Section VI-2. Intra-Conference Transfer Rule.
A student-athlete who transfers directly to an ACC institution from another ACC
institution and who was recruited by the institution from which they are transferring, for
whom the athletics department interceded in the admissions process, or who received any
athletically related financial aid during the academic year immediately prior to the
transfer is required to complete one (1) academic year (two full semesters or three full
quarters) of residency at the certifying ACC institution before being eligible to compete
for or to receive athletically related financial aid from the certifying institution. Such an
academic year of residency shall count as one of the student-athlete’s four (4) permissible
seasons of competition permitted under NCAA legislation. During such a year of
residency, the student-athlete is permitted to practice pursuant to NCAA eligibility rules
regarding practice eligibility. A transfer student-athlete admitted after the twelfth day of
class may not utilize that semester or quarter for the purpose of establishing residency.
Waivers of this ACC rule may be considered by the ACC faculty representatives, acting
as a committee of the whole, provided the student-athlete has qualified for an exception
or waiver of the NCAA four-year college transfer rule. Further, the waiver request must
demonstrate objective evidence that proves the student-athlete’s extraordinary personal
hardship merits a waiver of the normal application of this policy.
However since the academic year hasn't officially started yet, and Fall Ball doesn't begin until September, who knows.
He couldn't receive any athletically based financial aid from SU for a year.