Excited...and a little jealous | Syracusefan.com

Excited...and a little jealous


All American
Sep 17, 2011
I want to live vicariously through so many of you for the next 8 days...in 2003 I pledged the next time we made this thing I was going to be THERE.

Alas...10 years later...facing the middle life fiscal crunch. Kids, dogs, still cleaning up trees in my backyard post Sandy, is what it is. Find myself saying the same thing yet again...NEXT time. My new football season tickets are my contribution this year.

This team feels like a hybrid of 1996 and 2003 to me. Better than 1996, and absolutely capable of winning it all, but certainly closer to the makeup of 1996 than 2003 in that it is more about system and roles than a single superstar. I really like our chances if this defense can keep playing at this level. Even against Louisville, if they make it.

I think that 2nd half in the BET could yet continue to pay dividends.

Oh, and one more thing...i demand extremely detailed reports from the lucky lot of you traveling on site! :)
Don't worry, I said the same thing. Alas, as a controller, there are certain days of the month that I must be at work. Next Monday is our last day of our Q1 close. Of all days, Monday I MUST be at work. :(
Ha. Irony is I exhausted my excretionary travel funds in your great state a few weeks ago at SXSW. Cest la vie.
Ha. Irony is I exhausted my excretionary travel funds in your great state a few weeks ago at SXSW. Cest la vie.
this is why God invented credit cards my friend. :)

I was one of those 10 years ago who similarly said "next time" and luckily for us all the planets have aligned to make it happen. So freaking can't wait. And we'll be sure to post blow by blow details, both during and after.
Killing me not to be there. Need to take the pre-golf season family vacation (we leave tomorrow) and it just so happened to fall this week. We will be rooting passionately from Dover!
Same boat as alot of you, except I never told myself I would be there the next time, I had no illusions. I was perfectly content holding my son, a week short of his first birthday, letting him sleep in my arms and staying perfectly quiet and calm as Duany caught that last errant shot. It does sound fun to be there, among the rest of the SU fans, but my couch will suffice. My son is now 13 days short of his 11th birthday, and I am sure he wouldn't allow me to hold him as he slept, but that is one of my lasting memories of the first one, the second one will be of having him sitting next to me and then sharing a high five and a hug. Bring it home guys.
Same boat as alot of you, except I never told myself I would be there the next time, I had no illusions. I was perfectly content holding my son, a week short of his first birthday, letting him sleep in my arms and staying perfectly quiet and calm as Duany caught that last errant shot. It does sound fun to be there, among the rest of the SU fans, but my couch will suffice. My son is now 13 days short of his 11th birthday, and I am sure he wouldn't allow me to hold him as he slept, but that is one of my lasting memories of the first one, the second one will be of having him sitting next to me and then sharing a high five and a hug. Bring it home guys.

I too will share it with my 12 year old. He was 2 and a half when we won it in 2003 and always complained to me why he wasnt born earlier so he could have remembered it.

Enjoy it!
I too will share it with my 12 year old. He was 2 and a half when we won it in 2003 and always complained to me why he wasnt born earlier so he could have remembered it.

Enjoy it!
He will remember this one, that's for sure. If any of us should be jealous, it should be of the next generation of SU fans, who won't have to wait a decade between final fours. It will become commonplace.
Same boat as alot of you, except I never told myself I would be there the next time, I had no illusions. I was perfectly content holding my son, a week short of his first birthday, letting him sleep in my arms and staying perfectly quiet and calm as Duany caught that last errant shot. It does sound fun to be there, among the rest of the SU fans, but my couch will suffice. My son is now 13 days short of his 11th birthday, and I am sure he wouldn't allow me to hold him as he slept, but that is one of my lasting memories of the first one, the second one will be of having him sitting next to me and then sharing a high five and a hug. Bring it home guys.

Great story. Neither of my boys were born yet...my "baby in the arms" story is October 2004 when I just had to wake my 3 month old up so he could be in my arms when the Sox won it all...but I digress...

I am not saying "next time"...this time. But I will say "some time". May not be until the nest is empty though.

Kids are expensive.
Only thing I'll disagree with was in 1996 we had a star in John Wallace, who put us on his back. The system helped but without #44 that run had no chance of happening.
Great story. Neither of my boys were born yet...my "baby in the arms" story is October 2004 when I just had to wake my 3 month old up so he could be in my arms when the Sox won it all...but I digress...

I am not saying "next time"...this time. But I will say "some time". May not be until the nest is empty though.

Kids are expensive.
They are indeed expensive, but who knows, maybe they will pay for the trip someday.
Great story. Neither of my boys were born yet...my "baby in the arms" story is October 2004 when I just had to wake my 3 month old up so he could be in my arms when the Sox won it all...but I digress...

I am not saying "next time"...this time. But I will say "some time". May not be until the nest is empty though.

Kids are expensive.

Oh, you're a sox fan? I'm taking my "like" back
I would love to go, but I have been away from home (and wife and kids) the last two weekends. If I go away again, I will lose all of my financial stability in divorce court.
I want to live vicariously through so many of you for the next 8 days...in 2003 I pledged the next time we made this thing I was going to be THERE.

Alas...10 years later...facing the middle life fiscal crunch. Kids, dogs, still cleaning up trees in my backyard post Sandy, is what it is. Find myself saying the same thing yet again...NEXT time. My new football season tickets are my contribution this year.

This team feels like a hybrid of 1996 and 2003 to me. Better than 1996, and absolutely capable of winning it all, but certainly closer to the makeup of 1996 than 2003 in that it is more about system and roles than a single superstar. I really like our chances if this defense can keep playing at this level. Even against Louisville, if they make it.

I think that 2nd half in the BET could yet continue to pay dividends.

Oh, and one more thing…i demand extremely detailed reports from the lucky lot of you traveling on site! :)
and looking forward facing them again is a downer that keeps my enthusiasm under stark control.We need some offensive big games from the front court.That includes Triche.MCW is auditioning for that big contract so I expect he will be doing his best work now. If CJ is thinking about leaving he will be wanting to show a bit more in these last games of the year.CJ leaving is something not mentioned much . I think its a real possibility if he gets that trophy. It pretty much wraps up the college career with a huge upside. "SUball Why Not"?
Speaking of 2003, per KenPom this team is overall better (more efficient combined offense and defense) than the 03 team is. Of course Louisville is also better than '03 Kansas by the same measure.
Yes I really wanted to go to the next time they made it to the final 4 as well, but I have my daughter due in a month and can't really swing it. I did at least get to go to the ncaa games in Boston last year which was a blast even with the bad final outcome.
Don't worry, I said the same thing. Alas, as a controller, there are certain days of the month that I must be at work. Next Monday is our last day of our Q1 close. Of all days, Monday I MUST be at work. :(
Not all that long ago something like that happening.e. "having to work
" would have meant missing everything but with today's technology you can be apprised of what is happening and later watch the entire event if you choose. I'm going to presume you have a smart phone and DVR You can get the current score easily and not caught by your boss while watching the game on your phone. If you are the boss and going to work for appearances the phone issue is moot. If we lose its not going to bug you near as much and maybe watching it is something not in your plans. Personally I le knowing if we have won. It takes the stress out of the game. Good luck regardless.SUball
Not all that long ago something like that happening.e. "having to work
" would have meant missing everything but with today's technology you can be apprised of what is happening and later watch the entire event if you choose. I'm going to presume you have a smart phone and DVR You can get the current score easily and not caught by your boss while watching the game on your phone. If you are the boss and going to work for appearances the phone issue is moot. If we lose its not going to bug you near as much and maybe watching it is something not in your plans. Personally I le knowing if we have won. It takes the stress out of the game. Good luck regardless.SUball

Oh, I'll be watching the game, my response was in actually going to the game.

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