CTO, why can't we use the ACC money... | Syracusefan.com

CTO, why can't we use the ACC money...


All Conference
Aug 16, 2011
Pardon my ignorance, but I don't see where anyone has answered this directly. Why can't we use the ACC money?

If everything we've read is true and we actually are 1 to 2 years away from receiving a windfall of ACC cash, then why can't we simply take a bond against those funds? We are a full-share member right from the start, correct?

From what CTO has said, all projects on the hill start with donations. However, we've never had an influx of cash like we are about to see from this ACC contract.

So if the only reason facilities aren't getting built is because of a lack of donations (a B.O.T stipulation) ...and the B.O.T will not allow for a Bond to be floated for the 1-2 years before the ACC funds appear...then it appears the B.O.T is indeed the root cause of the problem.

Someone (CTO) please correct me if I'm wrong.
I won't speak to the question about leveraging future ACC money now, which is probably risky given the uncertainty of continued conference realignment looming but... I will say I am surprised about the amount of chatter around facilities. As an alumnus and football program donor (I need to do better with that), I haven't been specifically asked to donate to this objective. If the goal is to build a new facility the athletic department needs a concerted effort to achieve that goal. I've been in sales before, you dont get the sale if you don't ask. If we need facilities, put together a formal donor program and ask!

Let's get our stuff together and get the department, donors, and alums all working toward a well articulated concise objective and deliver it!

Go Cuse!

Same question...no answer

(although I put CTO in the title, I'd be willing to discuss this with anyone. Can ANYONE give me a rational answer to this question?)
Yeah, I've wondered the same thing particularly since the football program can certainly claim that it was the driving force behind the future influx of cash.
I have stayed radio silent these past few weeks but to answer your question the ACC money can't be used solely for a football facility are multiple folds. 1. We aren't getting 17 million dollars from the ACC next year it will be closer to 10 million the ACC contract was backloaded and while it will be infinitely more than the paltry 4 million a year we get from the Big East this large windfall from the ACC won't start probably for 3-4 years. I am not sure if we are getting a full ACC credit next year anyway. 2. It would be negligent to take all this ACC money and solely invest in a football facility that won't be cheap. The ACC money alone wouldn't cover it I have heard it will take 20 million year dollars. Do we want to invest 1-2 years of all of our ACC money to get this ball running. I am frustrated at what is going on with Doug Marrone, but the ACC money alone won't fix the problem. All this hearsay on this board is interesting to read, but really frustrating to deal with. We have fans calling out the leaders of the University when the mission statement is "Scholarship in Action is the bold vision that propels Syracuse University — a vision for education that's not static or for its own sake, but breaks out of the traditional "ivory tower." It drives us to forge innovative and sustained partnerships across our local and global communities. And that makes SU a place where students become leaders, scholars become collaborators, and the community is continually energized by new ideas." the BoT would be committing negligence if they allowed all the new revenue to go to a football facility, when they need to buy new labs, new computers, and not just care about athletics. I believe the ACC money will help us eventually get a facility, but it won't be for 3-5 years and if Doug Marrone believes he can't recruit well enough until that time I wish well in his future endeavors if he decides to take an NFL coaching job.
I have stayed radio silent these past few weeks but to answer your question the ACC money can't be used solely for a football facility are multiple folds. 1. We aren't getting 17 million dollars from the ACC next year it will be closer to 10 million the ACC contract was backloaded and while it will be infinitely more than the paltry 4 million a year we get from the Big East this large windfall from the ACC won't start probably for 3-4 years. I am not sure if we are getting a full ACC credit next year anyway. 2. It would be negligent to take all this ACC money and solely invest in a football facility that won't be cheap. The ACC money alone wouldn't cover it I have heard it will take 20 million year dollars. Do we want to invest 1-2 years of all of our ACC money to get this ball running. I am frustrated at what is going on with Doug Marrone, but the ACC money alone won't fix the problem. All this hearsay on this board is interesting to read, but really frustrating to deal with. We have fans calling out the leaders of the University when the mission statement is "Scholarship in Action is the bold vision that propels Syracuse University — a vision for education that's not static or for its own sake, but breaks out of the traditional "ivory tower." It drives us to forge innovative and sustained partnerships across our local and global communities. And that makes SU a place where students become leaders, scholars become collaborators, and the community is continually energized by new ideas." the BoT would be committing negligence if they allowed all the new revenue to go to a football facility, when they need to buy new labs, new computers, and not just care about athletics. I believe the ACC money will help us eventually get a facility, but it won't be for 3-5 years and if Doug Marrone believes he can't recruit well enough until that time I wish well in his future endeavors if he decides to take an NFL coaching job.

"Yeah, but when was the last time 31,000 people showed up to watch a kid do a damn chemistry experiment?"
I have stayed radio silent these past few weeks but to answer your question the ACC money can't be used solely for a football facility are multiple folds. 1. We aren't getting 17 million dollars from the ACC next year it will be closer to 10 million the ACC contract was backloaded and while it will be infinitely more than the paltry 4 million a year we get from the Big East this large windfall from the ACC won't start probably for 3-4 years. I am not sure if we are getting a full ACC credit next year anyway. 2. It would be negligent to take all this ACC money and solely invest in a football facility that won't be cheap. The ACC money alone wouldn't cover it I have heard it will take 20 million year dollars. Do we want to invest 1-2 years of all of our ACC money to get this ball running. I am frustrated at what is going on with Doug Marrone, but the ACC money alone won't fix the problem. All this hearsay on this board is interesting to read, but really frustrating to deal with. We have fans calling out the leaders of the University when the mission statement is "Scholarship in Action is the bold vision that propels Syracuse University — a vision for education that's not static or for its own sake, but breaks out of the traditional "ivory tower." It drives us to forge innovative and sustained partnerships across our local and global communities. And that makes SU a place where students become leaders, scholars become collaborators, and the community is continually energized by new ideas." the BoT would be committing negligence if they allowed all the new revenue to go to a football facility, when they need to buy new labs, new computers, and not just care about athletics. I believe the ACC money will help us eventually get a facility, but it won't be for 3-5 years and if Doug Marrone believes he can't recruit well enough until that time I wish well in his future endeavors if he decides to take an NFL coaching job.

would the present value of the ACC money be enough to cover whatever amount the BOT requires as a downpayment from donors to get started?

i assume yes.

who cares if the money's back loaded. it's not that hard to get a loan when your collateral is guaranteed payments from ESPN
The comment about new labs and new computers? what is that for? are we talking teaching or research?
I believe the ACC money will help us eventually get a facility, but it won't be for 3-5 years and if Doug Marrone believes he can't recruit well enough until that time I wish well in his future endeavors if he decides to take an NFL coaching job.

Whose timeline is this?

Is it true that a new facility was promised within 4 years, 4 years ago (to marrone by TGD and/or cantor)?

Can someone confirm/deny that?

If true, I certainly don't blame him... at the end of the day he was brought in to coach and make the program a winner. If he was promised resources to do that that aren't being delivered by the donor base and/or the school in the promised timeframe, then it's a combined failure and lack of commitment from both.

Hopefully, this is all a PR campaign to hold the "feet to the fire" so to speak... a little hard ball to get things moving faster...

Has the shortfall in $$ been based on a "big fish" campaign to select donor targets only that has not yielded the expected $$?
The comment about new labs and new computers? what is that for? are we talking teaching or research?
I am just saying the BoT has more than just athletics to worry about in its spending. We can't just use ALL the money for athletics or atleast they can't unless they don't care about academics. We are a private top 50 university that plays big time athletics. We can't spend 90% of the revenue on athletics without our academics suffering. If we had a T. Boone Pickens, Phil Knight booster who could sneeze 20 million dollars away this wouldn't be a problem, but we don't so I am just expressing the facts that the BoT have to consider.
We are a private top 50 university that plays big time athletics. We can't spend 90% of the revenue on athletics without our academics suffering.
A) we're not a top 50
B) this is additional revenue from sports tv rights.

i don't think they should be spending ACC money on Nancy Cantor's next big diversity nonsense
Whose timeline is this?

Is it true that a new facility was promised within 4 years, 4 years ago (to marrone by TGD and/or cantor)?

Can someone confirm/deny that?

If true, I certainly don't blame him... at the end of the day he was brought in to coach and make the program a winner. If he was promised resources to do that that aren't being delivered by the donor base and/or the school in the promised timeframe, then it's a combined failure and lack of commitment from both.

Hopefully, this is all a PR campaign to hold the "feet to the fire" so to speak... a little hard ball to get things moving faster...

Has the shortfall in $$ been based on a "big fish" campaign to select donor targets only that has not yielded the expected $$?
No idea if the 4 years is true I doubt Marrone had to the leverage when he took the job to even demand those terms and if he did and DG hasn't been able to secure the $$$ then I wish DM a good day. Has DM done a good job as Syracuse coach? I think he has done a B job as the Syracuse coach and he wants to leave I wish him the best in his future endeavors, but this guy isn't Chip Kelly or Nick Saban he hasn't gotten Syracuse ranked 1 week in his tenure, he has brought us back from the depths of the dreadful, but this year's team is losing a lot and he probably realizes he can't get the reinforcements he needs without the facility and so he is gone. I won't be heartbroken if he hasn't been elite he has been solid. If he goes to the NFL unless he gets a good job he will likely be fired within 2 years and will become a career offensive coordinator in the NFL.
No one is saying any of these projects need to be paid upfront. Nor is anyone saying all the ACC funds need to go towards football. However, we know the ACC money is guaranteed in some amount (backloaded or not).

To take yearly bonds against the yearly anticipated (guaranteed income) would not be difficult. Is the project $24m? Cut an 8 year bond for $24m and set aside $3m per year.

Disburse the required amount over time. This is how most projects of this sort happen.

This isn't difficult.
A) we're not a top 50
B) this is additional revenue from sports tv rights.

i don't think they should be spending ACC money on Nancy Cantor's next big diversity nonsense
The USNWR had us 58 last year when I graduated 2006 we were 50. We have consistently gone down these past few years, but my colleges the Newhouse School and Maxwell(even though the undergraduate program is University College I consider it Maxwell cause my classes were there) are top 5 colleges. Syracuse will move back up with the right leadership. 2. I understand its TV money, but the BoT can't GIVE IT ALL to athletics because athletics has a budget they will likely increase a significant portion of it 50-60%, but the University has other bills to pay.
I have stayed radio silent these past few weeks but to answer your question the ACC money can't be used solely for a football facility are multiple folds. 1. We aren't getting 17 million dollars from the ACC next year it will be closer to 10 million the ACC contract was backloaded and while it will be infinitely more than the paltry 4 million a year we get from the Big East this large windfall from the ACC won't start probably for 3-4 years. I am not sure if we are getting a full ACC credit next year anyway. 2. It would be negligent to take all this ACC money and solely invest in a football facility that won't be cheap. The ACC money alone wouldn't cover it I have heard it will take 20 million year dollars. Do we want to invest 1-2 years of all of our ACC money to get this ball running. I am frustrated at what is going on with Doug Marrone, but the ACC money alone won't fix the problem. All this hearsay on this board is interesting to read, but really frustrating to deal with. We have fans calling out the leaders of the University when the mission statement is "Scholarship in Action is the bold vision that propels Syracuse University — a vision for education that's not static or for its own sake, but breaks out of the traditional "ivory tower." It drives us to forge innovative and sustained partnerships across our local and global communities. And that makes SU a place where students become leaders, scholars become collaborators, and the community is continually energized by new ideas." the BoT would be committing negligence if they allowed all the new revenue to go to a football facility, when they need to buy new labs, new computers, and not just care about athletics. I believe the ACC money will help us eventually get a facility, but it won't be for 3-5 years and if Doug Marrone believes he can't recruit well enough until that time I wish well in his future endeavors if he decides to take an NFL coaching job.

If you want to be big time, yes. Do whatever it takes.

If you want to be Rutgers and simply cash the check, then no.
I am just saying the BoT has more than just athletics to worry about in its spending. We can't just use ALL the money for athletics or atleast they can't unless they don't care about academics. We are a private top 50 university that plays big time athletics. We can't spend 90% of the revenue on athletics without our academics suffering. If we had a T. Boone Pickens, Phil Knight booster who could sneeze 20 million dollars away this wouldn't be a problem, but we don't so I am just expressing the facts that the BoT have to consider.
So Athletic Dept revenue is used for the general fund? The 200 large that the average student pays over the course of four years doesn't cover expenditures and pad the endowment?

Hell, nationally tuition costs have risen 500% since 1990 and schools take from the Athletic Department's cache? I can understand this at institutions that are struggling financially, but all indicators are, that SU isn't one of them. If ADept funds are used to replenish the general fund, is there ever reciprocity?

Btw, I don't pretend to understand how Universities fund themselves and would appreciate enlightenment from anyone in the know.

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