dexter pitman and miami heat |

dexter pitman and miami heat


2018 Iggy Post Season Record NCAA Winner
Aug 30, 2011
that was an obvious goon move.

imo, spolestra and riley should be suspended for the series. I am being honest. That was close to a kermit washington move if stephenson runs an inch in a different direction.

It was a blatant effort to injure another player.

by a guy who has played 3 minute this series in a 35 point game. I cant see any way other than someone in authority authorizing that move. that was certainly orchestrated and i dont understand how it isnt being talked about.

and i think i saw pittman wink to someone when the camera switched to him. pittman will be gone for the playoffs, without question - but what does that matter? he hasnt played.
whitlock agrees with me on the wink!!
absolutely no place for that. i'd withhold his twinkies for a month.
Whats the difference between what Pitman did and what Artest did? A little bit higher and Lance is unconscious. So just because their names are Dexter Pitman and Lance Stephenson all that warrants is a two second highlight and a flagrant 1? This play reminded me of Bynums foul on Barea last year.
This is what happens when you run your mouth and try to be pretend tough guys like the Pacers have. There are consequences.
This is what happens when you run your mouth and try to be pretend tough guys like the Pacers have. There are consequences.

That's utter BS. The guy made a choke gesture on the sidelines. BFD. So he deserved getting an absolute cheap shot that was lucky not to injure him severely? LeBron did a nice job of shutting him up by playing great ball since then, which is exactly what he should do. Why should somebody go out to injure Stephenson then? Thinking "there are consequences" for something like this is condoning this type of cheap shot garbage. What Pittman and the Heat did here is "pretend tough guy" garbage. Cheap shots are the consequence of a freakin' gesture? Wow. In Game 6 when Lebron gets undercut or Wade gets his head taken off, what will you have to say about consequences?
How was that not a flagrant 2 in the game. I don't even care that there were only 19 seconds left. The NBA refereeing has been horrid. They call fouls on every flop. I remember when they tried to give tyson chandler a Flagrant 2 for setting a hard pick on LeBron...
Haslem and Pittman will be suspended for Game 6...which basically gives Indiana the, Miami will have to pay for their sins. I dont think they can survive with Juwan Howard playing backup minutes.
The Heat can win Game 6 without those two. Anthony/Turiaf are enough especially if IND chooses to ignore Hibbert. Howard's talking to Stephenson was enough to let him know. Haslem's and especially Pittman's plays were disgraceful.
Sometime --- maybe next year --- either Wade or Lebron are going down for this garbage.
Um yes there are consequences.
Like Chuck said, the general rule of thumb is no attacking of the other teams best player unless that guy is being chippy and needs some come uppance.

I would think Wade could be a target in Game 6...the foul on Collison, constant trash talking.
How are the Pacers being pretend tough guys? Theyve been one of the most physical teams all year. Everyone said coming into the series that Indiana would be physical and try to push Miami around. Just because they dont have superstars doesnt mean they cant be tough. If anyone is being a pretend tough guy, its the Miami Heat. Noones scared of those guys and after Larry Bird's statements you better believe Miami better watch themselves, especially Lebron and Wade.
How are the Pacers being pretend tough guys? Theyve been one of the most physical teams all year. Everyone said coming into the series that Indiana would be physical and try to push Miami around. Just because they dont have superstars doesnt mean they cant be tough. If anyone is being a pretend tough guy, its the Miami Heat. Noones scared of those guys and after Larry Bird's statements you better believe Miami better watch themselves, especially Lebron and Wade.

I dont even know how Lebron got out of bed the last two games...what, with Danny Granger punking him so bad.. :)

Indiana can still win this series though, especially if there are some suspensions. They have the fire power.
I dont even know how Lebron got out of bed the last two games...what, with Danny Granger punking him so bad.. :)

Indiana can still win this series though, especially if there are some suspensions. They have the fire power.
LBJ has definately done what he needs to do. Granger got in his head it seemed in those two losses but Lebron is straight beasting right now. I dont think Lebron deserves a cheap shot tomorrow night but I wouldnt mind Wade getting one, hes just become so obnoxious lately.

With Larry Bird calling his team soft combined with Haslem and Pittman's cheap shots, I think they are going to come out like the 300 tomorrow night.
That's utter BS. The guy made a choke gesture on the sidelines. BFD. So he deserved getting an absolute cheap shot that was lucky not to injure him severely? LeBron did a nice job of shutting him up by playing great ball since then, which is exactly what he should do. Why should somebody go out to injure Stephenson then? Thinking "there are consequences" for something like this is condoning this type of cheap shot garbage. What Pittman and the Heat did here is "pretend tough guy" garbage. Cheap shots are the consequence of a freakin' gesture? Wow. In Game 6 when Lebron gets undercut or Wade gets his head taken off, what will you have to say about consequences?

Nice post, I thought the choke gesture was a lot less annoying than some of the celebrations you see after made baskets in this series. You grow up doing the choking gesture (it's like yelling "Nnnnooonan!" in golf), it's just funny, I don't remember growing up and having these hockey-goal scoring type celebrations every time you made and And 1. Which I know happens all the time, but I think those are a lot more obnoxious than a choking gesture from the sideline.

LeBron's comments when asked about were retribution enough.

I'm not saying Stephenson should have done it btw, but it was relatively harmless. It certainly didn't warrant that.
Indiana as an entire team does a lot of preening and staring, Granger and West are guilty of it. Dahntay Jones' antics on the sideline are insufferable. But that stuff is just stupid and annoying. Pittman and Haslem took it to another level, purposely trying to injure players is so far over the line. It's too bad Pittman isn't crucial to Miami's success, at all -- the guy has played 3 minutes all series. Haslem knew what he was doing on that Hansbrough foul and I hope it's upgraded to a flagrant 2. Funny that it all started on Hansbrough's foul on D. Wade, I believe Hansbrough was legitimately swiping at the ball and, albeit recklessly, knocked Wade in the face.
Haslem and Pittman will be suspended for Game 6...which basically gives Indiana the, Miami will have to pay for their sins. I dont think they can survive with Juwan Howard playing backup minutes.
Really? Pittman would be a huge loss
LeBron's comments when asked about were retribution enough.

I'm not saying Stephenson should have done it btw, but it was relatively harmless. It certainly didn't warrant that. you take Stephenson off the hook, because what Pittman did was worse (I am all for gamesmanship and sending physical messages, but you don't want to elbow someone to the neck). I am pretty sure D Wade pulls those kind of strings behind the scenes for the Heat. A big part of his game is trying to intimidate opponents and referees. If he isn't on edge, he doesn't play well.
I think you're all missing a point here - Lebron is sensitive about people calling him a choke artist.

Also, for you calling the Pacers a pretend tough team. Really? The Heat's "enforcer" all season has been Juwan freaking Howard and everybody has called them soft all season. I hope Wade rolls his ankle and is out 1 week :eek:
This is what happens when you run your mouth and try to be pretend tough guys like the Pacers have. There are consequences.
That's about a dumb a statement as can be made. If the Heat wanted to respond , one of the players directly involved should have done it. Bringing a goon off the bench is intolerable. They should give the Pacers the option of who gets suspended, since it was clearly a move to protect certain other players from penalties while trying to injure or intimidate an opponent...
That's about a dumb a statement as can be made. If the Heat wanted to respond , one of the players directly involved should have done it. Bringing a goon off the bench is intolerable. They should give the Pacers the option of who gets suspended, since it was clearly a move to protect certain other players from penalties while trying to injure or intimidate an opponent...
Theres almost no way for the Pacers to respond because you know the refs are going to call Game 6 tight, which is unfortunate. The NBA is really taking the intensity out of the Playoffs with some of the referee overreactions ie. calling double technicals on EVERYTHING.
Wow, I just saw the Pittman foul. That's not good at all.

I think both teams are "fake tough", for lack of a better term. Granger was clearly going out of his way to try and get in Lebron's head and act like a tough guy. And Miami seems to be trying to foul hard in order to "send a message". Neither strikes me as particularly tough. But it goes without saying that's not an excuse for what Pittman (or Haslem, for that matter) did. Both guys should be suspended for the next game(s). Pittman sought the dude out with his elbow raised the entire time!

The NBA is really taking the intensity out of the Playoffs with some of the referee overreactions ie. calling double technicals on EVERYTHING.

I love when Van Gundy calls them out for this. He's absolutely right.

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