Great, ESPN covering DA/SPD pissing contest |

Great, ESPN covering DA/SPD pissing contest


Have you donated to an SU NIL collective?
Staff member
Aug 16, 2011
during the Gtown - Kansas pre game
Just saw that. They have so little footage of Bernie, that they used video of a game with Kueth in it.
now the SPD looks currupt in an attempt to cover up for Bernie
T-minus approximately 12 hours before someone national makes the connection to Duval with this crap...
Im just waiting for the Breaking News scroll of "Mark Schwarz reports the US District Attorney's Office involved in Bernie Fine case" Even though it seems standard protocol, it would fit ESPN's reporting style of turning mundane details into earth shatterig events.
T-minus approximately 12 hours before someone national makes the connection to Duval with this crap...
I'd give it 6 hours... We'll wake up to some ESPN story about Duval
T-minus approximately 12 hours before someone national makes the connection to Duval with this crap...
You finally got your 1000 posts! Yeah brah
Is that your twitsig about the super committee because that is hysterical
Yeah, I try to pimp my Twitter whenever I can, because hoes are hard to come by and damnit, I want to pimp SOMETHING.
I have to admit Jeff is an exellent follow on Twitter.
now the SPD looks corrupt in an attempt to cover up for Bernie
T-minus approximately 12 hours before someone national makes the connection to Duval with this crap...

Corrupt, or incompetent? Did the SVU detective on duty decide on his own not to investigate, or were "higher ups" involved.
don't overreact, it doesn't look like anything. this is a non-story.

I think the national media has taken a "hands off" approach on this story. They know its infected and would rather let ESPN do the heavy lifting.
I think the national media has taken a "hands off" approach on this story. They know its infected and would rather let ESPN do the heavy lifting.
Seems like a responsible approach. As new information becomes available, I expect it to be reported in a rational manner. NPR this morning had a brief story in their news segment about the DA requesting SPD records. No editorializing, just reporting a development.

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