Go Buzz | Syracusefan.com

Go Buzz

I haven't watched the video so I could be off base, but why did he call the media to film it? If he truly cared he could have done this in private. Not in a place to watch the video so apologize if this is addressed.
I haven't watched the video so I could be off base, but why did he call the media to film it? If he truly cared he could have done this in private. Not in a place to watch the video so apologize if this is addressed.

I didn't see it addressed, but maybe he's hoping that this will move beyond just his team and other teams, and fans in the stands, will learn to stand at attention and respect the flag while the anthem is playing. Just a guess on my part though.
I haven't watched the video so I could be off base, but why did he call the media to film it? If he truly cared he could have done this in private. Not in a place to watch the video so apologize if this is addressed.

True. I doubt the media just happened to show up. Perhaps him asking the military to help, it alerted the media? Could be self promotion, regardless it was a good thing.
It's sad that college kids need to be taught respect for servicemen, the flag, our national anthem, the pledge and our country. It should be addressed much earlier than college.
It's sad that college kids need to be taught respect for servicemen, the flag, our national anthem, the pledge and our country. It should be addressed much earlier than college.

I don't blame the kids. Ever look around at sports events throughout the country? Adults are on their phones, some men don't remove their hats, no hand over their hearts etc.

I doubt players are purposely disrespecting the flag etc, they just aren't informed, are distracted. I don't think the way to show respect is always clearly defined. Service people in the military in uniform have different rules than veterans and we do (in uniform military stand attention vs hand over their heart) I had questions even after the video and I certainly believe each person was showing respect. ( Buzz told the players to put their off hand behind their back while the veterans and active military stood with the off hand at their sides standing at attention). Buzz just gave them a uniform way he wanted his players to show respect. I just think it's a good reminder for all of us - not just the players to act respectful and watch our demeanor.
I don't blame the kids. Ever look around at sports events throughout the country? Adults are on their phones, some men don't remove their hats, no hand over their hearts etc.

I doubt players are purposely disrespecting the flag etc, they just aren't informed, are distracted. I don't think the way to show respect is always clearly defined. Service people in the military in uniform have different rules than veterans and we do (in uniform military stand attention vs hand over their heart) I had questions even after the video and I certainly believe each person was showing respect. ( Buzz told the players to put their off hand behind their back while the veterans and active military stood with the off hand at their sides standing at attention). Buzz just gave them a uniform way he wanted his players to show respect. I just think it's a good reminder for all of us - not just the players to act respectful and watch our demeanor.

Two things have happened to me to really understand the attention this deserves. One, I spent nearly 20 years working with many, many service members, both retired and active duty. Some of the very finest people I've ever met. The second thing is I started bringing my son to games and I definitely wanted him to do it the right way, so the best way I could think to do that, is to show him by my actions. I think Buzz likely also understands there are kids at every one of those games watching every movement of his players.
I think sometimes the kids are so amped up for the game, they kind of lose sight of things.
So I'm on your shoulder, buzzing in one ear. I guess it's up to you to decide which.

Maybe the Department of "Defense" should do like it does in the NFL and pay the teams for their advertising? Colleges, even with some of their insane tuitions, could certainly use the taxpayer-siphoned funds more than the tax-exempt, money minting NFL. I mean the DOD could save money due to not being able to do jet flyovers while recruiting at college basketball games. God bless America. I'll give disrespectful kids a pass before I do their ignorant, "adult" counterparts who brought us to this point of $19 trillion in debt. Maybe we should embrace the USSR level of patriotism, being our leaders seem to be embracing their style in the world theater? Maybe they'll(well, the former member states) be the ones sporting the next Charlie Wilson who saves Afghanistan from The Empire this time? Tom Hanks will probably need more work by then.

Of course I'm not claiming the kids' disrespect merits the reflection of conscientious objection to our Roman bread and circus culture I bear witness to, but I suppose I could hope maybe 1 or 2 of them had a political purpose, or higher understandings such as the Jehovah Witnesses, or were relatives of one of the millions of casualties of the military industrial complex that even Eisenhower warned us about(as did JFK) in his farewell address to the nation. Too many Americans apparently look at patriotism with the level of thinking they look at a sporting event, instead of like Thomas Jefferson and other true patriots would understand, which is why we are in the mess we are in. God bless America. Does any student of the Constitution think our founders would show respect to this government? We all love the troops, so please spare us that straw man. Note who their donations went to on the Republican side in 08 and 12(hint, initials were RP) and it will give you a better understanding of their(as opposed to your) feelings about our occupations.

St Thomas Aquinas gifted the world with the Theory Of Just War. Lately, our bought-out politicians are doing their best to give the world just war, with a different meaning of "just". Can you blame me for not picturing him giving any more reverence to our current state than our founding fathers would? "A republic, M'am, if you can keep it". I guess the kids would deserve forgiveness from (y)our judgment more if they halfway were capable of comprehending why they were correct, like having to do a "proof" in math class?

Wouldn't it be nice if our government once again inspired respect that wouldn't have to be forced and/or paid for? Comparing our government to that of our founding fathers is like comparing the current football program to the 1988 Sugar Bowl team, same in name only. To paraphrase a hit RATM song from the Godzilla(1998 version) soundtrack, "There'll be no pitch to Owens here!!". Chained to the dream they got you searching for, the thin line between entertainment and war. Folks would do well to understand our occupiers don't wear boots, and we gladly open our homes to them each evening. Is it possible some of these kids are more experienced with defending life on either end of the barrel than the chicken hawks criticizing them? If you consider respect a privilege that no longer has to be earned, can we at least not tenure it like we do educators? We shouldn't throw out logic in all of life the way we do when we decide to think our team is the best in the world.

Shame on your self-promotion, Buzz. Hulk Hogan sang, "I am a real American", and frankly I find him more believable. I have more respect for another former Big East coach who gave a speech during a buzz. Huggins>Buzz. http://deadspin.com/5902766/was-bob-huggins-drunk-at-a-coaching-clinic-the-other-day

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