Havent seen too much of UM play this year.. | Syracusefan.com

Havent seen too much of UM play this year..


All Conference
Sep 2, 2011
Given its a Beilen coached team, do they employ alot of the 1-3-1 zone D? Are they the best shooting team we have faced thus far in tourney? Normally, Beilen's teams have 3-5 players on the court that can all shoot. KEVIN PITTSNOGGLE IS NOT WALKING THROUGH THAT DOOR!
Given its a Beilen coached team, do they employ alot of the 1-3-1 zone D? Are they the best shooting team we have faced thus far in tourney? Normally, Beilen's teams have 3-5 players on the court that can all shoot. KEVIN PITTSNOGGLE IS NOT WALKING THROUGH THAT DOOR!
Kevin Pittsnoggle, HA! I used to work with a guy that called him c#cksnoggle.
Pretty sure they just play man-to-man now from what I've seen.

They're a very inconsistent shooting team, but when it all averages out, they shoot a high percentage. Burke, Stauskas, and Hardaway especially shoot in the 38-42% from 3 point range, but when you look at their game log, there's a lot of 0/5 games followed up with a 4/5, so it balances out.

Burke has really struggled with his shot against good defensive teams, and he generally makes it worse by choosing those games to take more shots than usual. He's a good player, and easily the most talented PG we've faced from a scoring standpoint, but he's heavily reliant on transition and pick and rolls. He can't really beat his man one on one, and he tends to try to play hero ball against better teams (passing up open teammates to take forced jumpshots for example).

I think the key to this game is keeping McGary off the glass the way we did with Zeller, and getting back on defense after missed shots. If we can force them to play in the half court and limit them to one shot each possession, I think we'll be able to control the game the way that we did against Indiana. They're very similar teams.
As a big Michigan fan, let me help ya out.

We've played almost exclusively man D this season. For whatever reason, Beilein feels this season's roster doesn't quite get the 1-3-1 and uses it as a rare change of pace. Several of our biggest defensive weaknesses all season (closing out on perimeter shooters and defensive rebounding) seem to have been addressed; we still have problems with guards getting penetration, and when McGary's out, keeping opponents off the O glass. Our biggest issues come from teams with post size, as Beilein loves his small lineups and doesn't seem to emphasize rebounding as much as he should.

On offense, we'll be starting 4 deadly but streaky shooters, and McGary in the middle. McGary has been a revelation this tournament; you really can't compare him to Zeller at all. Zeller has a more sophisticated array of post moves, but is MUCH softer. You can use physical contact to bother Zeller, and if he isn't getting foul calls, he disappears. McGary is a bull in a china shop, a limitless ball of energy who is constantly hitting the glass and scoring on tip ins and hustle plays. Further, simply having height on McGary isn't enough - he absolutely dominated Withey by outhustling him on the boards. He is prone to pick up fouls, and will oftentimes cancel himself out by playing a little out of control, stealing passes and then give them right back, that sort of thing.

The other four guys are pretty easily described. All can shoot from the perimeter: Trey is the leader, not the best 3 point shooter but excels in the clutch. Great passer, great at penetrating off pick and roll action. Quick hands, will turn you over and score layups if you're not careful. Glenn Robinson III and THJ are the most athletic players on the team. GR3 prefers to sit in the corner and shoot 3s, but when he is playing aggressively he is a handful. THJ is a slasher, and has the streakiest jump shot on the team. When his jumper is off, he will single-handedly shoot us out of games, as it becomes his personal mission to reclaim his touch regardless of how many misses that may take. Finally, Stauskas is a pure 3 point shooter who was extremely hot first half of the season, and cool the second half. He has an extremely quick release, so don't count on length to block those shots if you're out of position. He has a very consistent shot, so if he makes 2 in a row, don't count on him missing anymore.

Melancer is right in that our guys rarely shoot their percentage, say 2/5. There will be one or two of them who get real hot, and you'll need to figure out which ones. Our transition game is deadly, and we rarely turn the ball over. We haven't seen a zone like yours, so you may still be able to create a lot of turnovers, but it will be in the half court set. It will be extremely fun to watch our O go against your D, but I'm guessing that will be a draw, and that the game winner will be the team that dominates the Syracuse O - Michigan D matchup. And that worries me quite a bit.
As a big Michigan fan, let me help ya out.

We've played almost exclusively man D this season. For whatever reason, Beilein feels this season's roster doesn't quite get the 1-3-1 and uses it as a rare change of pace. Several of our biggest defensive weaknesses all season (closing out on perimeter shooters and defensive rebounding) seem to have been addressed; we still have problems with guards getting penetration, and when McGary's out, keeping opponents off the O glass. Our biggest issues come from teams with post size, as Beilein loves his small lineups and doesn't seem to emphasize rebounding as much as he should.

On offense, we'll be starting 4 deadly but streaky shooters, and McGary in the middle. McGary has been a revelation this tournament; you really can't compare him to Zeller at all. Zeller has a more sophisticated array of post moves, but is MUCH softer. You can use physical contact to bother Zeller, and if he isn't getting foul calls, he disappears. McGary is a bull in a china shop, a limitless ball of energy who is constantly hitting the glass and scoring on tip ins and hustle plays. Further, simply having height on McGary isn't enough - he absolutely dominated Withey by outhustling him on the boards. He is prone to pick up fouls, and will oftentimes cancel himself out by playing a little out of control, stealing passes and then give them right back, that sort of thing.

The other four guys are pretty easily described. All can shoot from the perimeter: Trey is the leader, not the best 3 point shooter but excels in the clutch. Great passer, great at penetrating off pick and roll action. Quick hands, will turn you over and score layups if you're not careful. Glenn Robinson III and THJ are the most athletic players on the team. GR3 prefers to sit in the corner and shoot 3s, but when he is playing aggressively he is a handful. THJ is a slasher, and has the streakiest jump shot on the team. When his jumper is off, he will single-handedly shoot us out of games, as it becomes his personal mission to reclaim his touch regardless of how many misses that may take. Finally, Stauskas is a pure 3 point shooter who was extremely hot first half of the season, and cool the second half. He has an extremely quick release, so don't count on length to block those shots if you're out of position. He has a very consistent shot, so if he makes 2 in a row, don't count on him missing anymore.

Melancer is right in that our guys rarely shoot their percentage, say 2/5. There will be one or two of them who get real hot, and you'll need to figure out which ones. Our transition game is deadly, and we rarely turn the ball over. We haven't seen a zone like yours, so you may still be able to create a lot of turnovers, but it will be in the half court set. It will be extremely fun to watch our O go against your D, but I'm guessing that will be a draw, and that the game winner will be the team that dominates the Syracuse O - Michigan D matchup. And that worries me quite a bit.

Thanks for visiting the forum.

A couple thoughts:
1. I'm guessing that Michigan will put Hardaway on MCW and Burke on Triche since MCW generally is able to beat smaller guards with his quick, long first-step. Does that seem likely?
2. I definitely think the biggest keys for Syracuse will be boxing McGary out (they did a FANTASTIC job with this against Zeller and Oladipo, who like McGary, have a knack for tip-ins, but also got murdered by Marquette on the offensive glass) and getting back on defense (From the games that I've seen this year, Michigan is easily at their best when Burke can run the pick and roll, which I don't think will be as effective against the zone, and when he and Hardaway can get out on the break). This was one of Indiana's biggest strengths as well, and I was very worried about that part of their game, but our team did as good a job as I've ever seen of making a concerted effort to get back on defense.
3. Who do you think Michigan will try to put at the free throw line on offense to catch and either take a mid-range jump shot or make a pass? GRIII?
Thanks for visiting the forum.

A couple thoughts:
1. I'm guessing that Michigan will put Hardaway on MCW and Burke on Triche since MCW generally is able to beat smaller guards with his quick, long first-step. Does that seem likely?
2. I definitely think the biggest keys for Syracuse will be boxing McGary out (they did a FANTASTIC job with this against Zeller and Oladipo, who like McGary, have a knack for tip-ins, but also got murdered by Marquette on the offensive glass) and getting back on defense (From the games that I've seen this year, Michigan is easily at their best when Burke can run the pick and roll, which I don't think will be as effective against the zone, and when he and Hardaway can get out on the break). This was one of Indiana's biggest strengths as well, and I was very worried about that part of their game, but our team did as good a job as I've ever seen of making a concerted effort to get back on defense.
3. Who do you think Michigan will try to put at the free throw line on offense to catch and either take a mid-range jump shot or make a pass? GRIII?

1) We really like putting Burke on the primary ballhandler, as he is generally good for a couple pickpocket-layups per game. However, if the MCW matchup proves to be problematic, I suspect you're right, Tim Hardaway will get the bulk of that defensive matchup.
2) Rebounding will definitely be huge. We sucked at rebounding, quite frankly, until we started getting McGary more time in the paint. He's a total gamechanger. My limited understanding of zone defenses is that one of their weaknesses is oftentimes rebounding, because when the shot goes up the defender isn't always on a man to box out. Your guys will have to be extra conscious of McGary - but if they are, you will probably clean up the glass and we will be in a world of hurt. On your other points, you're right that we're most effective when setting screens and picks for Burke. Burke does get frustrated when he's getting shut down by an on-the-ball defender against whom he can't create space; fortunately for us, very few defenders are good enough to shut down Burke. In my recollection, Craft, Nate Wolters, and to a lesser extent Oladipo are the only ones who have accomplished that feat.
3) My guess would be Tim Hardaway Jr gets most of the free throw line duties. While both he and GR3 are great midrange shooters and good passers, THJ is much more comfortable driving if the option presents itself.
Got to get McGary in foul trouble. We can dominate inside when he is out.
Horford and Jordan Morgan are better inside defenders. They just have no hands.

We share your pain with inside defenders with limited hands. I think with our guys (specifically Christmas) it's more of a confidence issue. Are your guys just developing their inside offensive game or are they pretty much lost causes?
We share your pain with inside defenders with limited hands. I think with our guys (specifically Christmas) it's more of a confidence issue. Are your guys just developing their inside offensive game or are they pretty much lost causes?
Horford there is still a chance. He had had some injuries though his career. I feel like Morgan has been getting worse on offense since his freshman year. Morgan missed a bunny that would have beaten Indiana. Though we should have made our free throws beforehand.

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