Four weeks ago... |

Four weeks ago...


Aug 26, 2011
Four weeks ago, everyone here was proclaiming that Doug Marrone was the greatest thing since the invention of the internet.

Today, everyone is saying SU should get rid of him because he is terrible.

I dare say I've been a sports fan (and an SU fan) longer than 99 percent of you (mainly because I am older than 99 percent of you). And, as they say, with age comes wisdom.

I was here during the early Coach Mac years -- pretty brutal with all the "Sack Mac" clamor. That was in the pre-internet environment. If there were an internet then, one can only imagine what it would have been like. Without question, Coach Mac would have been driven out of town before he was able to turn the program around. And not a single recruit he wanted would have come here.

Those who say that high school recruits do not read the internet... are living in a dream world. I have known several kids who have been recruited for various sports at various schools. They read this stuff like a hawk reads the ground while looking for a squirrel.

Just saying ...
Four weeks ago, everyone here was proclaiming that Doug Marrone was the greatest thing since the invention of the internet.

Today, everyone is saying SU should get rid of him because he is terrible.

I dare say I've been a sports fan (and an SU fan) longer than 99 percent of you (mainly because I am older than 99 percent of you). And, as they say, with age comes wisdom.

I was here during the early Coach Mac years -- pretty brutal with all the "Sack Mac" clamor. That was in the pre-internet environment. If there were an internet then, one can only imagine what it would have been like. Without question, Coach Mac would have been driven out of town before he was able to turn the program around. And not a single recruit he wanted would have come here.

Those who say that high school recruits do not read the internet... are living in a dream world. I have known several kids who have been recruited for various sports at various schools. They read this stuff like a hawk reads the ground while looking for a squirrel.

Just saying ...

I respect your post and your intent here CTO. And I too am firmly in the camp that Marrone should get more time. But not everyone was pointing to the WVU game S our "arrival". I had us at 6-6 on the season and the WVU game S pure lightening in a bottle.

Have said it all year long: "we are who we thought we were.". OT wins against bad teams, scraping for wins and a couple blowouts. Those who thought this was an 8-4 or 9-3 team were delusional. Straight up delusional.

And I know your proximity to both programs. And not everyone is THAT far away from where you are. And i think we both know what the coaches thought of this team as well as what they thought of the PSB: double edged sword.

99% of SU Fans have NO idea the culture that was left in this football program.

Not everyone was saying that DM was the greatest. Many were not and many more are starting to sway that way.

Very few people thought SU would be 8-4 or 9-3. But the record is not even important since it includes wins against terrible teams. What is more important is the continued terrible games (especially at home) against very beatable opponents - games where SU was flat, looked unprepared and was outcoached. And that has nothing to do with GROB, lack of talent, lack of an indoor practice facility, snow or anything else. That is all on DM and his staff. It isn't the losses themselves - it is how they go down week after week.

Kids read the internet. They also watch TV and every terrible performance has been on so we can't come out here and shield them from everything.
4 weeks ago we didn't think Bernie Fine was a pederast.
Considering what broke on the hoops front today, I'd say there's a 0% chance of any changes on the football side that increase expenses by a penny right now. So this program is either going to succeed with Marrone, or fail and become exactly what I think it already is - totally irrelevant on the national level.

But we'll still have the posters on here calling for a new head coach every week, because this board is Romper Room with a keyboard.
Four weeks ago, everyone here was proclaiming that Doug Marrone was the greatest thing since the invention of the internet.

Today, everyone is saying SU should get rid of him because he is terrible.

I dare say I've been a sports fan (and an SU fan) longer than 99 percent of you (mainly because I am older than 99 percent of you). And, as they say, with age comes wisdom.

I was here during the early Coach Mac years -- pretty brutal with all the "Sack Mac" clamor. That was in the pre-internet environment. If there were an internet then, one can only imagine what it would have been like. Without question, Coach Mac would have been driven out of town before he was able to turn the program around. And not a single recruit he wanted would have come here.

Those who say that high school recruits do not read the internet... are living in a dream world. I have known several kids who have been recruited for various sports at various schools. They read this stuff like a hawk reads the ground while looking for a squirrel.

Just saying ...
what Im saying is that they better put a better team on the field next year or ...4 years in the natives will get really nasty
That's all fair, CTO. I would just say that I imagine right now there are probably threads about firing the head coach on 90% of FBS team message boards. It's just what people do.

I think it's hard to proove causality between Internet stuff and poor recruiting. It's not like Marrone was reeling in 4-star kids up until 3 weeks ago.

And after all, it was that great performance vs WVU that set the bar higher. We've totally and utterly flopped since that Friday night, even worse than our past two November swoons. I know the talk of firing Marrone is silly, but I also understand why folks are pissed.
That's all fair, CTO. I would just say that I imagine right now there are probably threads about firing the head coach on 90% of FBS team message boards. It's just what people do.

I think it's hard to proove causality between Internet stuff and poor recruiting. It's not like Marrone was reeling in 4-star kids up until 3 weeks ago.

And after all, it was that great performance vs WVU that set the bar higher. We've totally and utterly flopped since that Friday night, even worse than our past two November swoons. I know the talk of firing Marrone is silly, but I also understand why folks are pissed.
look at the offenses that were crappy in 07 and 08 that got better. do those fans have a muzzle? bad teams improve despite fans squawking on about the internet.
Four weeks ago, everyone here was proclaiming that Doug Marrone was the greatest thing since the invention of the internet.

Today, everyone is saying SU should get rid of him because he is terrible.

I dare say I've been a sports fan (and an SU fan) longer than 99 percent of you (mainly because I am older than 99 percent of you). And, as they say, with age comes wisdom.

I was here during the early Coach Mac years -- pretty brutal with all the "Sack Mac" clamor. That was in the pre-internet environment. If there were an internet then, one can only imagine what it would have been like. Without question, Coach Mac would have been driven out of town before he was able to turn the program around. And not a single recruit he wanted would have come here.

Those who say that high school recruits do not read the internet... are living in a dream world. I have known several kids who have been recruited for various sports at various schools. They read this stuff like a hawk reads the ground while looking for a squirrel.

Just saying ...

When SU starts sending me paycheck to help them recruit football players, I will start squashing my opinions and biting my tongue. Until then, I'm just a fan voicing an opinion.

If recruits aren't coming here it isn't because of Joe Blow in Solvay or John Fan in Eastwood is posting a thoughts on a message board about why our football team is losing week after week.I have no doubt that high school kids read these boards, but so what? Fan's are supposed to be quiet and not say anything? Or after every terrible loss say everything is going great with SU football? Lack of recruiting might have a LITTLE MORE to do with what they see on the football field and the losing for almost a decade now. It's not like "recruiting" is as easy as all the fans getting on the same page and saying nothing but nice and rosy things about SU football. That's fairy tale type of stuff. Pinning poor recruiting on fans on a message board is silly and foolish.
I think you overstate people being behind Marrone. People have been bitching about Marrone all season. The one exception was the 6 days after WV. And even during those 6 days plenty of people said that WV was a great matchup style wise for our D. And on O we converted an insane amount of 3rd downs which just isn't something that can happen week in and week out.
I know your heart is int eh right place, but this is silly. Yes, recruits read these boards. And perhaps it impacts them in some way. But do you want to know what impacts them more? going 1-6 in the worst BCS conference ever assembled and having an offense that is about as interesting as a snail on methaqualone

when it comes to our unlimited number of recruiting issues, fans' rantings on a website are way down the list. And the top of the list is our head coach.
I think you overstate people being behind Marrone. People have been bitching about Marrone all season. The one exception was the 6 days after WV. And even during those 6 days plenty of people said that WV was a great matchup style wise for our D. And on O we converted an insane amount of 3rd downs which just isn't something that can happen week in and week out.
Unfortunately our offense is built around throwing to tight ends a thousand times a game

Fortunately only on that one night, we happened to play a team that has never heard of tight ends.

78 plays yesterday for only 373. yeesh. 170 yards on the ground is pretty good considering the TFL, most were on pitiful zone read or sacks. yesterday wasn't much different than WVU except cincy covers tight ends
I think you overstate people being behind Marrone. People have been bitching about Marrone all season. The one exception was the 6 days after WV. And even during those 6 days plenty of people said that WV was a great matchup style wise for our D. And on O we converted an insane amount of 3rd downs which just isn't something that can happen week in and week out.
Too bad all of our opponents don't employ a 3-3-5 defense. We could be 11-0.
Four weeks ago, everyone here was proclaiming that Doug Marrone was the greatest thing since the invention of the internet.

Today, everyone is saying SU should get rid of him because he is terrible.

I dare say I've been a sports fan (and an SU fan) longer than 99 percent of you (mainly because I am older than 99 percent of you). And, as they say, with age comes wisdom.

I was here during the early Coach Mac years -- pretty brutal with all the "Sack Mac" clamor. That was in the pre-internet environment. If there were an internet then, one can only imagine what it would have been like. Without question, Coach Mac would have been driven out of town before he was able to turn the program around. And not a single recruit he wanted would have come here.

Those who say that high school recruits do not read the internet... are living in a dream world. I have known several kids who have been recruited for various sports at various schools. They read this stuff like a hawk reads the ground while looking for a squirrel.

Just saying ...
I have not been against Marrrone sinse day 1, The Old SU players, I mean Old,Old SU players (50's -60's) Dick Lasse,Jim Ridlon group like's the choice of DM as head Coach. But just because they are Old dosen't mean they have wisdom. A 18 year old can be a responsible Drinker and a 70 year old a drunk.
About HS kids -- they are smart enough to know fans aren't going to be happy when a team is 0 for November. If the fans were passive, the kids might be more shocked.

Fortunately, Marrone and staff have almost closed out the 2012 recruiting class. Some of the key recruits (skill guys for the offense) can see the opportunity to play right away.
Four weeks ago, everyone here was proclaiming that Doug Marrone was the greatest thing since the invention of the internet.

Today, everyone is saying SU should get rid of him because he is terrible.

I dare say I've been a sports fan (and an SU fan) longer than 99 percent of you (mainly because I am older than 99 percent of you). And, as they say, with age comes wisdom.

I was here during the early Coach Mac years -- pretty brutal with all the "Sack Mac" clamor. That was in the pre-internet environment. If there were an internet then, one can only imagine what it would have been like. Without question, Coach Mac would have been driven out of town before he was able to turn the program around. And not a single recruit he wanted would have come here.

Those who say that high school recruits do not read the internet... are living in a dream world. I have known several kids who have been recruited for various sports at various schools. They read this stuff like a hawk reads the ground while looking for a squirrel.

Just saying ...
I have been firmly in the Marrone camp, but this year my faith has withered considerably. That being said, Marrone better become an offensive genius by next season, or the coach after him better be, beacuse i cannot watch the cuse offense for very much's been putrid for years and years.
When SU starts sending me paycheck to help them recruit football players, I will start squashing my opinions and biting my tongue. Until then, I'm just a fan voicing an opinion.
You sound more like a customer than a fan.
You sound more like a customer than a fan.
Both! I am a paying customer to the university who is a fan. Is that a horrible thing? That's what 99% of the people at the Dome are when they go to a football game. They are paying customers who are fans of the football team. I can still be a fan of the team, doesn't mean I have to fork over the money though. They lost me in that respect. With the product and the band blowing my eardrums out for an entire quarter for no good reason.
With the product and the band blowing my eardrums out for an entire quarter for no good reason.
I'm with you on the band - and even worse, the piped-in music blaring during every time out. The only person you can communicate with is the person next to you, if you shout into their ear. It's simply the creation of a bad atmosphere.
As to the team, sure I'm disappointed about their backslide after the WV game. But I've gone through worse times with them and I still have hope that the program is on a good foundation.
The customer in me says give me a good product before I invest. The fan in me says we'll get through this together.
What is wrong with you people that want Doug gone ? He had nothing when he got here and turned them into a winning Team. This year he has more talent but that talent is young. Sometimes you take a step back before you go forward . It will get done and Doug will be here to see that it's done right. Take a Pill and lighten up !
What is wrong with you people that want Doug gone ? He had nothing when he got here and turned them into a winning Team. This year he has more talent but that talent is young. Sometimes you take a step back before you go forward . It will get done and Doug will be here to see that it's done right. Take a Pill and lighten up !
I agree with your bottom line (better days ahead), but it is easy to understand that folks are disappointed with no wins in November and the risk of closing with a 5 game losing streak unless we upset a heavily favored Pitt. The talent on the D side is young, at LB, but not especially young elsewhere. The talent on offense is not that young -- we entered the season with veterans at every position on offense, except at center. The real issue on offense: Doug's recruits at skill positions haven't had much impact. Offense was supposed to be Doug's strength, and people are disappointed that it hasn't translated on the field. I agree better days are ahead only because I see some rays of hope in recruits like Broyld, Macfarlane & Thompson -- sure hope we see 2 or 3 more of that caliber to fill out the class.

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