to me. Fortunately, I have a very good virus program, G Data from Germany. I ran it for three days due to the fact that my computer was reduced to an abacus. The virus program finally identified the corrupt Western Digital external drive as a virus and quaranteed it, upon which my computer was immediately brought back from the dead. I trashed the Western Digital and bought a Seagatge external drive. Everything is copesthetic now. Out of curiosity I tried to load the new WD driver. My virus program works on the principle that once a virus is identified anything with similar elements cannot be reloaded. Therefore, I could never test the new driver, not that I would trust it over the long run.

Not saying that this is what happened to you. I never got a blue screen but my computer reacted by working so slowly that it was unusable. It is possible that your blue screen was due to a buggy WD Passport, if you happened to have one. Since there are only two brands and you had an external drive there is a 50:50 chance that you had a Western Digital external drive for your backup.
Mine came with McAfee. Should I get rid of that and install the other 2?
  • Install above mentioned products
  • Do a "quick" scan once you set up Malware Bytes
  • If it found things, follow directions, restart if it asks, etc then do a full scan
  • If it found nothing, uninstall mcafee. i will put my messaging on this site so u can email me if u have trouble with the above steps
  • Should be good to go and faster!
BTW, if Malware Bytes and/or Avast ask for email to register, its ok, no spam, no junk, just need an account associated, but always do the free choices.
  • Install above mentioned products
  • Do a "quick" scan once you set up Malware Bytes
  • If it found things, follow directions, restart if it asks, etc then do a full scan
  • If it found nothing, uninstall mcafee. i will put my messaging on this site so u can email me if u have trouble with the above steps
  • Should be good to go and faster!
BTW, if Malware Bytes and/or Avast ask for email to register, its ok, no spam, no junk, just need an account associated, but always do the free choices.

Downloiaded malware bytes and doing a scan and it says it detected 152 objects so far. This is with McAfee running.
I had them take out Norton and put in Trend Micro, which I had with my last one and which seemed to work find and not slow things down. I do back up my stuff. What is the purpose of the external hard drive? And do you have any ideas about how to get WORD to accept WORKS documents, (as WORKS accepted WORD before?).
Trend's ok, my buddy works for them, but to be honest, another memory hog. And for the works to word files, I'm pretty sure I've been down that road before and have straightened out similar ones for my wife. Might have to walk you through it, or if you want, you can email me a sample file, see if it works, etc. But this is a matter of saving to the right format, should be easy with a little elbow grease.
Send over a private message and I'll give you my email address, just give me a bit, and might have to work on it tomorrow.
Downloiaded malware bytes and doing a scan and it says it detected 152 objects so far. This is with McAfee running.
LOL, always! I have saved my friend's porno'd up pc a bunch of times. Yeah, let it delete the objects, etc when all are done, but for sure, you will be dumping McAfee after this.
Mine came with McAfee. Should I get rid of that and install the other 2?

As fast as you can.. I like to repair PC's myself and tee gave good advice. Sounds like SWC had a bad hard drive or possibly power supply (I think most of the time they are the culprits but of course it could have been a bad driver too) but the first thing I do is try another HD & PS they are pretty easy.
As fast as you can.. I like to repair PC's myself and tee gave good advice. Sounds like SWC had a bad hard drive or possibly power supply (I think most of the time they are the culprits but of course it could have been a bad driver too) but the first thing I do is try another HD & PS they are pretty easy.
Yup, corrupt hard drive or even physical failure of it or another piece of hardware.
Downloiaded malware bytes and doing a scan and it says it detected 152 objects so far. This is with McAfee running.
Sounds like you're doing well. If this is the initial "quick" scan I was mentioning, let it do it's thing and when it asks you, pick next or finished, etc to delete or default removal of them.
Let me know if any said Trojan Horse, Virus, etc since those actually sometimes, self-install again upon startup.
That's why after, if it asks you to restart, say yes, then do the full scan again, and get some popcorn like you're going to watch the Godfather Trilogy bro.
You should be able to open a .wps document in Word and convert it to Word format when you save it.

I convert Works spreadsheets to Excel all the time.
Sounds like you're doing well. If this is the initial "quick" scan I was mentioning, let it do it's thing and when it asks you, pick next or finished, etc to delete or default removal of them.
Let me know if any said Trojan Horse, Virus, etc since those actually sometimes, self-install again upon startup.
That's why after, if it asks you to restart, say yes, then do the full scan again, and get some popcorn like you're going to watch the Godfather Trilogy bro.

Still scanning. I removed McAfee and will run the full scan when it finishes. Thanks!
The worse virus I ever had I got while running Trend Micro.

I never got a bad one with trend Micro, (altho9ugh it removed a couple. My worst one was with McAfee on my third computer. Spybot got rid of it but them McAfee decided it wouldn't work with Spybot so I got rid of McAfee. My present problems, as far as anyone can tell, have nothing to do with a virus.

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