I am really happy right now | Syracusefan.com

I am really happy right now

It's been great so far.

But, 2013-14 was just a little while ago. The expectations created by the Maui Tourney and all those early season wins came to a crashing halt.

Lack of size and size underneath didn't disappear as the shortcomings of this team and heavy dependence on 3 point shooting is a two-edged sword. (You can call me Capt Obvious for those tidbits of wisdom)

But when things are clicking this is a great, great team to watch and enjoy.

We are going to win some games we have no business winning this year. But then there will be some bad nights too. This is going to be a bumpy road. Just tighten your seat belts and don't be crushed psychologically on those nights when the opponent is pounding the ball inside and we can't hit a three to save our life.
Yep. Agreed across the board. Really need 7.5 players. I want chino to be the .5 snd either Howard or Joseph to step up. Would help easy those off shooting nights.

When teams have to jump out on you, dribble penetration becomes some much easier and effective.
Yep. Agreed across the board. Really need 7.5 players. I want chino to be the .5 snd either Howard or Joseph to step up. Would help easy those off shooting nights.

When teams have to jump out on you, dribble penetration becomes some much easier and effective.
Howard is our only real chance at this point for penetration. A really bad pass against Yukon may have doomed him though.
I think KJ could help us out if he had some anti anxiety Rx. It really appears that he his thinking himself right out of the ability to play in the moment and show us what he's truly capable of.
It's been great so far.

But, 2013-14 was just a little while ago. The expectations created by the Maui Tourney and all those early season wins came to a crashing halt.

Lack of size and size underneath didn't disappear as the shortcomings of this team and heavy dependence on 3 point shooting is a two-edged sword. (You can call me Capt Obvious for those tidbits of wisdom)

But when things are clicking this is a great, great team to watch and enjoy.

We are going to win some games we have no business winning this year. But then there will be some bad nights too. This is going to be a bumpy road. Just tighten your seat belts and don't be crushed psychologically on those nights when the opponent is pounding the ball inside and we can't hit a three to save our life.
I'm sorry, but that's never going to happen. Nevah!
Yep. Agreed across the board. Really need 7.5 players. I want chino to be the .5 snd either Howard or Joseph to step up. Would help easy those off shooting nights.

When teams have to jump out on you, dribble penetration becomes some much easier and effective.

Just a idea, not to make more work. We could have a post of the week thread pinned to the top of the board. Everybody gets 2-3 nominations for post of the week (POW) during the week next to the reply/like button (all votes in by sunday midnight). Then we take the 1-2 winners (possible ties) each week and have a vote for post of the month to stay up there the following month. Would work great for the football board also.

This would be my nomination short sweet and to the point and I couldn't possibly agree anymore.

Both Howard and Joseph were playing PG down in atlantis but I think that could change. I think Josephs shot form will revert back to this years from the last years we saw in the Bahamas. Howard I like him...ALOT he has a 50/50 chance to be the 7th man.

I think Obokoh's weight could suprise and help in the right pinch. While we would never do it in game this year, I wonder if him and DC ever play the 4 and 5 together in practice and if it makes them better at center. It probably has opened up Lydons game more then we know heck he probably even benefits playing alittle SG here and there. JB has quoted it alot in the last few years everybody needs to learn each others positions. Maybe if KJO/Howard learned the roles of power/point forward it would help them click.
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I'm sorry, but that's never going to happen. Nevah!

What is it that is never going to happen?

You mean this highly-experienced fan base can't reflect back on the 2013 season and say to themselves, " This current team, like the 2013-14 team, has gotten off to a good start. But its pretty easy to see some rather significant pieces are missing (as there were in 2013). So therefore we ought to temper our expectations and get ready for a season of significant up's and downs."?

You know, I actually agree with you. Some posters are tempering their optimism and suggesting we enjoy the current run. But there are others off to the races.

One of the interesting things about these forums is that they show predictable patterns of fan sentiment. Losses are especially good at that.
What is it that is never going to happen?

You mean this highly-experienced fan base can't reflect back on the 2013 season and say to themselves, " This current team, like the 2013-14 team, has gotten off to a good start. But its pretty easy to see some rather significant pieces are missing (as there were in 2013). So therefore we ought to temper our expectations and get ready for a season of significant up's and downs."?

You know, I actually agree with you. Some posters are tempering their optimism and suggesting we enjoy the current run. But there are others off to the races.

One of the interesting things about these forums is that they show predictable patterns of fan sentiment. Losses are especially good at that.

Will you grace the Verizon Center with your presence this Saturday? Or does it conflict with your Takoma Park farmer's market?
Especially when it comes unexpectedly.. When you discover SU is in fact much better than we thought before the season started.

Yep... very unexpectedly. After watching the first three games, while still trying my best to be optimistic, I was fearing that we might be very mediocre this year. Then I watch what we did in the Bahamas and feel like we could be really good this year. The reality is that we will probably be somewhere in-between. Regardless of what we do this year, one thing that I feel confident about is that we could be a very dangerous team to play come March because if we get hot, we could beat anyone. We are the kind of team that I wouldn't want to face for that very reason. If we are hot, how do you defend us?
Will you grace the Verizon Center with your presence this Saturday? Or does it conflict with your Takoma Park farmer's market?

Well, (The People's Republic of) Takoma Park has declared itslf a "nuclear-free zone", so there's that to consider.

But I'll watch on TV. I don't go to SU v. GU games anymore. If I go, we invariably lose. And it's too painful.

When I first moved to DC in the 1980's --- in the heyday of the BE --- I was invited several times to SU v. GU games by my GU alum neighbors as their guests. (Our neighborhood is infested with them) They, of course, had no idea how seriously I took these games. So I always refused, knowing that they might be taken aback when I started screaming at JT.

Georgetown doesn't have fans like SU does, neither in number or in intensity. They are more like Ivy League fans wanting to see a good show and wanting to win. But not all that seriously.

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