C-MAC Hasn't Had His Surgery Yet | Syracusefan.com

C-MAC Hasn't Had His Surgery Yet

Well the sooner he has it, the sooner he can rehab it, the sooner he can play. Couple weeks might not mean anything; months? start worrying.
I think he tore his ACL on the jump, the swelling was from the landing full force without lateral support causing the knee to buckle in the wrong direction. I'm not at all surprised that he still has swelling but as andyw715 says another few weeks without surgery you have to wonder when he can be back. If he could have landed only on the other foot or even fallen down rather than putting all that weight and force on the knee he may have been able to have surgery as soon as they could schedule it.
Probably not a big deal. I've seen cases where patients had to wait 4 weeks for road rash or similar skin abrasions to heal - risk of infection is a serious issue with knee surgeries. That said, ACLs can now be handled with minimally invasive surgery - so slightly less of a concern. I suspect he's getting the best of care and significant complications are highly unlikely.
I know our HS kid blew out his knee in fball week one and they didnt do surgery until after xmas and he was back for golf season, i know thats less stress but still requires quite the range of motion. really even before he probably wasnt coming back until the new year no matter when he had the surgery.
It's not unusual for it to take 3-4 weeks for the swelling to go down in these instances.
It's not unusual for it to take 3-4 weeks for the swelling to go down in these instances.

I saw a commercial during the game that said immediately seek attention if it didn't go down after 4 hours. Of course attention can mean different things to different people.
CaptainJ said:
I saw a commercial during the game that said immediately seek attention if it didn't go down after 4 hours. Of course attention can mean different things to different people.

I thought you were supposed to call more women, in that situation?
I saw a commercial during the game that said immediately seek attention if it didn't go down after 4 hours. Of course attention can mean different things to different people.

It goes something like this.
You: "What do you mean your finished?"
Her: "ahhhnnn"
You: "Where's your phone?"
Her: "Over there, why?"
You: "I'm going to invite some of your girlfriends over."
It goes something like this.
You: "What do you mean your finished?"
Her: "ahhhnnn"
You: "Where's your phone?"
Her: "Over there, why?"
You: "I'm going to invite some of your girlfriends over."

Now see JarHeadJim, this is similar to what I meant when I mentioned you in the "Imagine"(Grant) thread. ;)

Jordoo, if her phone is light on friends, we could always find inspiration from the 5 Hour Energy thread.

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