How to fix college basketball |

How to fix college basketball

1. Shot Clock is 30 seconds
2. No more possession arrow
3. Enforce the coaching box

Make those 3 changes I will and college basketball will be better.
Alsacs said:
1. Shot Clock is 30 seconds
2. No more possession arrow
3. Enforce the coaching box

Make those 3 changes I will and college basketball will be better.

I'd take those 3!
I don't see things being broke. I am fine the way it is for the most part. In regards to some things that have been tossed out there for discussion...
  • 30 seconds versus 35... whatever. I don't see how 5 seconds does a whole lot, but if that gets you hot and excited, so be it.
  • I actually like the possession arrow. It's better than watching a ref try to throw the ball straight up in the air without much luck half the time.
  • Enforcing the coaching box - yeah, that would be a good move but again, not earth shattering.
  • They do need to figure out how to consistently call (or at least improve the way they call) charges. I hate the flop as much as anyone else, but I also don't like how guys on the offensive end can basically run over the defensive player and in most cases, get the basket and foul, unless your name is CJ Fair
The thing I probably dislike the most is the ridiculous amount of stoppages to watch film to see who the ball went out on. It's just not important enough in my mind because it disrupts the flow of the game which can work against a team who has momentum. I would be all for it in the last 2-3 minutes of the game, but not throughout the entire thing.
I just skimmed the article but I don't like the idea of adding a 6th foul. One idea I saw on this board I would be open to is having charges not count as a personal foul.
Going from 35 to 30 on the shotclock reduces things by 14%; I'm not sure you'd get 14% more possessions, but you might get 10% more possessions; thats like 7 possessions per game, per team. Not insignificant.
1. Shot clock to 30 seconds
2. Prefer the possession arrow...refs cannot toss the ball up fairly. Any way why should the possession be awarded based on height? How is that fair?
Propose this trade off: All tie ups are awarded to the defense (the tie up happened because of good D).
Cut down charge calls by doubling the area of the circle. Any contact in that area is a block.
3. Enforce the no hand-checking rule. Half way thru the year the refs stopped calling it and allowed the clutch and push again.

No 6th foul nonsense. Did these folks not learn anything from the old Big East experiment with it? The more fouls you award, the more fouls will be committed and the game becomes a foul fest. If you institute a no foul out rule, there will be tons more fouling and rougher fouls.
The rule I want to see changed the most is not allowing a time out to save you from a back court violation that just penalizes good defense. Time out is fine but you get the ball back where you called the time out with whatever time you had left in your 10 seconds...
the biggest problem with college ball is the relatively low level of skill overall, and the only change suggested in the article that will impact that is #3 - changing eligibility rules and paying the players.

If we really want to save the game, we need the P5 schools to exit the NCAA as soon as possible, work with the NBA on a new eligibility arrangement, and begin a serious compensation program for the players. There are 66 teams in the P5 conferences (counting Notre Dame). The best, most serious players in the nation would be concentrated among those 66 teams instead of spread out among the other 50 or so mid majors that draw varying numbers of high quality players.

You can still allow the mid majors to play non-con games vs. the big boys, and you can still involve them in the Tournament. Expand the tourney to 96 teams - every P5 team qualifies, then issue invites to the best 30 schools outside the P5. Give byes to the top 32 P5 schools and let the others play off a first round vs. the mid majors to see who advances.

or not. but the big issue isn't how you work out the tournament, it is how you increase the talent and skill level that has gotten so watered down and gives us so many god-awful games. Shot clocks and coaches boxes do nothing for that fundamental issue.
1. Shot Clock is 30 seconds
2. No more possession arrow
3. Enforce the coaching box

Make those 3 changes I will and college basketball will be better.

A mandatory two year rule would help also, and they need to hire more refs.
"the biggest problem with college ball is the relatively low level of skill overall, and the only change suggested in the article that will impact that is #3 - changing eligibility rules and paying the players."

kids today have better skills than they ever had. u have back to back point guards that r ready for prime time. u have another one next year
A wad of dead presidents to the point guard should do it...:cool:
The author should learn more about the English language before admitting where he went to college (WVU).
Award 1 point to the defense for a shot clock violation.
to me is doesn't matter what rule changes they make if they aren't called consistently. last year there was this big push to get rid of hand-checking and change the charge rule, by february it was back to being called the same as it ever was. mainly, the biggest problem is that no two games are called similarly and even worse games are called differently from half to half. the nba is not perfect, and i have my share of problems with the officiating, but it is in a landslide so much better than in college it makes me sick (i am a college fan first). in my opinion, in college the refs think they are part of the show and they start calling games on biased terms. in the ncaa tourney, they overdo it for the underdog. in the regular season, they overdo it for the home team to get the crowd going. how many time do the announcers say things like, "well team X is playing harder and therefore is getting the calls". well it is not up to the refs to decide which team is "playing harder", it is BS. nor is it up to the refs to decide who is "more aggressive". they are supposed to make the call in front of them as a neutral observer, not as a judge and jury. i can't care about any ideas of changing rules in college basketball as long as the rules that already exist are not called consistently, who needs new rules if the refs aren't going to call them anyway?
Boy I'd make a lot of changes, probably too many to list here, but to start I'd:

Have the power five conferences break free from the rest and form their own division/association. Serving the best interest of both big schools like Ohio St. and small schools like Colgate is impossible, they are too different, and its a big part of the reason why the NCAA looks so foolish. Let the schools that want to pay players and be more of a semi-pro league play only each other and play by their own rules, but then effectively enforce every rule.

Have centralized scheduling like the pro sports have. The separation of the power five conferences will also mean the elimination of mid-major games. Its silly to let schools come up with their own schedule. Have every schools schedule dictated by whoever the new ruling body is, and eliminate RPI/BCS and any other strength of schedule matrix that exists. Make every team play the same amount of home and road games, and don't overload the schedule or force teams to play two games in three days. Keep the product attractive by letting the players rest and the coaches teach and prepare their kids for the next game.

Increase scholarship limits so more kids who need time to develop can sign with the best coaches and accept red shirts.

Dont try to pretend that the kids are there to be scholars. Make Basketball a major. Have the classes be things like Weight lifting. Calisthenics. Film Study. Shooting. Dribbling. Etc.

Widen the lane.

Increase the no-charge semi circle to a larger size than the NBA has (which in itself is much larger than the current NCAA version).

Make flopping a technical, you should not have to trick the refs to get a call. Watch amateurs who can't walk and chew gum at the same time pay basketball and nobody ever falls, watch the most coordinated and skilled players in the world play basketball and somebody falls on every possession. It should not be like that. No need to force these guys to fall just to get a call. Make flopping a technical and you might get a few bad technicals at first, but eventually players won't chance it and will stop flopping at all, and the technical will barely ever be called, yet the flopping will be eliminated from the game.

Enforce offensive three seconds.

Make it so it takes 6 fouls to foul out.

Extend the three point line to NBA range.

Drop the shot clock to 30 seconds.

Here is one every SU fan will hate because it will spell the end of the 2-3 zone, but I think its good for basketball as a whole to make it so there is both an offensive three second and a defensive three second call. I hate watching defenders just camp out under the basket and hope to draw a charge, that should not be what basketball is about.
1). Unlimited practices starting 10/1
2). Two timeouts per team per game!!! They must be called by the coach and the NBA half court inbound in place for one time out at the coach's discretion.
3). If players leave in good APR standing, he or she has 5 years of academic scholarship minus the years serves in college.
4). Public colleges must play by the same rules as private colleges. (This should apply in high school too).
5). National referees with regional placement. The referees are graded and the grades are used for post season and next season.
6). Make referee foul calling in NBA similar to NCAA. This will help college kids transition to NBA.
7). Enforce coaches' box restrictions.
8). A player can connect with an elbow to another player if the player throwing the elbow has possession for 3 seconds and the elbow is not above the throwing player's shoulder.
Boy I'd make a lot of changes, probably too many to list here, but to start I'd:

Increase scholarship limits so more kids who need time to develop can sign with the best coaches and accept red shirts.

Dont try to pretend that the kids are there to be scholars. Make Basketball a major. Have the classes be things like Weight lifting. Calisthenics. Film Study. Shooting. Dribbling. Etc.

Some interesting ideas in here but the two I think are the most interesting are the ones above. Increased a holly limits would be awesome, IMO. Losing ennis and grant is absolutely mitigated if you have a couple 2nd or third year players in your roster who could step in. Starting over each year with a handful of kids who haven't ever seen the floor is ugly. The fact that you're still a top 25 type of team (potentially) with that collection is even worse.

I love the idea of dealing with the academic side but I'm not sure id go the route you suggested. Can you give a degree to a dribbling major? I'd rather they went one of two ways -- do away with all admissions standards and eligibility requirements. If you want to work towards a degree, by all means do it. If you don't, eh, fine. Whatever. Or make athletes take the same curriculum as regular students. If you want to come to SU, it's great but you have to go to class, take real courses, maintain a solid GPA, and actually be on track to graduate in 5 years. You can do internships if you're interested, we'll get you tutoring. If you want to cheat your way through, fine, don't get caught. Whatever. Either way the academic piece is stuck in this weird middle ground right now.

I also like a 30 second clock.
There are a lot of good suggestions on here, but I think the 2 most important by far are shortening the shot clock (I would take 30 secs but would gladly go lower) and the timeouts.

Timeouts are currently a disaster. There are just too many, I would at the very least shave 1 off the top (so 4 total, max of 3 going into 2nd half.) And they should not be able to be called when a player is trapped/falling out of bounds/etc. Possibly should be no live TO's at all.
I like the 30 second rule. Also, I would like to see them eliminate getting the ball at half court when a timeout is called after a basket. I like the idea of no free advancement or time, if you call a timeout before getting over the time line.
"the biggest problem with college ball is the relatively low level of skill overall, and the only change suggested in the article that will impact that is #3 - changing eligibility rules and paying the players."

kids today have better skills than they ever had. u have back to back point guards that r ready for prime time. u have another one next year

totally agree. not sure how anyone could think the overall talent level is not good. Its literally 1000 times better than it used to be. The TEAM game has gone downhill, however, and it does lead to some tough games to watch.

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