Current roster players who have a chance to make the nfl |

Current roster players who have a chance to make the nfl


Living Legend
Aug 27, 2011
In reviewing our current roster i believe the following players have a chance to make the NFL. Of course injuries ect... can and will make a difference but at this point i see more players than anytime in the last 6-8 years that could make the league and this doesnt include any of the incoming frosh.

Sure bets: Broyld, Pugh, Lyn, Bromely.

Good bets: Crume, Sales, Lemon, Eskridge, Sthomas,

Chance: Davis, Spruill, Lynch, Smith, Alexander, Curtis, Sloan, Krautman, Reddish, Goggins, Desir. AAM.

Ok have at it!
Other than probably Pugh, I don't think you can predict guys, especially as sure things. The NFL is so tough to project. Guys drop and rise in ways O can never figure out.

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As much I root for our team nobody on this roster is a sure fire NFL draft pick. I am disappointed with the job the team did with Chandler Jones. Every NFL Draft Analyst talked about how much upside this kid had and we didn't get all of that upside out of him. I know he was hurt in the Wake game and didn't play 5 games, but his other two years we didn't get that production out of him its disappointing to see this kid who got rave reviews and we didn't get that much out of him. I just don't see surefire NFL talent on our roster that is not to say it can't be developed, but I wouldn't put anybody in the sure bets column. Pugh is probably the closest to being drafted for sure, but Broyld hasn't played a down of college football yet and Lyn and Bromley need more consistency. I just hope Marrone wins enough this year to get more talent in recruiting because its obvious our program needs a major infusion of talent to compete with the big boys.
Other than probably Pugh, I don't think you can predict guys, especially as sure things. The NFL is so tough to project. Guys drop and rise in ways O can never figure out.

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Bees i agree just trying to start something on the site
Good Chance: Shamarko, Krautman, Pugh

Fair Chance: Sales, Lyn, Spruill, Nassib, Goggins, Lemon, Chibane, Bromley

Anyone else is too early to tell at this point
Broyld as a "sure thing" before he's ever played in a game. He doesn't even have a position yet and people expect him in the NFL... Oh Lord
In reviewing our current roster i believe the following players have a chance to make the NFL. Of course injuries ect... can and will make a difference but at this point i see more players than anytime in the last 6-8 years that could make the league and this doesnt include any of the incoming frosh.

Sure bets: Broyld, Pugh, Lyn, Bromely.

Good bets: Crume, Sales, Lemon, Eskridge, Sthomas,

Chance: Davis, Spruill, Lynch, Smith, Alexander, Curtis, Sloan, Krautman, Reddish, Goggins, Desir. AAM.

Ok have at it!

Personally, I don't really see any guys that will definitely stick outside of Pugh. Maybe Krautman. A lot of the other guys are too early to tell.

Broyld hasn't played one regular season game. The world is littered with athletes who were going to be the next big thing and then never did. Let's just hope he can help the team this year before anointing him a sure-fire NFLer.
If you are including free agent signings after the draft then I think based on this weekend several of the names on the list have a decent shot.
as in's the kid doing

Kids great..He was in Syracuse this weekend visiting the old boys, Cutler, Allport, Nassib, Kimmel and the crew..

Ran for scouts from Rams and Lions last month and they watched film...they really liked what they saw...he measured 5'11" 202...sub 4.5 and he is doing about 17 reps these days...not as fast as he would like but he had been on a muscle building program and needs to cut to about 195 as playing weight, his trainer and scouts think he will cut a tenth off by next year...

Misses SU, but has dedicated himself to getting better everyday...he has grown up a lot...about 1 D3 guy a year gets a call and about 12-15 get FA opportunities..his goal is to be that 1 next year and at worst one of those 12-15...
The only two I'd say are locks to get a chance are Pugh and Nassib. Plenty of others have a lot of potential, but are just too young. Especially Broyld, we don't even know what position he will stay at...

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