I went to see the UMass vs hawaii basketball game at the springfield civic center. It was interesting game because the head coach of hawaii was basically their grad ass't Rick Pitino. He had been the point guard for UMass just two years earlier. He was the head guy because basically the entire coaching staff was fired because of a recruiting mess. Rick had the misfortune of wearing a pink suit. The crowd chided him about it saying it was the return of the pink panther. Rick had been most famous at Umass (besides getting in a lot of fights) for missing the front end of a one and one against P.C. (when P.C. was good) with seconds remaining. Umass was unbeaten at the time. Pitino stayed at the fre thrown line in shock while his teammates played 4 agains 5 and kevin stacom hit the game winner at the buzzer. For you trivai buffs, Kevin Stacom is the guy that Sam malone was modeled after in the old tv series cheers. this all came back to me because of the ridiculous notion in another thread that Pitino was a bad hire for jb. Hop and troy are the only ass'ts to be in his league.