Hop and the Zone | Syracusefan.com

Hop and the Zone

Sgt Cuse

All Conference
Dec 5, 2011
One problem with the internet is that it can be difficult to fully assess when someone has a Brain aneursym in progress. In another thread br801 said about Hop "He has a great basketball mind, and from what I've observed, he's his own man. I believe he will integrate what he's learned under JB with his own approach to the game." What? This sounds like a thinly veiled premeditated acceptance of Hop deviating from the Zone. That's insane.

Hop will be inheriting a huge brand name in the midst of its "Golden Era". Making major changes may be the way to establish yourself as your own man, your own very stupid man.

Through JB, generations of Rochesterians have supplemented the Syracuse fan base to make SU the most followed BBall program in the East. JB and SU are now associated with the Zone. Hop needs to continue this association to maintain and nurture the ties to the past.

Let's face it, the 30 wins per season will not continue forever. If Hop goes down to 22 wins while playing man, why would the average Joe in Rochester continue to care? That team would no longer resemble the team he watched with his father. No real need to watch that nonsense with his son.

If Hop changes from the Zone he is an idiot!

br801, are you okay?

(Editors note - the increased snarkiness of this post is meant to appeal to the highly coveted younger demographic and is an attempt to draw more views to my posts)
IMO Hop will retain the zone as the base defense but will integrate some M2M when he thinks it is needed. I think you'll see a little more pressure too. But none of that means he will abandon the zone. He'll just be more multiple.

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If Hopkins doesn't do what he needs to win games, he shouldn't be the coach.

Whether that's by playing man or zone...I couldn't care less.
Sgt Cuse, I understand your premise that its tough to tell when someone is having a psychotic break or if their posts were made of sound mind. Yours, as it turns out, is probably the textbook example of this.

If I understand your thought process here: Hopkins cannot possibly play any man-to-man defense because the city of Rochester will no longer support the program if he does. The city of Rochester is the primary reason why Syracuse is the most followed basketball program in the east. Thus - when the civic pride of Rochester is gutted by Hopkins playing less zone, Syracuse will cease to be relevant on the east coast.

Do I have that right?

People identify Syracuse basketball because we win, not because of the zone defense imho. Hop needs to do whatever he thinks is necessary to win as far as playing defense. I agree with Bees that he will play a lot of zone, but I honestly don't care if he does or not as long as he wins. JB hasn't played mostly zone his entire career but the fanbase has managed to adapt. With all due respect, I think most of the average Joes in Rochester just care if we win and mainly the fans on boards like this would really pay attention to the specifics of strategy etc. I believe you started a similar thread to this not that long ago, and quite frankly, I just don't get it.
The essence of defense is ability to contest shots, create turnovers, and get D rebounds. Man or zone can be equally effective challenging shots. Zone has 3 advantages on D: 1) we play a good zone by recruiting players that fit the zone and our coaches are zone experts, 2) some teams are rattled by an unfamiliar D, and 3) it creates turnovers by trapping in the back corners. Zone has one built in disadvantage: D rebounding. The deciding factor is that zone has one big advantage on the O end: with the guards always on top they are in fast break position. I want Hop to keep the zone as our trademark D. I would be surprised if he doesn't.

I also want him to burn the clock at game end. The proof is in the pudding, we win more than our share of close games.

Most fans think that we do not press enough. JB likes the surprise factor and is wary of giving away easy buckets, but the press works for Pitino. Maybe it would work for us depending on personnel. With our upswing in recruiting, I'm open to experimentation with the press.
If Hopkins doesn't do what he needs to win games, he shouldn't be the coach.

Whether that's by playing man or zone...I couldn't care less.
Doc - that's a very vague criteria for Hop. The current level of success is currently unsustainable. There will be a dip. A ton of second guessing will occur when more losing starts taking place. If this dip occurs while playing man the association to these good days is further removed. And the cries for Hop's head will be quicker and louder.

A quick hook for Hop would not be good for the program. It would be a lot easier for Hop to weather the first losing dip while playing in the established SU style of the trademark Zone.
Again...if Hopkins feels that needs to play a style of defense to prserve JB's legacy, or as some sort of convoluted PR move, then I don't want him to coach. I want him to make decsions based on how many gaems he'll win.

That's not how Boeheim would have done it, and I don't think that's how Hopkins will either.
Very hypothetically, if Hop does get a quick hook, are you proposing we make it a requirement for the next coach to play zone?? Good luck with that because those are few and far between.
Very hypothetically, if Hop does get a quick hook, are you proposing we make it a requirement for the next coach to play zone?? Good luck with that because those are few and far between.
No, if Hop gets the quick hook, I would hope SU would open up the check book and get a name coach and do whatever that name coach feels should be done.

I would prefer Hop doesn't get the quick hook. And I think to help avoid it he should continue with the zone. Plus I like the zone.
Like JB, Hop will play whatever defense best fits his players. Nothing wrong with man-to-man if your athletes are built to play it better than zone; JB's teams of old played a lot of man. On the other hand, if you can recruit players built to dominate in a zone and win 30 games a year, that isn't a bad way to go. Hop is a very good recruiter, so we shall see what type of player he goes for.
One problem with the internet is that it can be difficult to fully assess when someone has a Brain aneursym in progress. In another thread br801 said about Hop "He has a great basketball mind, and from what I've observed, he's his own man. I believe he will integrate what he's learned under JB with his own approach to the game." What? This sounds like a thinly veiled premeditated acceptance of Hop deviating from the Zone. That's insane.

Hop will be inheriting a huge brand name in the midst of its "Golden Era". Making major changes may be the way to establish yourself as your own man, your own very stupid man.

Through JB, generations of Rochesterians have supplemented the Syracuse fan base to make SU the most followed BBall program in the East. JB and SU are now associated with the Zone. Hop needs to continue this association to maintain and nurture the ties to the past.

Let's face it, the 30 wins per season will not continue forever. If Hop goes down to 22 wins while playing man, why would the average Joe in Rochester continue to care? That team would no longer resemble the team he watched with his father. No real need to watch that nonsense with his son.

If Hop changes from the Zone he is an idiot!

br801, are you okay?

(Editors note - the increased snarkiness of this post is meant to appeal to the highly coveted younger demographic and is an attempt to draw more views to my posts)

As of this moment I assure you I'm okay.

What I said up above was not a thinly veiled acceptance of anything. I was simply expressing my belief that he will coach the game as he sees fit. I truly have no idea what style of basketball we will see from Hop after he takes over, but I would expect to see a lot of zone.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, Sarge. Good snark though.
Sgt Cuse - I honestly want to thank you for your service. It is because of that I am able to come on the internet and tell you how wrong I think you are :) But seriously, thank you and I hope you have a great Memorial Day
Is this thread for real?? Our sustained level of sucess has one elite 8 since the title year. Hop can make changes if he sees fit. We may have to do it without the great support of rochester. But I have heard that the Albany area loves man to man.
Is this thread for real?? Our sustained level of sucess has one elite 8 since the title year.
Don't forget that two of those years (when we had especially good teams) included playing in the NCAA tournament without our starting center.
Upon further review of the OP, it has to be a joke. Doesn't it?

At any rate, this beats those LeBron threads.
Don't forget that two of those years (when we had especially good teams) included playing in the NCAA tournament without our starting center.
I am very much aware of that. I believe we would have won the NC in rautins sr year. But we didn't.
I am very much aware of that. I believe we would have won the NC in rautins sr year. But we didn't.
so why the negativity in your post stating, "Our sustained level of sucess has one elite 8 since the title year." ? Did it have anything to do with zone or man?
You should be thrilled to have Hop and that he is integrating some man to man. A guy who knows our system and is watching JB's every move and call on the sideline. That will go a long way. I can only hope Gerry or Red are doing the same just incase.

College Basketball is about overachieving in march. If you think sitting back and letting a team like wisconsin hit a ungodly amount of jumpshots every year in one or two of the first four rounds is good it isn't. Its a recipe for disaster.
The game is changing aggressive in your face defense goes a long long way. We love guys like Dion and CJ and Rautins because they played tough in your face extended defense. I think CJ and MCW will be those glue guys this year but Southerland, Rak Triche, and Grant could surprise.

Wish we could have 3-4 guys who hustle like that on the same team and guys who are never injured. Can't imagine what KJO could have brought had he been 100 percent this year.
You should be thrilled to have Hop and that he is integrating some man to man. A guy who knows are system and is watching JB's every move and call on the sideline. I can only hope Gerry or Red are doing the same.

College Basketball is about overachieving in march. If you think sitting back and letting a team like wisconsin hit a ungodly amount of jumpshots every year in one or two of the first four rounds it isn't. Its a recipe for disaster.
The game is changing aggressive in your face defense goes a long long way. We love guys like Dion and CJ and Rautins because they played tough in your face extended defense. Wish we could have 3-4 guys who hustle like that on the same team and guys who are never injured. Can't imagine what KJO could have brought had he was 100 percent this year.
Well, I guess letting guys drive by you to the basket for easy layups is a bigger receipe for disaster.

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Well, I guess letting guys drive by you to the basket for easy layups is a bigger receipe for disaster.

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Zone can tend to have the appereance of a testing defense in basketball to the casual watcher. When its not working well it can have the appearance of a experiment and when it falls apart it can tend to look like the other team has more heart and hustle while disecting it. Heart and hustle does win close games in march. Sadly we had alot of heart and hustle against OSU but the refs took all our defense out of the game making it look like we couldn't handle them defensively.

On a side note our zone defense has been pretty killer 2 of the last 3 years.

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