My god ennis |

My god ennis

When people say this kid can't play pro ball (leave early to do so) I laugh in their face, tell them that their understanding of talent is adorable and ask them how much they'd like to wager on it.
TE is so good that when he actually makes a mistake (like making a bad decision by attacking the hoop and missing on a 1 on 3 breakaway), I start thinking that the planet must have shifted off its axis slightly to cause an error in Ennis' game...but only for a moment until he realizes the planet is misaligned and he adjusts his game the other way to get the planet realigned.
Silly me. I thought we've been spoiled in PG the past decade. Edelin, GMac, Flynn, MCW. Then Ennis comes along. Kid is unbelievable.
i gotta say for a frosh i've been impressed so far with TE's poise, handle and decision making.
I agree he's smooth but that's a bit of a stretch don't you think? I mean, are you old enough to remember Pearl, Sherm, GMac.?
Yes I saw them all play and he's the best I've seen. Hes young and only going to get better. His skill level can only be challenged by Sherman Douglas That said he's simply a master of the game. He's a coach o the court and he's simply unparalleled in SU history.
I may get blasted here...but I feel more confident when he has the ball then when MCW had the ball...mainly, the less chance for a TO.
Don't think anyone will disagree. That said MCW is a great player.
I'm long past predicting where someone will get drafted and how good they'll be in the NBA. But I'm sure of great MCW was for the Cuse, Tyler is even better...if only because he just does not make mistakes. It's not in his DNA. Many of us thought we'd realize just how good MCW was when he left...we had to find that out by watching in him in the pros. The PG position has somehow received an upgrade.
jdubs30 said:
I think we're at that point where we can stop saying "I may get blasted here" when comparing Ennis to MCW. It's obvious most of us prefer Ennis in almost every situation.

Kinda like you want your 10,000 in diamonds or cash? Don't care - both will buy what I want.

Nice theoretical problem to have... How about MCW and a final four followed by TE?
Yes I saw them all play and he's the best I've seen. Hes young and only going to get better. His skill level can only be challenged by Sherman Douglas That said he's simply a master of the game. He's a coach o the court and he's simply unparalleled in SU history.

He has the potential to be the best we've ever had and he's the best we've had since Sherman. I'm not ready to place Tyler ahead of the General just yet...
The scary thing about Tyler Ennis is that he has played a grand total of 12 regular season games... and is only going to get better.

Gotta give Boeheim credit...he was on the money when he said that TE was the "most ready" freshman point he's ever had.
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