CNNSI: Is independence hurting Notre Dame in BCS title race? |

CNNSI: Is independence hurting Notre Dame in BCS title race?

Kansas State and Oregon are winning games that aren't even close. Against similar competition, at worst.

ND beat a losing Pitt team at home in multiple overtimes, when Pitt missed an easy kick that wins it.

This isn't that hard to figure out.

If Alabama and Georgia were ranked higher than ND, then that would be a different story.
What a bunch of f*ckin crybabies. .
I hope ND loses to Wake Forest and shuts them up.
I'd like to thank Pitt for allowing this clown show to continue. ONE FRIGGIN FG. Just one! And this is a non issue.

Thank you, Pitt. Thank you very much.
Kansas State and Oregon are winning games that aren't even close. Against similar competition, at worst.

ND beat a losing Pitt team at home in multiple overtimes, when Pitt missed an easy kick that wins it.

This isn't that hard to figure out.

If Alabama and Georgia were ranked higher than ND, then that would be a different story.

Yeah, as about the only ND supporter on this board I don't really think they have a leg to stand on. I think the thing that always sucks about a situation like this is you're reduced to the transitive property of sports and hypotheticals, which just seems absurd. But ultimately ND is pretty lucky to be undefeated right now.

There is also the fact that you can look at them and pick out some pretty glaring holes, like at WR and QB.
What a bunch of f*ckin crybabies. .

I know what you mean because if SU were undefeated right now and they were saying the same things about us -- which they would be -- I'm sure our board would be handling it with tremendous perspective and dignity. seem to be missing a point:

"However, the commissioners' most heated debate last spring was whether or not winning one's conference championship should be a required entry point to the playoff. They ultimately compromised, thus allowing Notre Dame to remain an independent, but not without stressing that conference titles will be a point of emphasis."

This is one of the causes for Notre Dame to fully join the ACC...if Notre Dame joins fully the TV contract rises Notre Dame's concern and let them know that the way to correct this is to become a full ACC member...geez...and i dont need a Jack and Coke to figure this out.

ND also fumbled the ball away on the inch line prior to Pitt's miss. Both teams tried to give that game away, only Pitt succeeded.
I know what you mean because if SU were undefeated right now and they were saying the same things about us -- which they would be -- I'm sure our board would be handling it with tremendous perspective and dignity.

If only we had this board back in 1987. Would be a classic example. I'm sure our fans were going nuts by mailing letters to each other or standing by the coffee pot at work. Whatever the kids were doing those days.

And I can't see how we'd think we were better than Miami or Oklahoma that year, but I'm sure many feel that way.
I know what you mean because if SU were undefeated right now and they were saying the same things about us -- which they would be -- I'm sure our board would be handling it with tremendous perspective and dignity.

Hey now! We are nothing but dignified seem to be missing a point:

"However, the commissioners' most heated debate last spring was whether or not winning one's conference championship should be a required entry point to the playoff. They ultimately compromised, thus allowing Notre Dame to remain an independent, but not without stressing that conference titles will be a point of emphasis."

This is one of the causes for Notre Dame to fully join the ACC...if Notre Dame joins fully the TV contract rises Notre Dame's concern and let them know that the way to correct this is to become a full ACC member...geez...and i dont need a Jack and Coke to figure this out.

So... I should actually be thanking Pittsburgh for blowing that game, huh? Had Pitt beaten ND, we wouldn't have any of this debate right now. No debate, no added pressure on ND to reflect on their Title situation going forward.

I hearby retract my previous post condemning Pittsburgh for this mess. I salute Pitt's kicker for shanking that ball! Great job, kid!!!!
ND continues to gently prepare it's lunatic older fanbase to join a conference.

I don't know -- i don't blame them for taking their time joining a fan base. I'm not really sure why they would do it unless they had to, especially since all these conferences continually realign, especially on the east coast which is where a pretty fair amount of ND's identity is rooted. As much as people hate ND, they truly are different. They have a national following and most of the country is divided along ND lines (love them or hate them). Gives them a lot of leverage.
I don't know -- i don't blame them for taking their time joining a fan base. I'm not really sure why they would do it unless they had to, especially since all these conferences continually realign, especially on the east coast which is where a pretty fair amount of ND's identity is rooted. As much as people hate ND, they truly are different. They have a national following and most of the country is divided along ND lines (love them or hate them). Gives them a lot of leverage.

I don't blame ND either. And agree that they are in the unique position of being able to thrive as an independent.

I do think that the administration there understands that long-term, someday, a full conference affiliation may be necessary. Maybe not. But maybe. So I think they're preparing their fan base in case that occurs.

As it is they will be playing 63% of an ACC conference schedule.
I don't blame ND either. And agree that they are in the unique position of being able to thrive as an independent.

I do think that the administration there understands that long-term, someday, a full conference affiliation may be necessary. Maybe not. But maybe. So I think they're preparing their fan base in case that occurs.

As it is they will be playing 63% of an ACC conference schedule.
I think as time passes, they'll be independent in name only.
Yeah, as about the only ND supporter on this board I don't really think they have a leg to stand on. I think the thing that always sucks about a situation like this is you're reduced to the transitive property of sports and hypotheticals, which just seems absurd. But ultimately ND is pretty lucky to be undefeated right now.

There is also the fact that you can look at them and pick out some pretty glaring holes, like at WR and QB.

Don't we all wish we could be lucky to be undefeated. ND deserves their ranking.

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