Hatred of the Enemy..... | Syracusefan.com

Hatred of the Enemy.....


All Conference
Aug 15, 2011
The BC thread got me to thinking about opponents on this forum that we love to hate.

My two personal "favorites" are GTown & ND.

Soon, we will be moving to the ACC. We will get back our rivalries w VT & BC, plus many new opponents. There seems to be a lot of built-in haterd for Duke.

Personally, as of right now I have no particular animosity towards the Dukies, but I do have a fairly high level of confidence that it won't take long for them & their fans to "earn" my animosity at least to some extent.

I am wondering how many on this forum already feel hatred for our future ACC rivals & if so for which ones, particularly for which ones other than Duke & NC.

PS - I know many here dis-like Pitt. Personally, I am not in that camp, in fact, I have long admired what they have been able to accomplish with lesser, but tough talent. There have certainly been many times during the last ten years when I had wished Cuse teams displayed their toughness & resolve. The worm seems to be turning against them now, so perhaps forward going few will care that much about them.
B.C. - glad to see them again in the same way I am happy when old episodes of Gilligan's Island show up on TV - old friend, I'll watch, but it gets old fast.
Maryland - will be nice to play them again, but I don't hate them, maybe pity them a little.
Miami - no special feelings
Florida St. - no special feelings - except I hate when Leonard Hamilton used to bring his teams to the dome...wait when was Fla. State in the Big East? Hey Leonard you are at the wrong Florida school...how'd that happen?
Va Tech - no special feelings
Clemson - nothing
Ga. Tech - I do have some low level resentment of them tied to Kenny Anderson, Stephon Marbury and the 1985 NCAA Tournament Loss.
Duke - I really had the hate thing going for Duke and then (i) K gave JB the spot on the Olympic staff and started saying nice things about him at every turn, (ii) the Cameron Crazies got exposed for being the product of favorable camera angles and (iii) K let Mike G transfer to the Cuse..... what's left to hate?
UNC - Ok, I guess I can still hate North Carolina. Even that is tempered somewhat because we ran them out of the building the last time we met them. Ok, let me conjure up images of Dean Smith and Matt Doherty for a moment...that'll help raise my ire....oh wait there is Roy Williams - now I want to cry for them.
NC State - How can you hate a school that has had to live in the shadow of Duke and UNC for so long, lost its inspirational iconic coach to Cancer and had to endure Les Robinson, Herb Sendek and Sidney Lowe the last 20 years...again more pity.
Wake Forest - interesting name, always kind of thought they were located in the deep forests of rural Appalachia ...turns out they are located in a struggle between two brands of cigarettes.
Virginia - Virginia? what happened to your program...yikes! Maybe they should bring back Ralph Sampson and Terry Holland to see if they can get a do over on the last 20 or 25 years.
Got a feeling ill be hating nc st and maryland a ton...i know how their fans are and with gottfried around doing a good job theyll be pretty damn annoying...unc doesnt bother me at all
You have to respect Pitt's tenacity and blue collar work ethic. What I detest is the snatch-and-grab, Marquette-style defense they get away with -- 3 fouls for every Syracuse shot attempt, leaving the officials dazed over which hack to call. At the other end of the floor, they use the same (despicable) strategy 'Nova uses -- drive the guards into the lane to bounce off our bigs and then flop. Whistle every time. Repeat and recycle every conference season. Excellent way to build resentment and hate among conference rivals.

Virginia tech used to be our nemesis in FB, but when we played them last fall, while they were plucky, I didn't sense any special passion during the game. Same with NC state, an eventual tourney team that shot the lights out against us (especially CJ Leslie) and still lost.

Last but not least, I think the SU-Duke and SU-UNC rivalries will develop quickly and become heated. All three programs boast huge fan bases and rich BB traditions; and all three have solid undergraduate academics, are 'selector' recruitors and have won national titles in the last 10 years. Duke in the Dome? Cuse at Cameron indoor? Please -- how could the games be anything but epic.
NC State will have an even better team this year. And, as Paulie pointed out, their fans tend to have some kind of complex about thinking of themselves much better than they are. 'Can't wait to overun that arena again when we get in the ACC.
I've said before that I think we get a little thing going with NC State. We've already played them a few times; DUke and UNC have each other; NC State looks to be a much improved program (easily #3 in the ACC right now).
conan what is good ?

"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their fans. well that and EZ pass."
Already hate Duke, but that hatred will be turned up to untenable levels the first time I see Cameron Crazies doing the jazz finger thing to an SU player inbounding the ball on the sideline.
Hate can drive us to places beyond our normal limits.
It's dangerous that way.
It must be used sparingly.
There's only one team that should generate genuine hatred in Orange hearts.
My blood is starting to boil just thinking about them.


That's not to say I don't dislike teams like the Tar Holes.
But it's not real hatred.
Not close. And won't be... no matter how often we play them and no matter
how pompous they are and no matter how obnoxious their (and other ACC) preppie pom-pom waving fans may be.

I will not like Maryland in any sport once we move to the ACC. They gave us one hell of a game in the NCAA tournament in 2004. I think they will get better and better in basketball and will eventually compete with us for top talent out of the DMV area. Throw in their ugly uniforms and their ugly football field and that's plenty of kindling for me to stoke a rivalry fire. They're good at LAX, too.
Teams I hate:
BC (since I'm from MA), Clemson (annoying friends rooted for them), Pitt (self explanatory), NC St. (Rutgers of the ACC), UNC (Can't stand anyone from those teams), VA Tech (couldn't stand Beamer/Greenberg)

Little bit of hate:
Duke (hate the players, love K), FSU (don't dislike their basketball, can't stand FB), Maryland (Edsall/Unis/Msg board hate when we joined)

GT, Miami, Virginia, Wake
Definitely Pitt. Everything about them bothers me including the fact that they shouldn't be a rival of ours. Its funny to compare and contrast them with UConn. UConn, while I dislike them, is a worthy opponent. It is easy to respect UConn and feel proud when we defeat them. I would not want the 6OT game to have been against anyone else (it would seem cheap if it was against PU). But with Pitt? The only thing that feels less satisfying than beating them is losing to them. When we beat them this year, breaking a long losing streak, I still felt angry, annoyed, and depressed after the game. I would take any team in the BE over them as our partner in going to the ACC.
NC St. (Rutgers of the ACC),

You realize that NC State has actually won two national championships since 1970. I realize they have had a fairly long drought, but I think they are more relevant than Rutgers.
You realize that NC State has actually won two national championships since 1970. I realize they have had a fairly long drought, but I think they are more relevant than Rutgers.
I know, i mean in terms of being thin skinned and annoying. I.e. their complaints about Cuse fans after last year's game.

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