Interesting Profile of Michael Kidd Gilchrist |

Interesting Profile of Michael Kidd Gilchrist


2023-24 Iggy Winner ACC & OOC Record
Aug 26, 2011
I thought this was an interesting profile of Michael Kidd Gilchrist. Touches on his development as a player/prospect and talks about how he came to be involved with WWW. I also thought it was interesting from the perspective of those who get annoyed by the seemingly "overinvolved" parent, can there be such a thing?

Kidd Gilchrist
Maybe I am a sucker, but I really like MKG, and I will be routing for him in the NBA. So many talented players lack the work ethic to succeed to the full extent of their talent, MKG seems to have the will to work as hard as he has to in order to win. I think he was the driving force behind Kentucky's great team this year, and Cal can get an all star team together every year, but without the leadership and will to win that MKG brought they will flame out.
Good story. It makes you think of how fans rag on or don't particularly like players on other teams. Unfair assumptions and perceptions are made without knowing anything about the kid. The dislike for the team transfers to the player by default too many times. That's human nature. Hope MKG does well in the NBA.
I remember watching his highlight tapes from high school on YouTube and thinking he was the most overrated player I had ever seen. The thing is his game is all heart and motor which don't show up on highlight videos.
I can't believe how many in this thread have bought into this journalistic fluff piece. It's embarrassing.

And to the OP, who somehow believes this exonerates the "overinvolved, can there be such a thing" accusations, I really don't get it. This is exactly the route an "overinvolved" gravy-training parent who pimps out their kid for basketball would take. It's pretty much the blue print.

She went with WWW - nothing suspicious there, drove 150+ to school - who doesn't?, and surprise, surprise helped direct the kid to UK. You're right, the widow of the drug deal gone bad guy, probably couldn't have gotten any more payout for her kid.

If you want to congratulate her on maximizing her payout be my guest. Count me among the annoyed/disgusted when these tactics start being applied to recruits SU had been interested in.
Sgt Cuse, I don't blame you for feeling the way you do, but I choose to believe in the best of people. You may think me naive or a fool, and I may get burnt from time to time, but I would prefer that than to see only the darkness in the world. I think it is a fact that MKG is a hard worker who has overcome quite a bit to get where he is, that is why I respect him and wish him well, I don't think I should be judged negatively for that.
Orangefog - I like what I read about MKG. I tend to believe, like you, that he is a hard worker and coachable kid. Still, it was a fluff piece, they weren't putting any negative stuff in there.

What I take issue with is that this can be used as a sign that "overinvolved" parents are a good thing. I am extremely cynical of the motives of the handlers, including his mother. The more handlers and adults involved in the recruiting process the easier it is to make the process dirtier - just look at the possibilities of this ugly affair.

I do not like seeing recruits SU has a vested interest in degenerating into a buyout of the handlers. That is the fear of what an "overinvolved" parent situation can become. This article does nothing to alleviate those fears.
Ok, I hear you on that. I don't think involvement of parents with proper intentions is ever a bad thing. I can't stand "handlers". This process should not need handlers. If ever any of my three children are in the extremely fortunate position to be recruited for athletics (one is well on her way, albeit in a sport that cannot be as dirty as men's basketball and football), I would hope that I advise him/her to follow their heart and choose a school that he/she feels most comfortable with and that can help him/her obtain his/her goals. I don't see where handlers become necessary in this process. And in that sense, how come the NCAA does not find a way to eliminate them altogether.
Orangefog - I like what I read about MKG. I tend to believe, like you, that he is a hard worker and coachable kid. Still, it was a fluff piece, they weren't putting any negative stuff in there.

What I take issue with is that this can be used as a sign that "overinvolved" parents are a good thing. I am extremely cynical of the motives of the handlers, including his mother. The more handlers and adults involved in the recruiting process the easier it is to make the process dirtier - just look at the possibilities of this ugly affair.

I do not like seeing recruits SU has a vested interest in degenerating into a buyout of the handlers. That is the fear of what an "overinvolved" parent situation can become. This article does nothing to alleviate those fears.
like Rob Johnson?

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