If we need a play maker put Reddish in the slot | Syracusefan.com

If we need a play maker put Reddish in the slot


All American
Aug 26, 2011
having Reddish in there as well as Bailey as a go to receiver when rushed increases our chances of getting a big play with significant YAC Thats presuming he catches the ball and doesn't fumble if hit. I hope Doug is as pissed as I am Giving these guys a win isn't acceptable. Monkey face reacted like he had just won the conference championship when the win was announced. Really Schiano? That much elation on beating Syracuse like you did? They really hate us ad thats no surprise to me but his reaction was a bit unexpected,even for an OT win.We gift wrapped this one for the knighties.:bang:
First off, I hate Schiano, and I hope someday he gets hit by a bus. Seeing Reddish on offense would be nice; just play the kid part time both ways and let him run back some kicks...why not at this point.
How is Reddish doing in practice when it comes to catching a thrown ball? A punt?
They probably haven't even given him a look when it comes to that. The kid is just an all around athlete, and it would be nice to see him see the field in any possible capacity.
They probably haven't even given him a look when it comes to that. The kid is just an all around athlete, and it would be nice to see him see the field in any possible capacity.

I wouldn't assume that and I'd think that any kid that has good speed and hands would be looked at.
It might just be that they are afraid of the injuries D that they aren't letting him go there, but it would be nice to here coaches opinion on the matter of him playing both ways.
Very possible. Injuries and lack of depth hurt a lot right now and it certainly would be nice to have the luxury of having a full squad and have some choices.
I wouldn't assume that and I'd think that any kid that has good speed and hands would be looked at.
I believe that Brandon showed quite a bit in his scholastic days on the field to garner the reputation that he did as a big play making kind of kid. He also showed his ability in the all-star game tat doug was present at. Somehow Scott Shafer gets more then his share of top athletes on to his side of the ball. Now let me make it clear that I like what Shafer has done and is doing. its not his fault that our best players on the D are incapacitated and can't help the team. We probably still lose to the Snooks with the aount of turnovers we gave them. But let me make it clear that I think our offense is still anemic to the point that any nothing our defense gives up is a game loser.
Reddish is on defense... they got enough players on O to make a play. he needs to focus solely on playing corner.
Wow. We have many good wide receivers. There is no reason to move a potential shut-down corner in Reddish, who has played very well for a true freshman in the games he's been forced into, to WR. Chew and Lemon have both been very good, Jarrod West has started showing up, and Dorian has also looked good catching the ball thus far. Not to mention a solid TE in Provo.

Reddish isn't going to turn into Wes Welker in the slot just because he played WR in high school. Nor do we need to overreact because Nassib had a bad game and say we don't have playmakers. No one made this argument last week.

Also, Reddish plays DB, where currently 4 of the starters/backups have nagging injuries. Reddish is 4th on the depth chart at CB, where Lyn/Anderson have been constantly hurting. Not to mention Jaston George is done for the year.

having Reddish in there as well as Bailey as a go to receiver when rushed increases our chances of getting a big play with significant YAC Thats presuming he catches the ball and doesn't fumble if hit. I hope Doug is as pissed as I am Giving these guys a win isn't acceptable. Monkey face reacted like he had just won the conference championship when the win was announced. Really Schiano? That much elation on beating Syracuse like you did? They really hate us ad thats no surprise to me but his reaction was a bit unexpected,even for an OT win.We gift wrapped this one for the knighties.:bang:
How about Kobena in the slot instead?
How about Kobena in the slot instead?
That makes sense, which is why it wasn't brought up in the first place. Everything has to be a radical change after a loss...
having Reddish in there as well as Bailey as a go to receiver when rushed increases our chances of getting a big play with significant YAC Thats presuming he catches the ball and doesn't fumble if hit. I hope Doug is as pissed as I am Giving these guys a win isn't acceptable. Monkey face reacted like he had just won the conference championship when the win was announced. Really Schiano? That much elation on beating Syracuse like you did? They really hate us ad thats no surprise to me but his reaction was a bit unexpected,even for an OT win.We gift wrapped this one for the knighties.:bang:

WR is the least of our problems, unless it is a 6'3 WR that can go up and get the ball. We have 2 of them on the roster right now but both are true frosh.
after watching reddish play in the upstate/downstate classic he broke many d.b's ankles when trying to cover him as a w.r.

i felt at the time he could have been a very good w.r. for us.

he was scary quick and fast
Same qualities that can make him a good corner. Time will tell. Good to have athletes we can discuss this type of thing about again.

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