Gregory Echenique Assaults UNC’s Tyler Zeller |

Gregory Echenique Assaults UNC’s Tyler Zeller

That was as dirty a team as I have seen in years. If we played them this board and our fan base would be exploding in anger.
i would say assualt is a little extreme. he gave him a push in the chest and zeller flopped a little.

foul? no doubt
assault? no, probably not even a flagrant.
Creighton was playing rough. Obvious they were going for Henson's wrist. Did they call a foul on that play against Zeller? Can't remember.
Zeller is such a girl. He basically ran into the guy.
Creighton played like they were the lackeys of cWo or Kentucky who try "soften" up the top dogs wrestlers for future matches. Creighton took their orders from cWo and did exactly what we needed.
D. Green's (MSU) karate blast to that dude's face was worse than that. Shot goes up, Ech goes with the two-handed shove box out technique, Zeller recoils in terror and goes down. It actually looks much worse in full speed than in slo-mo.

Zeller was going to fall down no matter how hard he hit him (cuz that's what he does), so he might as well give it some OOOOOMPH!

looks like echinique went to the Butler School of Boxing Out.

looked like a foul but zeller flopped.
I just watched that replay 20 times. Very dirty play. Absolutely a foul. However, Zeller flopped. He leans back, pauses for a split second, then falls on his back. If he got hit really hard, hit feet would have went forward, which is what happens when you get leveled.
It's ok when the lower seeded team does it.:bang:

No, it's just okay when it happens to Tyler Zeller. If it happened to Cody I'd be upset.

It should have been a foul, but let's not make this out to be more than it is.

One, he sees the shot goes up.

Two, he turns and looks for someone to box out.

Three, he sees Zeller.

Four, he uses a technique we all see 30 times a game under the rim. People go forearms to the back all the time under the rim to move people out of the way. He just went to the chest...

It's not all that big of a deal. He didn't do it to his head - he went straight into his chest. Was it a dick move, sure, is it assault - ummm, no.

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