My Take |

My Take


No recent Cali or Iggy awards; Mr Irrelevant
Aug 15, 2011
Have already criticized SU over the awful decision to start the game at 6 PM. Will add that this also caused major problems for everyone assigned to work the game, as they had to be at the Dome at 4 PM and the lots they park in were still full from employees and students still at work/in class. What is done is done; I just hope at this point that they never, ever make such a thoughtless decision like this again.

The crowd was the worst I have seen for a Big East game in years. Maybe 15K actually showed. The locals didn't come out but the student section was especially empty...I don't think the lower level was even half full. I would hammer them big time but it is my understanding this is mid term week and I will give them a pass if the reason they were not at the Dome was because they were studying. I grundingly concede this is a legitimate excuse.

Empower Credit Union gave out a little orange rag to wave. Didn't work, didn't see anyone do this. Good idea I guess.

The NA was sung by an SU employee. She knew all the words and finished the song. I give her full credit for these accomplishments.

Looks like we are going to have minor losses to our 40+ cheerleader squad, also minor losses to the dance team.

JS and BT got big ovations from the crowd when they were introduced and given framed uniforms. The senior manager who often fires up the team just before the game inside the circle got a big hand too. I liked his most excellent bow tie.

On to the game...

DePaul has 2 pretty solid players and a bunch of fringe D1 guys. Not a talented team. They opened in man to man (surprise. surprise), and it was effective for much of the first half, as Syracuse looked lethargic, and reluctant to take many shots.

JB substituted pretty freely most of the 1st half, taking out CJ early. JS got the start for his last game in the Dome but JG got some playing time in the 1st half, mostly because of some suspect defense by JS. Didn't do much with them.

TC got some extended minutes, had a nice steal but continues to struggle to hit the rim from the 3 point circle.

And even DC2 got some run out there. Not as much as I was hoping for. Didn't do much with the PT, didn't have any major gaffes but at this point. it appears he is going to have to do soemthing quite remarkable to get quality minutes. Or SU is going to need to get into major foul trouble. For the record, he looks thinner than I have seen him since early 10th grade.

BT again looked completely uncomfortable shooting from the outside. but he played a solid game otherwise, got into the paint for baskets, drawn fouls and good assists. Good comeback game for him.

MCW was restrained, didn't shoot much, but finished pretty well when he did. Both BT and MCW appear to have regained their shooting touch on FTs, which is nice to see. MCW had a good floor game too, took care of the basketball well after the awful first possession.

JS had an interesting night, some problems on defense early, missed a lot of shots but was really aggressive. drew some fouls, and rebounded well. In one possession, I believe he took and missed 4 shots in a row, got the rebound for all of them and finally made a shot on the last one. Good to see him play with a strong sense of urgency.

RC continued to fade in and out for most of the game, but he had more blocks and presence inside than I have seen in a while. Also had a couple nice baskets. Still struggling to finish dunks. At this point, I think it is a mental thing.

BMK played as he always does. Hustled his butt off, struggled to rebound, struggles to make any impact when the team is on offense. He did get a couple baskets in near garbage time. He does a great job with what he has to work with.

That leaves CJ. who had 11 quiet points in the 1st half. Didn't rebound the ball great but he finishes plays better than anyone on the team and often carries the team in the half court offense.

DePaul tried the zone in the 2nd half. It was not effective. For the first time in a while, SU came out from halftime and played well, opened the lead up to double figures and after that. they seemed to coast to the end as the game degraded into a blur of ugly fouls on both sides of the floor. It seemed like the 2nd half was never going to end.

Happy with the win. Wish the subs got more playing time but that is not the JB way. While RC was not at the top of his game, I saw some signs he might be getting back to a higher level of play. I hope so; we really need more production from the center position the rest of the season.

On to Georgetown, who after the loss to Nova will surely be ready to play us on their Senior Day. Should be another classic game. Can't wait to see it.
I don't think that Georgetown has any seniors on their roster. Do they still call it Senior Day?

Good write up as usual. The crowd on TV didn't look too bad, except of course when they did a real wide shot that included the upstairs.
The senior student manager is Kevin Belbey. Really nice young man. He will graduate with a broadcast journalism degree... and attend SU Law School in the fall.

is kevin a red head with the bow tie?

i met his dad in boston in between sweet 16 and elite 8 last year. great guy.
More of a strawberry blond, but he does wear a bowtime. He sits next to JB on the bench... and also works in the basketball office during the week.
More of a strawberry blond, but he does wear a bowtime. He sits next to JB on the bench... and also works in the basketball office during the week.
Kid is living the dream, but I bet he works his tail off
No mention of taco kid? We were sitting in the front row right by where he was getting going, and one of the ushers stopped him dead in his tracks and told him to return to his seat in a not so nice tone of voice. Which in turn prompted the crowd to begin chanting "taco kid". The kid was crying pretty hard by the time he returned to his seast with his dad. The whole ordeal was pretty funny.
No mention of taco kid? We were sitting in the front row right by where he was getting going, and one of the ushers stopped him dead in his tracks and told him to return to his seat in a not so nice tone of voice. Which in turn prompted the crowd to begin chanting "taco kid". The kid was crying pretty hard by the time he returned to his seast with his dad. The whole ordeal was pretty funny.
Is this the SAME taco kid who was dressed down last time? Why did he or his parents think he could get away with it this time? I don't care as much as Joyce about the idea of his running around, but why would his parents allow it again? To paraphrase a Prez: "Is our parents learning?" This does, however, explain the chant we heard and could not make out, having missed the whole drama.
I thought I missed the end of daylight savings time yesterday. 6 is dumb
The senior student manager is Kevin Belbey. Really nice young man. He will graduate with a broadcast journalism degree... and attend SU Law School in the fall.
Met him at the Ali museum in L'Ville. Very nice young man. Took a photo for him shadowboxing the Champ:)
is kevin a red head with the bow tie?

i met his dad in boston in between sweet 16 and elite 8 last year. great guy.
I think you are thinking of Pat Luckett, who got a lot of press last year with his bow ties and outgoing personality. He was a senior last season.

Belbey got the biggest ovation of the senior student managers (I think there were three). I don't know the name of the first, but I know he often does the pregame pep talk for the players as he stands inside a circle described by the players as they sway and dance, arm in arm, just before the tipoff of home games. He gets extremely animated in these talks. Would love to know his name and more about him. Seems like quite a character.
I think you are thinking of Pat Luckett, who got a lot of press last year with his bow ties and outgoing personality. He was a senior last season.

Belbey got the biggest ovation of the senior student managers (I think there were three). I don't know the name of the first, but I know he often does the pregame pep talk for the players as he stands inside a circle described by the players as they sway and dance, arm in arm, just before the tipoff of home games. He gets extremely animated in these talks. Would love to know his name and more about him. Seems like quite a character.

pretty sure you are correct. thanks
SU pulled a number out of thin air for the attendance last night; that was football-esque.

It's good to give them the benefit of the doubt on attendance numbers, but there's no possible way they sold, gave away, or otherwise distributed over 22,000 tickets last night (unless they printed 4,500 extras and put them straight into the dumpster). The crowd wasn't exactly dense, but there was a clear line in the upper deck where ticket sales stopped, with virtually no stragglers sitting farther from the action. And that line was closer in than it was for our Rutgers Big East opener this year, which had an announced crowd of 17,413. Given that some students bought tickets last night, actual sales were probably no more than 800 higher than that figure.

Kind of highlights how silly the attendance crown is when the school goofs with the numbers like that.

Was nice to see both seniors play well on Senior Night; that doesn't happen every year. Also, Mel Triche Senior had an awesome jacket and shoes. Great get-up for an SU fan.

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