Marrone Needs to Man Up, Be Honest and Publically Address The Situation |

Marrone Needs to Man Up, Be Honest and Publically Address The Situation


2nd String
Sep 10, 2011
3:16PM - Post Standard reports that Marrone has told his assistants that he is not currently talking with NFL teams about head coaching vacancies.

11:43PM - Post Standard reports that Marrone interviewed with the Browns on Thursday.

Nitpick and defend Marrone by saying that technically he was telling the truth when he said that at that moment he was not "currently" talking (or that the moment was yesterday and not today) - but if you ask me Marrone is destroying all the goodwill that he has developed with his players, recruits, staff and fans. You cannot preach loyalty, drone on about your love of SU, ask for patience, demand professionalism, etc, etc - and then handle this situation in a way that at least publicly appears to leave a lot to be desired.

I fully understand that we do not know everything that is going on - but if the reports are remotely true and kids are being told one thing while Marrone is doing the opposite, I cannot find dark enough Orange tinted glasses to give Marrone a pass and be happy about how he is handling this. It has been all about Orange pride with DM and I am feeling more embarrassment than pride right now.

As I have gotten older my fandom seems to have waned enough that I'd rather be proud of SU doing the right thing than to have it win every game at any cost. I have lost a lot of Orange pride between JB putting his head in the sand (again) with MCW and now DM playing games while he leaves the kids - those who have dedicated themselves to buying into what he was selling and who are key in helping him get rich beyond his dreams (whether its NFL or SU money) - twisting in the wind. Oh - and yet another off-season lacrosse incident that appears to include alcohol abuse.

Damage done - poorly handled - I do not see an end game where Marrone stays and remains credible. He had the chance to speak out on the issue but remained silent (I assume that every calculated move of this is being handled by his agent, one who does not give a crap about SU and only wants to maximize his $$$ - but that is what he is paid to do). And if he does not land a NFL job (I still do not see that happening), it is difficult for me to believe that Marrone can simply say "never mind" and expect his players, staff and recruits to be fine with his week long fling with the NFL.
I guess I'm confused. What does Marrone have to man up about? He's currently the coach at SU, he has not accepted a job in the NFL (or been offered). Once he potentially is offered a job and accepts it, I'm assuming he then addresses the situation publicly because at this point he knows only a little bit more than we do.
This is one situation where I believe you would never tip your hand publicly. It wouldn't serve a purpose. It would either take yourself out of running for another job or completely destroy your current one. We just have to see how this thing plays out.
He doesn't owe anyone anything. Hopefully this process doesn't drag past next Tuesday/Wednesday though because nothing will be settled until all/most of the NFL coaching vacancies are filled.

You should try to grow up and understand that the SU football coach has made at least one NFL teams top 5 list of coaches and therefore he is interviewing for a job at the pinnacle of his profession.

He isn't even guaranteed to take a job if offered since he'll be weighing money, QB situation, returning talent on the roster, personnel control, relationship with the GM etc. All those things need to be ideal for him to not go back to Gross and see what SU offers in comparison to his NFL offer if there is even one. If he realizes he only got an offer because 3 guys passed on the job, he'll have no control over draft picks, his guaranteed money isn't a lot, and the roster blows chances are he stays at SU if he gets himself and his coaches a raise. If he feels he can bring his guys to the NFL, get 4-5 years to turn it around and make the playoffs, have control over draft picks, and will make double what he is now he's likely gone.

Seriously people need to grow up. Marrone likely isn't any NFL teams first choice and there is a good chance he knows this. NYJ and NYG jobs might open up next year and he can leave SU for one of them if he has a big season. He absolutely should be going through this process.

The reality is a couple teams probably like him as a 3rd or 4th choice after Chip Kelly, Andy Ried, and Lovie. 50-50 he gets an offer. He probably takes it but I wouldn't say its definite.

The Post Standard should not be getting any credence either they are looking like dogs chasing their tails in all of this. Breaking that HAckett told Allen DM is staying is just stupid. THere is a clear lack of first hand knowledge and that paper is purely spouting . The Daily ORange would probably be covering this better if school was in session. F the Post Standard stirring up that isn't there.
I guess I'm confused. What does Marrone have to man up about? He's currently the coach at SU, he has not accepted a job in the NFL (or been offered). Once he potentially is offered a job and accepts it, I'm assuming he then addresses the situation publicly because at this point he knows only a little bit more than we do.

Don't you agree that the longer this drags on without something from the AD's office, that it sounds like Doug doesn't want to be back? It's been out there for a few days now without comment. If Doug is doing this for leverage, it doesn't seem to be working. There has been no notice of an extension, or even an offer of an extension. If he's not doing it for leverage and the good Doctor is willing to let him leave, well what does that say?
Don't you agree that the longer this drags on without something from the AD's office, that it sounds like Doug doesn't want to be back? It's been out there for a few days now without comment. If Doug is doing this for leverage, it doesn't seem to be working. There has been no notice of an extension, or even an offer of an extension. If he's not doing it for leverage and the good Doctor is willing to let him leave, well what does that say?

But at this point it's pure speculation he's doing it for leverage. Maybe he knows he isn't willing to be a college coach for the next 10 years and maybe he's pretty sure he won't land a job in the NFL this year. But if he doesn't go through the process now he could be screwing himself down the road. The reality is, we as fans don't know anything at all except he's been called by the NFL and he's at least interviewed with the Browns. We have no idea what his interest level right now is.

From what people have posted in the last couple years it seemed fairly obvious DM wasn't going to be a lifer here. Coaching for as long as JB in BB is far different than doing it in college football, just recruiting alone is so significantly more time consuming in football than in basketball for multiple reasons. It has to burn you out. My belief, also speculation, he got here with high expectations and as excited as anyone is when they start a new job. As the years go by he has realized the job requirement is far more difficult, complex, and time consuming than he imagined. That led him to realize he wanted to at least get the program on the right track again, turn the keys over to someone and return to the NFL. He has to interview if called, if he doesn't he will never be called again.

People are getting too bent out of shape about this, acting as if this is a big slap in the face. This is just reality, college football coaching is f*cking hard. Harder than he expected. He wasn't going to stay forever, this whole process was bound to happen at some point. If anything this whole thing is showing we are/were headed in a much more upward direction than the coaching staff has sometimes been given credit for. All of Marrone's peers are showing what kind of job people think he has done at SU by including him in conversations for almost every coaching position. That is f*cking great for SU. Let's hope that if he does in fact leave it's because he knew he wanted to go back to the NFL eventually and not because he felt as if the University would never support football enough in order for it to be successful and competitive. That is the only thing that concerns me about this whole thing.
The Post Standard should not be getting any credence either they are looking like dogs chasing their tails in all of this. Breaking that HAckett told Allen DM is staying is just stupid. THere is a clear lack of first hand knowledge and that paper is purely spouting ****. The Daily ORange would probably be covering this better if school was in session. F the Post Standard stirring up **** that isn't there.
So, you have first-hand knowledge that Allen was NOT told this by Hackett? The PS is making stuff up?
3:16PM - Post Standard reports that Marrone has told his assistants that he is not currently talking with NFL teams about head coaching vacancies.

11:43PM - Post Standard reports that Marrone interviewed with the Browns on Thursday.

Nitpick and defend Marrone by saying that technically he was telling the truth when he said that at that moment he was not "currently" talking (or that the moment was yesterday and not today) - but if you ask me Marrone is destroying all the goodwill that he has developed with his players, recruits, staff and fans. You cannot preach loyalty, drone on about your love of SU, ask for patience, demand professionalism, etc, etc - and then handle this situation in a way that at least publicly appears to leave a lot to be desired.

I fully understand that we do not know everything that is going on - but if the reports are remotely true and kids are being told one thing while Marrone is doing the opposite, I cannot find dark enough Orange tinted glasses to give Marrone a pass and be happy about how he is handling this. It has been all about Orange pride with DM and I am feeling more embarrassment than pride right now.

As I have gotten older my fandom seems to have waned enough that I'd rather be proud of SU doing the right thing than to have it win every game at any cost. I have lost a lot of Orange pride between JB putting his head in the sand (again) with MCW and now DM playing games while he leaves the kids - those who have dedicated themselves to buying into what he was selling and who are key in helping him get rich beyond his dreams (whether its NFL or SU money) - twisting in the wind. Oh - and yet another off-season lacrosse incident that appears to include alcohol abuse.

Damage done - poorly handled - I do not see an end game where Marrone stays and remains credible. He had the chance to speak out on the issue but remained silent (I assume that every calculated move of this is being handled by his agent, one who does not give a crap about SU and only wants to maximize his $$$ - but that is what he is paid to do). And if he does not land a NFL job (I still do not see that happening), it is difficult for me to believe that Marrone can simply say "never mind" and expect his players, staff and recruits to be fine with his week long fling with the NFL.

There are way too many unknowns to demand anything of the man. Let it play out.
People are getting too bent out of shape about this, acting as if this is a big slap in the face. This is just reality, college football coaching is f*cking hard. Harder than he expected.
If head coaching in the NFL is easier than college, why are the NFL pre-game shows filled with burned out former NFL coaches?
If head coaching in the NFL is easier than college, why are the NFL pre-game shows filled with burned out former NFL coaches?

Burned out after doing it for how many years? Your comparing apples to oranges. I also wouldn't say they are filled with former coaches. There are former coaches, along with former players, and color commentators.

I was never implying that coaching in the NFL was "easy" or necessarily "easier". It is a different type of job. Marrone has a family, coaching in college requires a ton of time on the road just for recruiting. Especially when your not in an SEC school where you can hire people just to handle recruiting for you. Marrone is on the road a lot. Would he be on the road in the NFL? Yes but far less than he would be as a college coach.
I was comforted by the fact that Boeheim said that he has spoken to Marrone and is confident he will handle this in a professional manner and that Marrone is loyal to SU even if he does depart. You can be sure Marrone will want to leave this program in a good position to succeed moving forward. He will not turn his back on SU.
I was comforted by the fact that Boeheim said that he has spoken to Marrone and is confident he will handle this in a professional manner and that Marrone is loyal to SU even if he does depart. You can be sure Marrone will want to leave this program in a good position to succeed moving forward. He will not turn his back on SU.

My personal hope is that that means he doesn't take 2 - 3 key parts of the staff with him. I want Marrone to stay but if he does in fact leave I believe the best step at least for next year is promoting Shafer or Hackett to Head Coach. I'm not just worried about the incoming recruits, especially since signing day is fast approaching but I'm worried about all of the H.S. connections that have taken the last few years to develop. That could potentially hurt us the most if the staff isn't retained and it could hurt us for a quite a few years, potentially.
I was comforted by the fact that Boeheim said that he has spoken to Marrone and is confident he will handle this in a professional manner and that Marrone is loyal to SU even if he does depart. You can be sure Marrone will want to leave this program in a good position to succeed moving forward. He will not turn his back on SU.

Would be nice IF he ends up taking an NFL job and ends up ponying up some if his new millions for the Doug Marrone Practice facility to be started on the hill.
I think it would not hurt Marrone's status one bit to let all know he is interviewing for a head coaching job in the NFL. The fact that an NFL team is interested in him is testimony to his ability. Any potential college recruit would see this as a plus. Loyalty does not mean complacency.
Its simple to me, Marrone is not who i thought he was. He is like everyone else,looking for a better deal and more glory. Its the way it works these days and the Jim Boeheims' are very very rare. Let me qualify, I'm not saying DM is doing anything wrong, just that he is not who I thought he was. ......and so it goes
So, you have first-hand knowledge that Allen was NOT told this by Hackett? The PS is making stuff up?

Do you have first hand knowledge that our OC or prized QB recruit went on the record as having spoken to each other during the no contact window? And were you listening to the conversation first hand, or was a PS reporter?

I have always respected the post standard especially the sports page since ever I learned to read I would eagerly grab it first thing as a kid when I'd get to Syracuse to catch up on SU sports so I have nothing against it and I really like the paper. I miss reading it. But them putting out that Hackett told Allen this as fact is beyond irresponsible.

And...if Marrone leaves it will do no one any good for there to be a smear campaign against the guy since it means he got himself an NFL head coaching job. But half the threads on Marrone seem to be disgruntled fans greasing the wheels for a smear campaign. Or ready to jump out a window b/c we are not Alabama...
3:16PM - Post Standard reports that Marrone has told his assistants that he is not currently talking with NFL teams about head coaching vacancies.

11:43PM - Post Standard reports that Marrone interviewed with the Browns on Thursday.

This is a bad thing why? Bill O'Brien interviewed with the Browns and reaffirmed his commitment to PSU yesterday... Look for Marrone to do the same over the next day or so...
Do you have first hand knowledge that our OC or prized QB recruit went on the record as having spoken to each other during the no contact window? And were you listening to the conversation first hand, or was a PS reporter?

I have always respected the post standard especially the sports page since ever I learned to read I would eagerly grab it first thing as a kid when I'd get to Syracuse to catch up on SU sports so I have nothing against it and I really like the paper. I miss reading it. But them putting out that Hackett told Allen this as fact is beyond irresponsible.

And...if Marrone leaves it will do no one any good for there to be a smear campaign against the guy since it means he got himself an NFL head coaching job. But half the threads on Marrone seem to be disgruntled fans greasing the wheels for a smear campaign. Or ready to jump out a window b/c we are not Alabama...
I have no first-hand knowledge of anything. My question to you was, do you think the PS is making things up? Or do you think a violation was committed? Your post came across as having first-hand knowledge - "THere is a clear lack of first hand knowledge and that paper is purely spouting ****."
I was comforted by the fact that Boeheim said that he has spoken to Marrone and is confident he will handle this in a professional manner and that Marrone is loyal to SU even if he does depart. You can be sure Marrone will want to leave this program in a good position to succeed moving forward. He will not turn his back on SU.

If he leaves right now, late in the recruiting cycle, on the verge of moving to a new conference, how is he doing it "professionally"? If he leaves right now, he's really screwing the program, IMO.

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