Does defense still win games? |

Does defense still win games?


Bored Historian
Aug 26, 2011
(I'm posting this to the SU FB board because this has been the subject of discussions here for years)

I'm hoping for a Grenn Bay- New England Super Bowl: the Patroits trying to prevent the Packers from doing what they couldn't do. An Aaron Rodgers-Tom Brady shoot out. What more could you want?

I was looking at ESPN"s NFL stats and came across this page:

Looking at those last two two teams, I have to wonder if the old axiom "Offense sells tickets but Defense wins games" is still true. And if not, is there a difference between the college and the pros on this issue?
Here are the offense numbers:

Both lists have teams doing poorly in the stats but winning games and teams doing well in the stat but struggling to win.

In college there's a wide variance between the resourses of programs so you won't get teams at the bottom of a stat whoa re doing really well but you might get some middle of the pack teams in one or the lother stat listing but who are finding ways to win.
(I'm posting this to the SU FB board because this has been the subject of discussions here for years)

I'm hoping for a Grenn Bay- New England Super Bowl: the Patroits trying to prevent the Packers from doing what they couldn't do. An Aaron Rodgers-Tom Brady shoot out. What more could you want?

I was looking at ESPN"s NFL stats and came across this page:

Looking at those last two two teams, I have to wonder if the old axiom "Offense sells tickets but Defense wins games" is still true. And if not, is there a difference between the college and the pros on this issue?
From watching CFB in recent years it is definitely offense that wins games. With an elite list of schools u can count on one probably one hand nobody else can stop a strong offense
Defense won at least 4 of our games in 2010.

Seems to be putting Denver in the position to win several this year.

A defense that gets sacks and forces turnovers can win games.
If you look at the Baylor Bears, the answer to that would be "no". One of the worst defenses in the nation, but few can outscore them.
Simply put, the combination of your offense and defense has to be better than the combination of your opponents offense and defense. Our combination last year was weighted towards the defensive side. Not the case this year.
From watching CFB in recent years it is definitely offense that wins games. With an elite list of schools u can count on one probably one hand nobody else can stop a strong offense

What is the best unit of the 2 teams playing in the national championship game?

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