When I see how much fun CuseTroop is having I'm almost glad I didn't get there, because there is no way my trip would have been half as fun as his looks to have been.
This type of post is generally reserved for me. I'd did think I'd hear more from him, but I havent checked the Chicago picture thread yet, which I'm guessing may have more of his antics! I wouldnt mind putting in a request for him to do a shot in front of that sculpture they showed on tv!
Also wouldn't mind hearing some more opinion on Chicago pizza vs NY!
And maybe a shot with Chino too! The big guy needs love too! Hey... can anyone tell me what was said while the cameras zoomed in on Chino? I was in a bar and kinda drunk, and couldn't hear what was said. I was going to start a thread but am feeling meek with this hangover and will ask a smaller audience for now. Was surprised, and feel fortunate that there was no need for the big guy!
lol, sadly if he had too much fun(in the eyes of the law), he might end up wearing the wrong kind of orange like in the OP! That guy was lookin down too! I am curious how he's using his day off though!! Like Ferris Bueller?
Nice to see you made it to today safe and sound CaptainJ! And as for CuseTroop, Lydon and him must be almost friends by now. Lydon's seen and talked to him on a few road trips now. Good work.
Are you kidding me? If we win tomorrow ...... he Goes Straight to Jail, Does not pass go, does not collect $200 and definitely does not go back to Alaska.