Dr. Gross spoke at the Lubin House this past Tuesday | Syracusefan.com

Dr. Gross spoke at the Lubin House this past Tuesday


Walk On
Aug 28, 2011
He discussed the sports programs and then took questions from the audience as well as answering questions afterword. Here is the gist of what he said.
I asked him a number of question including the following: Why doesn't SU use #44 as a recruiting tool. He asked the audience what other players wore #44 beside Jim Brown, Ernie Davis, and Floyd Little. Nobody mentioned anybody else. And Dr. Gross made the point that outside of the top players, SU is considering only possibly issuing the number to only a back who has demonstrated outstanding playing ability while at SU. In otherwords, he is not not thinking about annointing a recruit with that jersey.
I then asked if he felt that SU might lose Mike Hopkins now rather than waiting for Boeheim to retire. He indicated that he knew that Mike had interest from USC and that Dr. Gross has spoken with the AD at USC telling him his high regard for Mike and his value as an assistant coach at SU. Dr. Gross then indicated to Hopkins that he was aware of a possible pursuit by USC and that Mike might want to coach in front of his family in California. However, Gross added that should Mike take another job, Syracuse would immediately pursue him and bring him back to SU when Boeheim left because he has such a high regard for Mike. In otherwords, Mike will always have a home in Syracuse.
I asked Dr. Gross if he felt sorry for UConn in their present situation. He said "UConn who?" He mentioned that he spoke with the head of UConn, and she flatly stated that they "got screwed".
I asked about SU possibly pursuing other sports such as men's baseball and men's hockey. Nothing to report on there. He did note that they have to maintain a certain number of women's sports in relation to the number of men's sports. He did seem interested in a women's water polo team but nothing definitive. I also asked if it were going to be necessary to add more sports when they go to the ACC. He said that it wasn't a mandate.
A question concerned the possible site of NYC for the ACC basketball tournament. He indicated that 14 of 15 ADs were in favor (Florida State was against the idea). Dr. Gross indicated that they would pursue MSG or Barclay Center in Brooklyn for a future site , in otherwords alternating with Greensboro, etc.
Finally, the question came up as to why Louisville was granted membership in the ACC. Dr. Gross indicated that it wasn't for academics but as a strategic decision by the ACC from keeping Florida State, Clemson and a third team from bolting the conference for the Big Ten or other places. He concurred with that move.
Addendum March 15: There was also a question Dr. Gross answered concerning further expansion of the ACC. He indicated that "further expansion was unlikely unless the football championship schools broke away from the NCAA to crown their own football champion". This puts UConn further away from an invitation.
Dr. Gross also added that SU's annual cut of conference revenue sharing will roughly go from $8 million a year (Big East) to $16 million with the ACC.
He discussed the sports programs and then took questions from the audience as well as answering questions afterword. Here is the gist of what he said.
I asked him a number of question including the following: Why doesn't SU use #44 as a recruiting tool. He asked the audience what other players wore #44 beside Jim Brown, Ernie Davis, and Floyd Little. Nobody mentioned anybody else. And Dr. Gross made the point that outside of the top players, SU is considering only possibly issuing the number to only a back who has demonstrated outstanding playing ability while at SU. In otherwords, he is not not thinking about annointing a recruit with that jersey.
I then asked if he felt that SU might lose Mike Hopkins now rather than waiting for Boeheim to retire. He indicated that he knew that Mike had interest from USC and that Dr. Gross has spoken with the AD at USC telling him his high regard for Mike and his value as an assistant coach at SU. Dr. Gross then indicated to Hopkins that he was aware of a possible pursuit by USC and that Mike might want to coach in front of his family in California. However, Gross added that should Mike take another job, Syracuse would immediately pursue him and bring him back to SU when Boeheim left because he has such a high regard for Mike. In otherwords, Mike will always have a home in Syracuse.
I asked Dr. Gross if he felt sorry for UConn in their present situation. He said "UConn who?" He mentioned that he spoke with the head of UConn, and she flatly stated that they "got screwed".
I asked about SU possibly pursuing other sports such as men's baseball and men's hockey. Nothing to report on there. He did note that they have to maintain a certain number of women's sports in relation to the number of men's sports. He did seem interested in a women's water polo team but nothing definitive. I also asked if it were going to be necessary to add more sports when they go to the ACC. He said that it wasn't a mandate.
A question concerned the possible site of NYC for the ACC basketball tournament. He indicated that 14 of 15 ADs were in favor (Florida State was against the idea). Dr. Gross indicated that they would pursue MSG or Barclay Center in Brooklyn for a future site , in otherwords alternating with Greensboro, etc.
Finally, the question came up as to why Louisville was granted membership in the ACC. Dr. Gross indicated that it wasn't for academics but as a strategic decision by the ACC from keeping Florida State, Clemson and a third team from bolting the conference for the Big Ten or other places. He concurred with that move.
Great post and informative especially about Hopkins and SU even if he leaves.
Didn't Walter Reyes wear #44 also? But good reporting, nice nuggets.
Really no one could name these guys?And they call themselves fans?:crazy:
Current college kids Cali, can't blame them.

I bet the majority couldn't name all three of the triumvirate.

Thanks for the post papa
thanks for the info.

in a thread on the hoops board i surmised it was fsu that voted against msg and it looks like i was right.
. He indicated that 14 of 15 ADs were in favor (Florida State was against the idea). Dr. Gross indicated that they would pursue MSG or Barclay Center in Brooklyn for a future site , in otherwords alternating with Greensboro, etc.
Finally, the question came up as to why Louisville was granted membership in the ACC. Dr. Gross indicated that it wasn't for academics but as a strategic decision by the ACC from keeping Florida State, Clemson and a third team from bolting the conference for the Big Ten or other places. He concurred with that move.
Florida State is probably setting themselves up for their lawsuit to get out of the ACC. Not good for them to be the team against, they were against the exit fee hike and now they are against the move to NYC. This isn't good, they are probably holding out for the SEC. stuff Swofford needs to sit down with Florida State and get them to commit to the league. I doubt anything can get done to keep them happy, but they have to be kept for football. The Big XII isn't good enough for Florida State to jump if the B1G or SEC came calling which seems like its possible then they are gone.
Mandell Robinson.

My personal favorite is Glenn Moore.

The complete list of players that wore number 44 (by chronological order): Gifford Zimmerman, Charles Roberts, Clarence Taylor, Don Baldwin, Richard Fishel, Henry Merz, Hamilton Watt, Francis Mullins, Stanley Stanislay, Benjamin DeYoung, Francis Mazejko, Richard Ransom, J. O'Brien, Robert Eberling,Jim Brown, Thomas Stephens, Ernie Davis, William Schoonover, Floyd Little, Richard Panczyszyn, Mandel Robinson, Glenn Moore, Michael Owens, Terry Richardson and Rob Konrad.
Good stuff PD. Who knows, maybe once all of the new members of the ACC are actually in FSU might stop whining, if they can wait that long. SU, Pitt and ND this year and Louisville in 2014, correct?
My personal favorite is Glenn Moore.

The complete list of players that wore number 44 (by chronological order): Gifford Zimmerman, Charles Roberts, Clarence Taylor, Don Baldwin, Richard Fishel, Henry Merz, Hamilton Watt, Francis Mullins, Stanley Stanislay, Benjamin DeYoung, Francis Mazejko, Richard Ransom, J. O'Brien, Robert Eberling,Jim Brown, Thomas Stephens, Ernie Davis, William Schoonover, Floyd Little, Richard Panczyszyn, Mandel Robinson, Glenn Moore, Michael Owens, Terry Richardson and Rob Konrad.
I have no idea who Glenn Moore is. Wow.
#44 = Rich Panzcysian (spelling?) whose famous quote was "but Ben, you promised me" . To save the next question, he was a qb who wore 44 immediately after Little. I hope my memory is correct, since it was awhile back. Anyone corroborate?
Florida State is probably setting themselves up for their lawsuit to get out of the ACC. Not good for them to be the team against, they were against the exit fee hike and now they are against the move to NYC. This isn't good, they are probably holding out for the SEC. stuff Swofford needs to sit down with Florida State and get them to commit to the league. I doubt anything can get done to keep them happy, but they have to be kept for football. The Big XII isn't good enough for Florida State to jump if the B1G or SEC came calling which seems like its possible then they are gone.

Exactly. They are going to vote no on everything now just to cover themselves in the event they leave and go to battle over the 50 mil exit fee.
Florida State is probably setting themselves up for their lawsuit to get out of the ACC. Not good for them to be the team against, they were against the exit fee hike and now they are against the move to NYC. This isn't good, they are probably holding out for the SEC. stuff Swofford needs to sit down with Florida State and get them to commit to the league. I doubt anything can get done to keep them happy, but they have to be kept for football. The Big XII isn't good enough for Florida State to jump if the B1G or SEC came calling which seems like its possible then they are gone.

Outside of the SEC they are where they are. And the SEC doesn't need them.
Outside of the SEC they are where they are. And the SEC doesn't need them.
I don't disagree, but they won't commit to the ACC and want to keep their options open which isn't good for SU. The SEC may not want them, but if the B1G could get UNC by staking at claim in Florida and inviting Florida State to the B1G you have to believe North Carolina would jump ship to either the SEC or B1G.
By the way, Florida State to the B1G is 1 million times more likely than ever seeing UConn to the B1G.(i know you aren't saying UConn to the B1G, I just want our Huskie trolls to know this.)
I don't disagree, but they won't commit to the ACC and want to keep their options open which isn't good for SU. The SEC may not want them, but if the B1G could get UNC by staking at claim in Florida and inviting Florida State to the B1G you have to believe North Carolina would jump ship to either the SEC or B1G.
By the way, Florida State to the B1G is 1 million times more likely than ever seeing UConn to the B1G.(i know you aren't saying UConn to the B1G, I just want our Huskie trolls to know this.)

If they want to leave they'll leave. And UNC isn't going to the Big 10. There would be riots in NC if that happened.

Seeing WV publically bitch about travel is, I think, going to slow this train down some. At some point you have to be in a situation to reasonably compete.
I don't think it's all about covering their own asses for legal reasons. Seems to me they are trying to undermine the conference. Shake things up so much that the SEC can't pass on them. Or just so they have some partners and don't end up on an island, like WVU.

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