DR. Gross (YOU HAVE DONE IT!) | Syracusefan.com



Tailgate Guru
Aug 15, 2011
We are relevant in all sports..congrats
You realized you have to spend some money to make some.

Now get us that indoor Football Practice Facility on par with the Melo Center.

The new stadium can wait until 2017.
We are relevant in all sports..congrats
You realized you have to spend some money to make some.

Now get us that indoor Football Practice Facility on par with the Melo Center.

The new stadium can wait until 2017.

Just a HUGE win. And if we stay reasonably healthy a BCS Bowl bid is possible. Hope the recruits took notice.

I'm not sure if Gross is responsible for the schedule or not, but whomever put together the slate of games did a first-rate job of positioning the team for success. We had 2 weeks to prep for WVU, our toughest conference opponent, and we have a second-break later in the season when the kids are likely to be getting tired/injuries add up. We're been front-end loaded with home games, which gave us a chance to build momentum. Nothing guarantees an outcome, but the scheduling is perfect.
We are relevant in all sports..congrats
You realized you have to spend some money to make some.

Now get us that indoor Football Practice Facility on par with the Melo Center.

The new stadium can wait until 2017.
This deserves a bump. Gross does deserve a lot of credit. He has done a great job.

We are relevant in all sports..congrats
You realized you have to spend some money to make some.

Now get us that indoor Football Practice Facility on par with the Melo Center.

The new stadium can wait until 2017.

Hopefully he used disappearing ink when he signed the Meadowlands contract for 15 OOC games. We saw last night what the Dome can do. He's done very good things but will remain on my sheetlist for lying to us about USC and then not waiting to give his team a chance to develop before selling the farm. I'll hold the basketball side in abeyance for now but don't trust him or Cantor with their NYC statements.
Hopefully he used disappearing ink when he signed the Meadowlands contract for 15 OOC games. We saw last night what the Dome can do. He's done very good things but will remain on my sheetlist for lying to us about USC and then not waiting to give his team a chance to develop before selling the farm. I'll hold the basketball side in abeyance for now but don't trust him or Cantor with their NYC statements.
There is a lot of talk in ACC land about going to a 10 game schedule, either when SU and Pitt arrive, or shortly afterwards.

The driver were the big guarantees the Meadowlands was willing to give Dr Gross, which were really attractive given life in the revenue challenged Big East. We don't need the money anywhere nearly as badly anymore. The change from 5 OOC games to possibly 2 games per game makes the OOC games more precious. We need to maximize our chances to win games and we are going to have a much bigger home field advantage in the Dome than down in NJ.

I hope these games can be moved, cancelled or suspended indefinitely. Especially if the ACC goes to a 10 game conference schedule for football.

That being said, yes, Dr Gross has done a very nice job. If he can get fund raising, his primary responsibility, up to BCS level standards, he will have addressed all my concerns.
There is a lot of talk in ACC land about going to a 10 game schedule, either when SU and Pitt arrive, or shortly afterwards.

The driver were the big guarantees the Meadowlands was willing to give Dr Gross, which were really attractive given life in the revenue challenged Big East. We don't need the money anywhere nearly as badly anymore. The change from 5 OOC games to possibly 2 games per game makes the OOC games more precious. We need to maximize our chances to win games and we are going to have a much bigger home field advantage in the Dome than down in NJ.

I hope these games can be moved, cancelled or suspended indefinitely. Especially if the ACC goes to a 10 game conference schedule for football.

That being said, yes, Dr Gross has done a very nice job. If he can get fund raising, his primary responsibility, up to BCS level standards, he will have addressed all my concerns.


The Meadowland's deal was a great move when SU needed leverage to play a high profile game against a high profile team that also had a good payout.

With a move to the ACC and 9 game conference schedule, SU is in a position of strength when it comes to future scheduling.

I see the Meadowlands game as a great early-season, high profile bowl with an opponent selected by SU in the major NYC metro region where SU alumni, students, donors, lot of potential students and recruits are located.

The Meadowland's deal makes concrete the positioning of SU as NY's team. I have no idea to what extant it played into the ACC decision but I would be surprised if it wasn't considered a positive. SU will want to continue to play BB games in the NYC area; the same applies for football.

I hope RU becomes an annual OOC game, but if not the Meadowlands deal looks even better now with SU in the ACC.
I hope RU becomes an annual OOC game, but if not the Meadowlands deal looks even better now with SU in the ACC.

I'm with Bees on this, I have a feeling it will become a real sore spot with CNY fans as the bandwagon starts to fill up. We know the CNY fans are "event" fans, moving your supposedly home "events" five hours away is not going to encourage fans to show up or continue to show up. It's going to be a heck of a challenge to manage this issue over the next decade.
The only way I see the ACC going to a 10 game schedule is when the NCAA allows 13 regular season games.

Some of the ACC's best money games are FSU-Florida, GT-Georgia, and to a lesser extent Clemson-South Carolina. As a matter of fact, a big rumor is that one of the things all three want to go to a 9 game schedule is a guarantee that each ACC team schedules a high profile BCS OOC game.

Pitt-ND will qualify as that as will our Meadowlands games.

We aren't losing them, imho.

I think there is a reason that Doug applauds the AD and Chancy after these big W's, or W's in general. He's getting a ton of support for the Ath Dept and he's returning on all their investments. As soon as we are recruiting consistently better, there is no doubt things are about to take off.

The Meadowland's deal was a great move when SU needed leverage to play a high profile game against a high profile team that also had a good payout.

With a move to the ACC and 9 game conference schedule, SU is in a position of strength when it comes to future scheduling.

I see the Meadowlands game as a great early-season, high profile bowl with an opponent selected by SU in the major NYC metro region where SU alumni, students, donors, lot of potential students and recruits are located.

The Meadowland's deal makes concrete the positioning of SU as NY's team. I have no idea to what extant it played into the ACC decision but I would be surprised if it wasn't considered a positive. SU will want to continue to play BB games in the NYC area; the same applies for football.

I hope RU becomes an annual OOC game, but if not the Meadowlands deal looks even better now with SU in the ACC.

If the ACC wants better TV contracts and to maximize coverage in the northeast, hard to imagine the SU Meadowlands deal isn't a positive.

Hopefully, the Pinstripe NYC bowl goes to the ACC as well.
I'm with Bees on this, I have a feeling it will become a real sore spot with CNY fans as the bandwagon starts to fill up. We know the CNY fans are "event" fans, moving your supposedly home "events" five hours away is not going to encourage fans to show up or continue to show up. It's going to be a heck of a challenge to manage this issue over the next decade.


If SU is on the way back as I believe it is, and the ACC means more interesting teams visiting SU as I believe it will, along with a far more interesting conference to follow, I wouldn't be surprised if SU games increasingly become sell-outs in the not too distant future.
I hope these games can be moved, cancelled or suspended indefinitely. Especially if the ACC goes to a 10 game conference schedule for football.
Perhaps the number of remaining TBA games can be reduced. If not, perhaps they can follow the 1-1-1 PSU model. That may only work with schools that have a large NYC alumni base.

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