Calling Ticky Tack Fouls wont Clean up the game, but i know what will |

Calling Ticky Tack Fouls wont Clean up the game, but i know what will


There are FIVE letters in the name BLAIN.
Aug 27, 2011
Widen the damn lane and push out the three point line. At LEAST widen the lane. I don't understand how the "experts" that determine things cant see that they are treating a symptom and not a disease.

The problem is congestion. Space the players out and give them wider and better angles to attack from and scoring will go up organically rather than simply by teams piling up points from the line.

And also, extend that stupid mini arc out under the basket. Its useless right now. Basically you have to be directly underneath the rim to be in the restricted area.

These are BIG ATHLETIC DUDES. Why is everything miniaturized vs the pros?

narrower lane, shorter three point shot, tiny little restricted arc.

Its as if the the rules are in place for a game between Peter Dinklage and Warwick Davis.
Adopt as many NBA rules as possible.

It makes the game better plus it makes the college game more appealing to the elite guys that will start having more and more alternatives to college prior to going pro.

Think about how much bigger the average NBA team is than the average college team. Then think about how less congested an NBA game seems. And contrary to popular belief, these dudes are playing hard D. With the players spaced out, it takes more than the college bunny hop to draw a BS charge on a help defense effort.
Think about how much bigger the average NBA team is than the average college team. Then think about how less congested an NBA game seems. And contrary to popular belief, these dudes are playing hard D. With the players spaced out, it takes more than the college bunny hop to draw a BS charge on a help defense effort.

I think the college game is basically unwatchable. I watch Syracuse because I'm a huge fan. But I'm a huge NBA fan.
I think the college game is basically unwatchable. I watch Syracuse because I'm a huge fan. But I'm a huge NBA fan.

It makes sense that the pro game is better to watch. But the rivalries in the college game are more exciting. I wouldn't be so down on it if the refs weren't so horrible and not just in SU games. I'm watching less than in the past.
Widen the damn lane and push out the three point line. At LEAST widen the lane. I don't understand how the "experts" that determine things cant see that they are treating a symptom and not a disease.

The problem is congestion. Space the players out and give them wider and better angles to attack from and scoring will go up organically rather than simply by teams piling up points from the line.

And also, extend that stupid mini arc out under the basket. Its useless right now. Basically you have to be directly underneath the rim to be in the restricted area.

These are BIG ATHLETIC DUDES. Why is everything miniaturized vs the pros?

narrower lane, shorter three point shot, tiny little restricted arc.

Its as if the the rules are in place for a game between Peter Dinklage and Warwick Davis.

My problem with the arc is its used to determine thne call. Outside the arc is always a charge inside a block. They domt even look to see if they are actually set. Get rid of the charge completely and make teams play defense. And it shouldn't take 3 seconds to make the call
They should seriously consider going to nba rule and giving a player 6 fouls.
Think about how much bigger the average NBA team is than the average college team. Then think about how less congested an NBA game seems. And contrary to popular belief, these dudes are playing hard D. With the players spaced out, it takes more than the college bunny hop to draw a BS charge on a help defense effort.

100% agree. I hate the charge call. It's stupid, the officials screw it up every year, you don't need your feet set and I'm still bitter about the calls on Triche in 2012 and 2013 in both of our tourney losses those years.
My problem with the arc is its used to determine thne call. Outside the arc is always a charge inside a block. They domt even look to see if they are actually set. Get rid of the charge completely and make teams play defense. And it shouldn't take 3 seconds to make the call

I agree - I think they do now have the tendency to just see if the feet are outside of the restricted circle and let that guide the call. The circle itself is the focus - not the movement.

"OMG, at the last second you leaped out of the circle and and in the way of the oncoming offensive player. Charge!"
100% agree. I hate the charge call. It's stupid, the officials screw it up every year, you don't need your feet set and I'm still bitter about the calls on Triche in 2012 and 2013 in both of our tourney losses those years.

They should extend the arc to the NBA length and make it much easier for the refs to call.

Was the offensive guy in motion to score before the defender was in place? Yes? It's a block. Period. Bang bang? It's a block.

The charge should only be a deterrent to players lacking skill. You shouldn't be able to wildy bull your way to a bucket and knock over defenders playing good D.

As an add on to my overall "make it more like the NBA", this will help college players get used to NBA calls.

People always harp on the zone not preparing guys for the NBA, what about when Duke had flopping as their basic defense (yes, I'm obviously exaggerating)?

The rules should discourage taking a charge in place of playing defense. It doesn't prepare them for the NBA, increases the chance of injury and is bad for the fans watching it.
Most fouls are committed by players who are out of position. And most coaches can't teach legal guarding position because they themselves don't know what it is.

And that, IMHO, is the problem.

edit: Another thing, stop swiping at the ball, and stop trying to block every shot. That will clean up much of the rest of the "foul problem."
The restricted arc was bumped out to 4 feet (same as NBA) this season, was it not?

Widening the lane might work by forcing Centers further out to avoid offensive 3 second calls, but I'm worried it would come with the defensive 3 seconds rule. Getting rid of zone defense as we know it would be terrible and it's the one area of the game I do not want to see end up like pro ball. I'm biased though because I think the idea that you're not allowed to camp your tallest player right at the rim in the first place is ridiculous; the rule never should have been created (end rant).

Right now, college ball doesn't have enough offense and NBA ball has too much offense. IDK the answer, and it is possible more NBA rules would improve the college game, but adopting all NBA rules would be the worst thing to happen in my life lol.
I like the idea that the secondary defender can't take a charge. That makes sense to me.
Widening the lane doesn't accomplish anything without defensive 3 seconds.
Allow only four players. Not only is the floor less crowded but everybody instantly has more depth.

Oh, you wanted something they actually might do... :rolleyes:
Just get rid of the charge in the lane call altogether. Without the charge, guys won't be flopping on defense (see Wisconsin and Georgetown). Without the desire to get a charge called, kids might actually start moving their feet more and playing some defense. It would also increase the importance of shot blockers and potentially see scoring go up.

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