JB...Hop is ten times better than any other coach they could've hired... | Syracusefan.com

JB...Hop is ten times better than any other coach they could've hired...

No ef bombs, no legitimacy. Not 10 effin divisions of Hop would get you enfield

I love the way Boeheim comes out and backs his guys. I think being a head coach before you get a head job is overrated. I think Hop has more experience than the dude with the hot wife. I'm happy for him making the sweet 16 and parlaying that into a good job but the sample size is too small for me. I mean they beat Georgetown in the 1st round. Who hasn't done that. It's 12:54 pacific time on Tuesday, Andy Enfield is the head coach at USC and Georgetown still sucks.
I feel for Hop, but he knows his time is coming. And I think a decade from now, he'll be happy he's at SU and not USC.
I feel for Hop, but he knows his time is coming. And I think a decade from now, he'll be happy he's at SU and not USC.

"soon could be anything"
a bit OT, but...
I was reminded upon reaching the end of the linked Waters piece how frighteningly moronic the comments for any syracuse.com articles are. Yeesh.
I love the way Boeheim comes out and backs his guys. I think being a head coach before you get a head job is overrated. I think Hop has more experience than the dude with the hot wife. I'm happy for him making the sweet 16 and parlaying that into a good job but the sample size is too small for me. I mean they beat Georgetown in the 1st round. Who hasn't done that. It's 12:54 pacific time on Tuesday, Andy Enfield is the head coach at USC and Georgetown still sucks.


Enfield wasn't hired for just this season's (late) accomplishments. He does have some pedigree. I don't blame USC for looking for someone with a HC record. If you were the athletic director and not an SU homer, you'd do the same thing. Jobs and legacies are at risk, and they have no idea who Mike might be as a head coach. We don't even know. Heck, the majority of JB fans here are predicting that our program will suffer if JB leaves and Hop takes over.

Unless JB wants him to leave, maybe he should keep Mike's Awesomeness under his hat...

Enfield wasn't hired for just this season's (late) accomplishments. He does have some pedigree. I don't blame USC for looking for someone with a HC record. If you were the athletic director and not an SU homer, you'd do the same thing. Jobs and legacies are at risk, and they have no idea who Mike might be as a head coach. We don't even know. Heck, the majority of JB fans here are predicting that our program will suffer if JB leaves and Hop takes over.

Unless JB wants him to leave, maybe he should keep Mike's Awesomeness under his hat...

Of course he was. Maybe I'm just a Syracuse homer but I'll admit that I didn't know who Enfield was before the tournament. Perhaps he was on your short list Zelda Zonk and if so I tip my hat to you. If I were an AD I would look at some of the most successful programs in the nation and if they had a top assistant who had been there for 10 years I would look to hire them over a head coach of a small school that just went on a run.
Most institutions favor someone who they think will instantly say yes and be very grateful. Wonder if SC got the sense that Hop may have turned them down had they offered and if so whether that was a factor?
enfield certainly shot up the charts this week but a month or so ago when the hop to usc talk started i did google a search of top young coaches and enfield was on the list. very unusual and intriguing background but it seems to work. what i do take away from this whole coach search thing is this however. hopkins definitely interviewed for the position and even lowly USC wasn't impressed enuf to hire him. probably the bottom line is he's not that young anymore and has never ever been a HC or won a single game.
Are my post confirmed by Jake, deal was essentially done, until the upsets by fgcu Enfield wasn't considered and hop was ready to go.
Of course he was. Maybe I'm just a Syracuse homer but I'll admit that I didn't know who Enfield was before the tournament. Perhaps he was on your short list Zelda Zonk and if so I tip my hat to you. If I were an AD I would look at some of the most successful programs in the nation and if they had a top assistant who had been there for 10 years I would look to hire them over a head coach of a small school that just went on a run.

Did you read the article posted in my link?

The 'assessment' of Enfield was not my own. I don't remember having heard of him either. I'm just saying: the guy didn't just sprout out of the ground. He's got a history, and perhaps 'the flavor of the week' is just the topping. Either way, he's got more of a track record than Hopkins.

Not sure why everyone's so incredibly sensitive at even the hint of something negative being said about one of 'our people.' And, what i wrote isn't Anti-Mike. It's just an objective statement. We love Mike because we 'know' him. Across the country, he's no different from the second guy on the Duke, Kansas, NC, Kentucky, et alia benches. For the record, and so there's no more hurt feelings: when JB goes, I'd rather have Mike than Enfield at the helm. So there. Hope we're all happy and huggy now.
Are my post confirmed by Jake, deal was essentially done, until the upsets by fgcu Enfield wasn't considered and hop was ready to go.

Well, that's got to be incredibly disappointing for Hopkins. What did he just 'lose,' a million bucks a year? Also, a telling statement about when he expects JB to retire, which sorta indicates "not soon (enough*)."

*...for me to keep waiting around.
- M.H.
hey HOP may a a good coach. but nobody knows. there's no track record. imo hopkins really needs to shed the comfy JB cocoon and fly on his own a bit. if he soars great. if he crashes it's somebody else's dime.
hey HOP may a a good coach. but nobody knows. there's no track record. imo hopkins really needs to shed the comfy JB cocoon and fly on his own a bit. if he soars great. if he crashes it's somebody else's dime.

JB didn't have a track record. I'm just sayin'.
I'm not going to be objective. I like Hopkins. I'm hoping he hangs in and is eventually given the reins.

Hard for me to believe that with his tutoring, and a personality that seems to spill over to his recruiting skills, he won't be a good head coach. I think he'll be fine and I don't want him going anywhere.
talkin' totally different era but JB was an assistant for what 6 years ?
If we can pull of the championship this year, might Hop be getting his chance to be HCMH sooner than expected?
Hop will be a millionaire in the future if he stays at SU. He's making 6 figures I'm sure right now at a school he loves and has a family happy in Syracuse. As a fan of Star Trek, I remember an episode where Commander Riker was asked why he had not taken command of a ship yet. He answered that he'd rather be 2nd in command of the best ship in the fleet rather than be in command of a lessor vessel. For Hop, the best job is Syracuse. He's got a life right now that most people would love to have. And he knows he'll be the head man someday. I understand he may be itching to be the headman sooner rather than later and the money would be nice. And I'll be happy for him wherever his path may lead. But I think he has stronger reasons to stay than to leave. Let's Go Orange!
JB didn't have a track record. I'm just sayin'.
But SU was not the national level it is now. Heck, b-ball was not the national level it is now. Major schools (BCS schools) are not going to take a chance on a guy without HC experience. And by the way, the other guy who was in contention for the SU job when JB took it coached DIII (U of R) for over 30 years, retired and is back in DIII again.
There's no doubt in my opinion that his coach in waiting status at SU affects his ability to get a job. Why would USC pick a guy they know is going to leave?
a bit OT, but...
I was reminded upon reaching the end of the linked Waters piece how frighteningly moronic the comments for any syracuse.com articles are. Yeesh.
That's what this place would look like if not properly moderated.
There's no doubt in my opinion that his coach in waiting status at SU affects his ability to get a job. Why would USC pick a guy they know is going to leave?
They could add that stipulation in his contract maybe?
Mike will inherit the keys to the Eastern Kingdom of college basketball. Syracuse will make his recruiting job so much easier. His only tough task will be to continue JB's success with the zone defense, & possibly the development of an exciting new wrinkle in that system.

Do you think it would be wise for Hoppy to fundamentally transform this legendary system at Syracuse?


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