Setting aside the initial premise that none of this was argumentative, but hypothetical. (because I was initially simply asking about the status of one particular player - and only went on with the hypothetical of how long a coach deserves to prove himself to further explain my interest in the situation at hand)
1. Those two paragraphs are decidedly NOT contradicting because NEVER in my post did I say that Marrone SHOULD feel pressure by the fans, nor did I imply it, insinuate it, or think it. The two are completely separate thoughts... nor did I say he should feel pressure by the "4-year judgment" paradigm set in college football today. My point was, what is best for Marrone (or rather a head coach in general, since the specifics have muddied the water), is not necessarily what is best for the fans. I simply noted that, push come to shove, the typical college football coach should be more interested in short term than long term...short term is his potential tenure determined by his success or lack there of, long term is the future of the school/program regardless of whether that coach reamains. GRANTED, because a coach like Marrone has so much history and interest in Syracuse football, long term may very well matter more to him than short term, or at least equal it (I would actually argue it does, but that's conjecture) ...he may also have assurances of several years and feels he has breathing room, who knows, I certainly don't. The point is, Mcfarlane is redshirting, and if he is, it should be because Marrone is confident in the product that's taking the field this year (I would assume that he does) and not to stockpile for the future that may be with a different coach (i do not feel that this is what he is doing).
2. He has been specifically quoted as saying there hasn't been the separation for the RB position that he would have liked, so I don't have to be able to tell, I was told. I concede, the lack of separation may be because they were all so amazing...but it seems unlikely that that's the case, I take it to mean no-one stood out as the clear-cut favorite.
3. I don't believe that he should be judged this year, and do feel he should plan long-term and save talent for future seasons where it's possible because I feel he deserves/will get the chance to see it through to a certain extent, but not all fans do, not even on this board.