The rumor that an SU player didn't want to beat Pittsburgh because they didn't want to go to aminor bowl, if true, says a lot.
I am very much the old man on the porch here. I still have a book called "Big Bowl Football", bought in the 60's, that I used to love reading to dream about having the sort of team that could go to a bowl game, (which we did a few times). I just can't get it out of my mind that a bowl is supposed to be a reward for a special season, nor do I want to. Reading articles of the bowls sticking the schools for buying a certain number of tickets when nthey will enver sell that many seats jsut so the bowls can make money hardens my opinion on this.
There should be an 8 win ro top 25 ranking minimum, (with a maximum of one FCS team on the schedule) for no more than a dozen bowls.