If Hunt is the 2013 starter | Syracusefan.com

If Hunt is the 2013 starter


Living Legend
Aug 26, 2011
I wouldnt say we are in trouble if Hunt is the QB. Do I think he's as good as Nassib was his first year starting? no. but 2010 Nassib had a great defense. The defense was the strength on that team. Nassib was not great but he had a great running back in Delone Carter that he could rely on. Nassib didnt have to throw too many risky throws and he wasnt ask to win ball games with his arm. In 2013, we may have a Defense thats close to what we had in 2010, I think we have the best group of Backs in a long time and better group of WR and TE, a better O line ( all compared to 2010 team) and a better offensive scheme. I know it was against the the 2nd defense, but If Hunt can do just what he did at the spring game and gradually get better, we will at least be a 6-6 or 7-5 team. Now with all that said. If Drew Allen can learn the system this summer and perform like we think he can, we will be even better. I am looking forward to seeing how this develops. Keep in mind that Hunt is starting to build trust with his teammates. I think they are starting believe in him and will be rooting for him. Going to be a interesting summer boys. Whats your thought?
Arguably the best year to have a little uncertainty at the QB position. Just has to run the O. The RBs are ridiculous and the Defense should be able to keep SU in games. A game manager would be perfect for the offense it seems.
If Hunt can avoid throwing the ball to the wrong colored jersey, we'll be a 7+ win team. I'm looking at 7-5 as an acceptable season but think this team will outperform that goal.
Arguably the best year to have a little uncertainty at the QB position. Just has to run the O. The RBs are ridiculous and the Defense should be able to keep SU in games. A game manager would be perfect for the offense it seems.
Agree with the general sentiment here. I'm still not entirely convinced with the defense, just because I'm playing "wait and see" with the front four (aside from Bromley, mainly), but the best friend of an inexperienced QB is a great running game. I think we can honestly be one of the best rushing attacks in the nation, assuming we're able to shore up our OL after losing Pugh and Chibane and they can open up holes. I actually am pretty confident in that.

Basically, it's a nice time to have one of the most talented stables of RBs we've ever had. We have 6 guys who can legitimately contribute. I just wonder how we will spread the rock to the RBs...Smith is RB1a, PTG is RB1B, I'd think Morris is RB2, AAM is the short yardage and goal line RB, and who knows how we will use McFarlane and Broyld. Both of them should split out to get catches out of the backfield, but how will we get everyone enough touches? It's not a bad problem to have, really.
IMO they didn't bring in Allen to sit behind Hunt. I think it is a done deal Allen is starting and they are getting Hunt ready for the year after by getting confidence up.
IMO they didn't bring in Allen to sit behind Hunt. I think it is a done deal Allen is starting and they are getting Hunt ready for the year after by getting confidence up.
Could be phil77. I think its Drew Allen too, but its closer than we think. What makes us think Hunt wont continue to improve? He's getting confident and he sees there's a chance he could be the starter. Now he trains even harder. Dont forget he has a real QB coach that will coach him up on every thing. I just don't think its a done deal yet. DA still haven't taken meaningful snaps in a game. But I agree you don't bring a guy in is his situation to sit the bench. But what if Hunt is better? Could have your guy at QB for 3 years now.
I wouldnt say we are in trouble if Hunt is the QB. Do I think he's as good as Nassib was his first year starting? no. but 2010 Nassib had a great defense. The defense was the strength on that team. Nassib was not great but he had a great running back in Delone Carter that he could rely on. Nassib didnt have to throw too many risky throws and he wasnt ask to win ball games with his arm. In 2013, we may have a Defense thats close to what we had in 2010, I think we have the best group of Backs in a long time and better group of WR and TE, a better O line ( all compared to 2010 team) and a better offensive scheme. I know it was against the the 2nd defense, but If Hunt can do just what he did at the spring game and gradually get better, we will at least be a 6-6 or 7-5 team. Now with all that said. If Drew Allen can learn the system this summer and perform like we think he can, we will be even better. I am looking forward to seeing how this develops. Keep in mind that Hunt is starting to build trust with his teammates. I think they are starting believe in him and will be rooting for him. Going to be a interesting summer boys. Whats your thought?
You're right. 2013 sets up to be a similar season to 2010 b/c of the reasons you point out: solid defenses, strong rushing attacks, and a novice starter at QB -- no matter who wins the competition in the fall.

The difference though I think, is that the offensive system now in place is far different and places different demands on the quarterback position.

2010's offense was pro-style, conservative, I-back centric; in other words somewhat old school so to speak. The QB was pretty much a game manager by design and Nassib, a first time starter w/ a strong but at the time, inaccurate arm and a brilliant head on his shoulders handled the job well enough to eek out 8 wins.

However, the 2013 offense is very different by design; pistol, hurry up and geared towards generating lots of yards and lots of points. In this offense, the QB is required to be more of a playmaker w/ both his arm and his legs. And that's where I think the 2010/2013 comparisons come to an abrupt end b/c theoretically, in this new offense, the QB is asked to do much more.

So the question for the fall is who is best suited to run this high-octane operation in the most efficient, minimal mistake sorta way: the new senior or the old sophomore. IMHO, since neither has any starting experience on their collegiate resumes, unless Drew Allen is just head & shoulders, lights out better than T. Hunt, both physically and in terms of efficiency, I find it hard to believe he's going to be able to come to town and take the ball from a gifted redshirt soph who's just scratching the surface of what he can be as a QB.

Nassib also took over as a RS sophomore and despite the unavoidable ups and downs all QBs go through, he eventually evolved into a conference champion, two-time bowl winning quarterback who's now about to be a top NFL draft pick.

Well, I guess we'll soon see. It'll be an interesting fall camp, that's for sure. Can't wait!
Could be phil77. I think its Drew Allen too, but its closer than we think. What makes us think Hunt wont continue to improve? He's getting confident and he sees there's a chance he could be the starter. Now he trains even harder. Dont forget he has a real QB coach that will coach him up on every thing. I just don't think its a done deal yet. DA still haven't taken meaningful snaps in a game. But I agree you don't bring a guy in is his situation to sit the bench. But what if Hunt is better? Could have your guy at QB for 3 years now.

IMO. If the staff thought Hunt would be ready they wouldn't have brought in Allen.
IMO. If the staff thought Hunt would be ready they wouldn't have brought in Allen.
The staff have to bring in insurance. Which is a great move and it could turn out to be a very necessary move, but this is a process. Hunt has made some progress but maybe not as much as they want or now they may be thinking Hunt is coming along faster than they anticipated
Keep in mind Hunt did his thing against our second team defense. Many respected posters think the second team D may not be a reliable test of just how far Hunt has progressed?

Spring numbers can be deceptive.
Was happy with how Hunt played and he looked the part of a capable BCS QB. Now granted they wouldn't let QBs run and if we are running the pistol I believe he will be even more effective out of it. Haven't seen much game tape but I am sure he prob is better throwing on the move too?? With that being said unless Allen is awful in the summer, its hard to keep a legit, experienced QB off the field esp. with our RBs and D this year.
IMO they didn't bring in Allen to sit behind Hunt. I think it is a done deal Allen is starting and they are getting Hunt ready for the year after by getting confidence up.

Allen's gotta learn the offense. Could be really different terminology than what Oklahoma does. We'll see, but it's not a foregone conclusion. Hunt gets a semester head start on learning the new playbook.
Allen is great to have to push Hunt even harder to improve and take over if he is injured or proves to be not ready yet. It's nice to know that IF Hunt is our starting QB it's because he's beat out solid competition vs simply being the best available option. Right now Hunt looks like the best available but also a pretty solid option. Allen will have to impress big time to win the spot.
Lets not forget all the QBs are better runners than Ryan as well.
Either way it doesn't hurt bringing in another solid option at qb. I am also in the thinking Allen will be the man. Hunt definitely seems to have made some positive strides, but his 1 drawback could be the turnover . Just from following Spring work outs he seems to be able to make the big play,but also has shown he will turn it over in some very bad spots. That is the 1 thing that this team can't have. At this point I don't think he is good enough to overcome turnovers like that. We need a safe option this season. I will echo what everyone else is saying about the running back depth, under rated offensive line , and what looks like a stellar defense.

Either way I can't wait to surprise people again. All these so called experts or analysis who are projecting us to be at the bottom of the acc are in for a surprise.
Hunt had a good team against the second team. I think Drew wins the job within one week and that Hunt gets some play. A series here or there and if Drew tanks Hunt will be in the game plenty fast. Nice problem to have
Keep in mind Hunt did his thing against our second team defense. Many respected posters think the second team D may not be a reliable test of just how far Hunt has progressed?

Spring numbers can be deceptive.
Thats a good point. You also have to look at it like this. Sometimes it can be tougher to move the against your own teammates because they know the offense tendencies, they know each offensive players strengths and weakness. Im sure the 2nd team defense seen all those plays before and figured they can sniff some of them out and make big plays.
Hunt had a good team against the second team. I think Drew wins the job within one week and that Hunt gets some play. A series here or there and if Drew tanks Hunt will be in the game plenty fast. Nice problem to have

Going into spring practice, Hunt was a complete unknown commodity. I think that he's made good use of spring practice to position himself to start, to learn the offense, etc. He also demonstrated that he has the requisite ability to be an effective QB, which was another unknown.

I expect Drew Allen to start, and I think that next year he'll give us the best chance to be a bowl team. That isn't a knock on Hunt; I actually think that Hunt will benefit from both the off-season competition and another year of mastering the offense, after which he'll be an effective two year starter for us.

And if I'm wrong about Hunt and he proves to be a better option than Allen--disco.

Either way, nice problem to have as you say.
Going into spring practice, Hunt was a complete unknown commodity. I think that he's made good use of spring practice to position himself to start, to learn the offense, etc. He also demonstrated that he has the requisite ability to be an effective QB, which was another unknown.

I expect Drew Allen to start, and I think that next year he'll give us the best chance to be a bowl team. That isn't a knock on Hunt; I actually think that Hunt will benefit from both the off-season competition and another year of mastering the offense, after which he'll be an effective two year starter for us.

And if I'm wrong about Hunt and he proves to be a better option than Allen--disco.

Either way, nice problem to have as you say.
I agree this is a nice problem to have. 2010 we didnt have anyone pushing Nassib. The position was his. Maybe Nassib would have progressed faster if he did have someone pushing him. This is only going to make Allen and Hunt better. Along with Long Kimble and Wilson.
IMO they didn't bring in Allen to sit behind Hunt. I think it is a done deal Allen is starting and they are getting Hunt ready for the year after by getting confidence up.

If there's a potential need, and someone like Drew Allen, with the chance to have a huge upside is available, you go after him. I don't think it's any more complicated than that.

QBs can get hurt, cologne can get stolen, a meteor could hit south campus. Even if it ends up that Drew only lessens the dropoff from QB1 to QB2, it is worth the scolly.

The QB that gives us the best chance to win will start and that's the main objective.
It will be very interesting to see who ends up being the starter. I could see Allen putting together a good year, but I could also see him flaming out (new system, not being as good as billed, or at least as good as TH, etc.). I could also see TH beating him out. I don't think anyone knows what's going to happen, and that includes HCSS. As someone above said, let the best man win, because that is what is best for SU FB.
I agree this is a nice problem to have. 2010 we didn't have anyone pushing Nassib. The position was his. Maybe Nassib would have progressed faster if he did have someone pushing him. This is only going to make Allen and Hunt better. Along with Long Kimble and Wilson.
Just have to hope that if Allen comes in and wins the starting position, Hunt handles it as well as Nassib did after being anointed the starter in the spring and then being replaced by Paulus during summer camp. Just needs to realize that his time is the next season and this gives him an extra year to learn, mature and improve before being handed the keys.
Allen's gotta learn the offense. Could be really different terminology than what Oklahoma does. We'll see, but it's not a foregone conclusion. Hunt gets a semester head start on learning the new playbook.
personally, im done talking about this after this post.

it IS a foregone conclusion.

its Allen.

barring an injury, he starts.

they may play all nice in august saying its an open position blah blah blah, but the job is his to lose.

not a question in my mind.


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