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From our friends at northwestern


All American
Aug 26, 2011
Post #1200

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Target: ACC Reply
We're inching closer to the fascinating final chapters.

The target dates have not changed since last year. Jim Delany has in the shadows amassed his resources as the chatter surrounding expansion died down. Football season, for each of the past several years, has provided a convenient cover for Delany to manouver. In the past few months, the major networks and the heads of the three most powerful conferences have solidified their plans. Simply put, the SEC, the PAC and the B1G will make up the three 16 team super-conferences. Everyone else will play in on their own.

This is where the B1G stands today: Texas wants in, Notre Dame does not - yet. Delany has successfully dismantled the Big Twelve to the brink of collapse. Delany expects two of WVU, North Carolina, FSU and Miami to move to the SEC. Delany over the past several months has had ongoing discussions with Syracuse, North Carolina, Georgia Tech and Maryland. Two of these four will likely follow Texas and Notre Dame to the B1G. The evaluation of these schools has ranged from facilities planning to alumni success. Internal speculation is that Georgia Tech and Maryland are the favorites at this point. Rutgers continues to attempt to force the situation, but is not a preferred choice.

The breakup of the ACC now serves one purpose: to separate Notre Dame's key decision makers from their resolve and ability to stay independent. Until the 5 game schedule with the ACC, many at ND were increasingly supportive of a move to the B1G. The insane deal that the ACC gave to ND made some of those people believe that ND could have its cake and eat it too. Delany wants to squash that immediately. He will stop at nothing to break up the ACC to force ND back into the discussion. He will have help.

Pay attention to the SEC. Silve owes Delany for A&M. Also less directly for Mizzou. Florida State should be the first domino to fall. Put it this way: Silve is Stalin, Delany is Roosevelt. Neither shares the same dogmas, but both know that the only way to win the war is to work together. This will be fun to watch.

This post was edited on 11/19 9:27 AM by PURPLE Book Cat
Basically says that Delaney is the great and powerful Oz, and that all of this has been part of his (and Slive's) master plans all along. He has engineered the demise of the ACC over the past two years and by doing will get ND to capitulate and join the BiG.
I just looked the old way. The rest of the board treats that poster like he is RutgersAl, I'm sure we could find posts like that on every football board in America.
Isn't this the guy that said just days ago that the Maryland talk was all hooey?
Basically says that Delaney is the great and powerful Oz, and that all of this has been part of his (and Slive's) master plans all along. He has engineered the demise of the ACC over the past two years and by doing will get ND to capitulate and join the BiG.

The poster is right in that ND holds this all in the balance. If they want this madness to end, join the ACC as a full member. You want to stick it to Delany and his plans (whatever they might actually be), that's the only way. And bring Texas with you.
Several posts point out that as recently as two days ago, he was saying no way MD got invited.
Silly. If the SEC and B1G want to work together to destroy the ACC all the SEC had to do was offer FSU when the B12 stuff was going on. I am sure FSU wanted the SEC to offer at that point and one of the reasons FSU did not go to the B12 was because they hoped to one day be SEC.
So, with MD and Rutgers in the fold, the B1G is at 14.

Texas and ND make 16.

Where do SU, NC, and GaTech fit in?

Didn't this guy also predict Nebraska, Kansas, and Missouri to the B1G years ago?
So, with MD and Rutgers in the fold, the B1G is at 14.

Texas and ND make 16.

Where do SU, NC, and GaTech fit in?

Didn't this guy also predict Nebraska, Kansas, and Missouri to the B1G years ago?
Throw in one more and you have the Big 2 x 10
A better analysis would be when Texas, ACC, Notre Dame were all talking they were planning to put it to all 3 conferences. Texas and Notre Dame moneywise are the 2 big dogs, and its hard to believe they didn't talk about different scenarios concerning the Big 10.

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