Clemson fan. Hope your QB |

Clemson fan. Hope your QB


Walk On
Mar 17, 2014
is ok and can play next week. I have no doubt that impacted the game tremendously. Never like to see a guy get hurt. Scary moment. Your coach was extraordinarily gracious in his post game interview. I realize we are a hated team right now. I felt the same about FSU for a long time.

Good to have you in the conference. Make a bowl and win it
I hate the kid got hurt but not sure about the Boulware call out on that hit. O'Daniel is the one who was high on that tackle.

I think most of the venom here is directed at the suplex he got flagged for, not the Dungey hit.

I figured as much. That type of tackle seems to go over well with the fans of the team doing the tackling and not so much with the fans on the receiving end. Bama did the same think to a kid from WKU early this season with no flag and he didnt even have the ball. Anyway, I hate that Dungy got hurt in our game. I have watched him a few times this season and kid seems to make really go decisions at where to go with the ball and when to pull it down and run. Any word on his condition??
I figured as much. That type of tackle seems to go over well with the fans of the team doing the tackling and not so much with the fans on the receiving end. Bama did the same think to a kid from WKU early this season with no flag and he didnt even have the ball. Anyway, I hate that Dungy got hurt in our game. I have watched him a few times this season and kid seems to make really go decisions at where to go with the ball and when to pull it down and run. Any word on his condition??

The University is notoriously tight lipped about injuries, especially those potentially involving the head. I expect the obligatory press release this week stating that Dungey suffered an "upper body injury" and for him to be out next week and possibly for the season. No venom here, I thought it was a clean hit and a good football play.

Good luck the rest of the way!
Thanks for the kind words. I generally like Swinney and believe he cares about the program and his team but he lost character points with me when he didn't bench Boulware after the wrestling move that could have permanently injured a player. That is shear stupidity and the kid should be benched for the season and if it happens again, kicked out. Swinney wants a good reputation and needs to send clear messages about behaviors that are not tolerated. Play hard, tackle hard, don't be stupid or attempt to injure someone.

This play, and many other Boulware plays, will not be forgotten and Clemson will pay a price down the road when someone gets too perturbed off. Swinney is too good a coach to allow that kind of behavior and, frankly, Clemson is too good of a team to want that kind of play around them. If Boulware is not benched, as well as any other team penalties, Clemson will win out under a cloud of cheating. Expect it. Besides, Saban would cry so loud as to have anything close to that happen to his players (never mind that he would allow his players to get away with anything), might as well nip it in the bud now as to let Clemson depend on his idiocy.
Thanks for the kind words. I generally like Swinney and believe he cares about the program and his team but he lost character points with me when he didn't bench Boulware after the wrestling move that could have permanently injured a player. That is shear stupidity and the kid should be benched for the season and if it happens again, kicked out. Swinney wants a good reputation and needs to send clear messages about behaviors that are not tolerated. Play hard, tackle hard, don't be stupid or attempt to injure someone.

This play, and many other Boulware plays, will not be forgotten and Clemson will pay a price down the road when someone gets too perturbed off. Swinney is too good a coach to allow that kind of behavior and, frankly, Clemson is too good of a team to want that kind of play around them. If Boulware is not benched, as well as any other team penalties, Clemson will win out under a cloud of cheating. Expect it. Besides, Saban would cry so loud as to have anything close to that happen to his players (never mind that he would allow his players to get away with anything), might as well nip it in the bud now as to let Clemson depend on his idiocy.

You sure about that?? Flag but nothing from the Almighty Saban on this one and the one that happened this season against WKU.

You sure about that?? Flag but nothing from the Almighty Saban on this one and the one that happened this season against WKU.

Saban lacks character, the double standard means nothing to him. Swinney is a man who promotes his "good" character.

Regardless, you are defending a wrestling move that can permanently injure a person. You are all for every team pursuing such against Clemson players. We are clear, you approve of cheating (breaking the rules is cheating, regardless of whether a flag is thrown or not!). You can defend Boulware all you like, he is a fool and cheater. Swinney is a fool for letting him play. Clemson players are fools for letting him play. If Clemson players don't ant frivolous injuries, they should not want a teammate doing so to others. That is why there are rules.

Football is not combat. It is not war. This foolish mentality is so wrong, only morons think this way. Football is a sport, governed and played with rules. I like Watson, but he will be the most likely target of opposition aggression to get "even" for a Boulware move. He will have the ball the most and will be vulnerable the most, thus the easiest target. Boulware is worth nothing in comparison to Watson, yet Boulware's actions may jeopardize Watson.

Anyway, keep on cheering for your cheater. Your character has been revealed and it is lacking. Clemson has no character. Swinney has lost all his good will. If he wins a championship, he will be seen as Saban lite.
Boulware reminds me of dudes who would go on roid rages in the 90s. Yeah you're strong and tough but let's see what you're like without the juice!
I know I'm in the minority here but I'd basically put the Boulware suplex in the same category as Dungey whipping the BC defender out of bounds. Both players lost their cool after the whistle & did something dumb...Boulware is simply stronger. I will say that while I certainly don't view ED as "dirty", I would label Boulware as such because of his history of conduct.

I know I constantly present this argument & it's the same across the board for every fanbase but, if an SU player performed the exact same suplex, it would be celebrated as a board meme & probably even a few posters' avatars.
in the chat i called roid rage. the intent on the suplex was not to tackle but to injure. dude should have been ejected and not re- instated til tested.
I'm honestly asking because I don't know, does juicing happen a lot in CFB?
I hate the kid got hurt but not sure about the Boulware call out on that hit. O'Daniel is the one who was high on that tackle.


I was at the game. He's a PUNK! During the majority of the first quarter he constantly stared & barked out garbage at the SU sidelines.
at the end of the day I blame the refs. Toss the kid out and see how many other people try to suplex another player. I'll ask Boulware what kind of PED's he was on when I see him at the instant oil change place five years from now.

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