It will go down to two and it's what he deserves. Whether he fights it in court will show his true guilt. He doesn't want to release his text messages.
But if he does release access, I sure hope the nudies of his wife accidentally get released...
So you believe you are guilty unless you prove your innocence? The NFL has accused him of cheating. They have no direct evidence he cheated and use circumstantial evidence supported by a company Exponent which stated second hand smoke doesn't cause cancer and the science used in the report couldn't be duplicated by AEI.
The Wells Report doesn't prove Brady did anything. The NFL office(Mike Kensil) leaked false PSI numbers to Chris Mortensen they knew were false and nobody corrected to this let case go crazy. The NFL had the texts from the Patriots employees and never in history ever punished this severely for the penalty that can't be proven. If Brady sues and the NFL wants his phone get ready for the NFLPA to depose Goodell, Troy Vincent, Mike Kensil UNDER OATH and make them testify what they knew and when they knew things and can't hide behind privacy.
Brady is going to get an injunction unless the NFL/Goodell reduce this to 0 and fine him. This case has been overblown from Day one. The evidence has never been there.
The NFLPA leaked bullet points for a lawsuit show Goodell is screwed in federal court.
If the NFLPA does challenge the appeal verdict in court, it will argue:
• The ball-deflation policy was incorrectly applied to Brady, as the rules were meant for club personnel and not players.
• Against the "general awareness" standard used by Ted Wells' investigators to determine Brady's involvement.
• If it is determined the ball-deflation policy did apply to Brady, the league failed to give him notice of the penalty, in essence making up the punishment without precedent.
• The NFL doesn't have proper techniques and standards for measuring deflation of footballs.
• Goodell should have recused himself as the arbitrator for Brady's appeal hearing.