Consensus on Fab seems pretty low |

Consensus on Fab seems pretty low


All Conference
Aug 16, 2011
I've read very few good things regarding the Celtics taking Fab (not on this board, just general fan/media reactions).

Why all the disrespect. This guy was really really good in college, and showed some pretty impressive mobility for a guy with his body type.

I think people are expecting him to be a major bust. Sure, it's possible, but I think it's at least equally likely that he becomes a valuable rotation guy on a good team.

Seems to me there is a major disconnect between what this guy did in college, and what every one thinks he is capable of.
Same reason some people on this board dont care for him. They dont doubt his potential, they doubt if he could care less.

Stephen A Smith emphatically loved the Fab pick for Boston on SportsCenter fwiw.
I think it comes down to instane gratification. People have this idea that if a guy is a first rounder he needs to be a star right away, which is very rare.

Any Celtics fan who watched the playoffs knows that we played the majority of the time without a true center. Garnett was in the middle but offensively he plays z17 feet out. Defensively he played more of a help defense role which worked well, but we may have been better off with a true anchor in the middle and then allow Garnett to float.

I think it is a solid get even if he contributes little offensively.
I've read very few good things regarding the Celtics taking Fab (not on this board, just general fan/media reactions).

Why all the disrespect. This guy was really really good in college, and showed some pretty impressive mobility for a guy with his body type.

I think people are expecting him to be a major bust. Sure, it's possible, but I think it's at least equally likely that he becomes a valuable rotation guy on a good team.

Seems to me there is a major disconnect between what this guy did in college, and what every one thinks he is capable of.
Here is a link to an article that Orangeyes posted from Chris Mannix. He loves the pick. Also based on what longislandcuse posted from Stephen A. Smith, I would tend to agree. Not many people like Stephen A, but the guy knows what he is talking about.
Block a few shots, take some charges, grab some boards and clean up around the rim. I think his biggest struggle will be learning defensive philosophies and rotations, and I honestly haven't got a clue how he'll react in a pick and roll defense. He can have a long career if he wants it.
Stephen A Smith emphatically loved the Fab pick for Boston on SportsCenter fwiw.

Makes me skeptical of the pick.

Look, the fact of the matter is he probably isn't going to do much. Most guys picked in the 20's don't become much in the NBA. I think we as fans generally tend to overrate our own guys, which is only natural.

But Fab has some things going for him; he's a legit 7 footer, he can run the floor. He's going to block some shots at the next level, for sure. His offense has a long long way to go. Assuming Boston brings KG back, he'll have a good guy to learn from.
He was picked at 22 so hard to say anyone picked late can be a bust. Imo the bust label should be reserved for the top 5-10 guys.

I agree with most others here. If he is motivated he can have a very solid career. If he doesn't care and gets out of shape he will could be done after 2 or 3 years. Up to him really. Lets hope he learned a few lessons here at Syracuse that stick with him.
It all depends on KG, if he comes back Melo is a good backup center that allows KG to shift to the 4 at times and can play the Perkins role. If KG doesn't come back, Melo is a backup center next to a (likely) crappy 4 and he won't look great in that role (at least not right away).
I've read very few good things regarding the Celtics taking Fab (not on this board, just general fan/media reactions).

Why all the disrespect. This guy was really really good in college, and showed some pretty impressive mobility for a guy with his body type.

I think people are expecting him to be a major bust. Sure, it's possible, but I think it's at least equally likely that he becomes a valuable rotation guy on a good team.

Seems to me there is a major disconnect between what this guy did in college, and what every one thinks he is capable of.

Not sure I agree with that premise. There can be an enormous difference between being an integral part of one's top-3 college team (which Fab unquestionably was) and being a really good player (which very few people think Fab was).

Good shot-blocker, not a very good catcher or finisher, and a downright poor (for his size) rebounder. And no one knows what kind of man defense he'll play. There's reason for skepticism, though it's probably true that some of the doubts would be expressed if it weren't for past fitness and suspension problems. "Lazy" can be a tough tag to shake.
Not sure I agree with that premise. There can be an enormous difference between being an integral part of one's top-3 college team (which Fab unquestionably was) and being a really good player (which very few people think Fab was).

Good shot-blocker, not a very good catcher or finisher, and a downright poor (for his size) rebounder. And no one knows what kind of man defense he'll play. There's reason for skepticism, though it's probably true that some of the doubts would be expressed if it weren't for past fitness and suspension problems. "Lazy" can be a tough tag to shake.

He's also not the quickest guy in the world. Yes, he gets down the floor because he runs well enough for a big guy, but he is not quick in the post nor is he dominant. His movements are very deliberate.

If KG comes back for another year (am assuming so), it will give him a year to teach Fab. That's huge...for Fab to listen and learn from KG and Pierce (and Doc too). I think Fab will grow a lot in maturity and playing ability under those guys. This will set the table for Fab taking over once they all retire if not before (if all goes as planned of course).
I think Fab's lack of rebounding is a function of his shotblocking aggressiveness. He often moved out of position to attempt to block shots and his body would be moving away from the basket. If he learned to challenge shots and then turn and box out and rebound aggressively, he could be a heck of a rebounder.
You pair him with Sullinger in the future and you have some good bigs. Sullinger can focus on offense and rebounding. Melo can focus on Defense and rebounding. Hopefully Melo can improve his offense. Not bad.

You could potentially see a Melo, Sullinger, and Joseph front line down the road. Doubt that would ever happen but you never know.
Block a few shots, take some charges, grab some boards and clean up around the rim. I think his biggest struggle will be learning defensive philosophies and rotations, and I honestly haven't got a clue how he'll react in a pick and roll defense. He can have a long career if he wants it.
Tough to learn defensive philosophies and rotations when you don't speak English. ;)
You could potentially see a Melo, Sullinger, and Joseph front line down the road. Doubt that would ever happen but you never know.

As a Knick fan I would love to see this

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