Thanks for the kind words. I generally like Swinney and believe he cares about the program and his team but he lost character points with me when he didn't bench Boulware after the wrestling move that could have permanently injured a player. That is shear stupidity and the kid should be benched for the season and if it happens again, kicked out. Swinney wants a good reputation and needs to send clear messages about behaviors that are not tolerated. Play hard, tackle hard, don't be stupid or attempt to injure someone.
This play, and many other Boulware plays, will not be forgotten and Clemson will pay a price down the road when someone gets too perturbed off. Swinney is too good a coach to allow that kind of behavior and, frankly, Clemson is too good of a team to want that kind of play around them. If Boulware is not benched, as well as any other team penalties, Clemson will win out under a cloud of cheating. Expect it. Besides, Saban would cry so loud as to have anything close to that happen to his players (never mind that he would allow his players to get away with anything), might as well nip it in the bud now as to let Clemson depend on his idiocy.