Head to Head, how do Cuse final four teams stack up? | Syracusefan.com

Head to Head, how do Cuse final four teams stack up?


There are FIVE letters in the name BLAIN.
Aug 27, 2011
There's no question that this year's team is not as talented as the 87 and 2003 teams, but we also know that bball is all about match ups..and matchups could create results that are otherwise not expected.

So here is my take on an all cuse final four


87 vs 2013:

Sherman douglas is able to dribble pentetrate the vaunted zone. This leads to quick lob passes to Rony and Coleman for easy dunks and kick outs to dead eye Greg Monroe for 3's. The misses are gathered in by skilled frosh big man Coleman who has 20 rebounds, 10 offensive.

87 wins in relative comfort.


2003 vs 1996:

John Wallace and Carmelo Anthony are clearly the best player on their respective teams however Carmelo has more help in future NBA rotation player Hak War and fan favorite GMAC. Wallace must shoulder most of the load himself with undersized center Otis Hill struggling do score over Lurch clone Craig Forth. Lazarus sims is unable to get into the teeth of the zone via the dribble but he does have some success with nifty passing skills and his size allows him a chance to see things smaller points do not. Still, it is not enough as Jason Cipolla misses a few too many layups and 2003 wins in a closer game than many would have thought.

2003: 73
1996: 70


2003 vs 87:

In a game with a multitude of lead changes and ties, the talent level of the 87 team is mitigated by the wickedly tough full time zone implemented by the 2003 squad. The best player on the court is difficult to identify as coleman and anthony take turns doing the spectacular. Douglas is again able to dribble penetrate but this time he is finding less success once inside as 7'0 center forth, 6 '9 wing Hak War, and 6'8 Anthony are waiting upon his arrival. He is forced to become more of a shooter as 2003 dares him to take open three's while making sure that greg monroe doesnt get any clean looks. On the other side, 2003 is running the offense through anthony and there is no one to match up with him. The bigs are too slow and the lock down defender Steven Thompson is too small. GMAC is able to get his shot off vs the smallish 87 guards monroe and douglas. Forth is able to at least make life difficult enough for Seikaly to frustrate his offense game. With both teams fatigued, the depth of the 2003 team comes into play with pace, edelin, and McNeil contributing much more than the likes of Herman Harried and Brower.

2003 wins 84 to 79.

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