My Take |

My Take


No recent Cali or Iggy awards; Mr Irrelevant
Aug 15, 2011
Decent crowd for an unappealing opponent on a Tuesday night. When SU went on the run in the second half to break things open, they made a lot of noise. Student turnout was okay. Would guess 18K were actuall there. The attendance was helped by a strong showing of Bonnie fans. I have been watching St Bonaventure-SU games for many years and I think last night was without question their best turnout ever. They had maybe 500 fans in one of the outlaying sections on the third level and lots of people sitting scattered throughout the Dome. I suspect they had 1000 fans all told there. Impressive for such a tiny school so far away. Lots of them were students. Lots of skinny kids with skin problems and bad haircuts. They seemed nice and happy to be there.

What was up with so many of them wearing Wolfpack t-shirts though? I have a theory. Maybe NC State ordered a thousand t-shirts but the manufacturer screwed up and printed them on brown shirts instead of Last Place Rutgerian Red. And NC State State sold them to St Bonaventure for a song. I know St Bonaventure almost went bankrupt in the 1990s... Seriously, did the same nickname consultants that tried to make SU change its mascot from Otto to a wolf and call the fanbase Wolf Pack start working with St Bonaventure? Weird.

Anyway, props to those fans for coming and making noise. I hope we consider scheduling them was interesting to see some fans from an opposing team in the Dome early in the season. No question in my mind they had far more fans than Cornell or Colgate, or even LeMoyne have been able to muster in recent years.

The NA was sung by a women who works in the North Syracuse Central School District. She was good, hit all her notes and received a big ovation when she finished. Even the Bonnie fans clapped. Solid.

3 tubas in the SSS. Disgusting.

Food alert. That concession stand in the Northeast corner of the Dome, near section 120 (where the Burger King used to be years ago), has added hamburgers to their menu. They also offer Saranac beer, chicken tenders, fries and onion rings. Believe it is the only place in the Dome to get any of those things. I didn't try one but they looked decent. Which would make them better than a lot of what is currently offered.

That Joe Schmoe coach the Bonnies has was really aggressive in his man defense, patrolling his area of the court hard. He yelled a lot and based on his body, body language, coloring and speech patterns, I would say he is likely to suffer a heart attack sometime in the next 24 years. As Bud would say, he might want to mix in a salad or two every now and then.

Don't have a lot of time so here are some disjointed thoughts on the game itself...

This SU team loves to launch threes. They may or may not be good at it but they love to do it. So far, they haven't been very good at it and their stubborn determination to shoot them has helped keep lesser teams in the games. I think JB has this team all wrong. He thinks the only way for them to win is to launch threes all game long. But they look far better, and far more dangerous when he has the guards attack the hoop.

The first half SU relied on threes and outside shooting almost exclusively, and it was no surprise they fell behind and struggled to score for long stretches. Give credit to the Bonnies, who were really patient, milked the clock and got good shots with startling regularity in the first half. Their best outside shooter is small and shoots a set shot that takes a painful amount of time to get off. Should have been bottled up and never got a decent look but he hurt us badly, mostly taking advantage of shaky play from our guards. We did do a pretty good job collapsing inside when they tried to get the ball in the paint and got a lot of steals and turnovers doing this. MR, TC, MG, TR, TL are all good doing this.

In the second half, our strategy changed completely. We attacked the paint relentlessly with our guards, principally Silent G, MR and TC and had great success doing this. Got the Bonnies into foul trouble within 5 or 6 minutes. The Bonnies played mostly man in the first half but with the foul trouble, were forced to switch to a zone, which SU carved up even more than the Bonnie man defense. We kept attacking inside but when they collapsed there, we had a lot of guys wide open on the perimeter and unlike the first half, a lot of these 3s were made.

Was pleasantly surprised at MR's ability to go strong to the hoop and draw fouls. He showed signs of being capable of doing this but it was good to see him making it happen against a relatively decent team, in the second half, when pressive was high and points were badly needed. His defense and rebounding were again surprisingly compentent too.

TC had a bad first half but played much much better in the second. Haven't seen a box score but he got his hands on a lot of passes on defense and he hurt St Bonaventure but going inside hard. Even hit some outside shots in the second half.

It is easy to take Silent G for granted, and it will probably happen a lot this year. But after a slow start, he established himself as the best player on the court and he largely dominated the game in the second half. He is a tough guy to defend...he is so tall and strong and if you lay off him to stop him from getting in the paint, he will hurt you from the perimeter too. Teams so far are having tough times matching up with him...he keeps getting covered by players 6 or 7 inches shorter than he is. He has posted them up a few times but I am hoping for more of this when teams try and play SU man to man. It should be one of our best options against man defenses. His ball handling, rebounding passing and defense all look improved from last year. He is a good one.

TRob continues to look pretty lost on offense but he was dominant on the boards and his defense was solid as well. The team continues to evolve and roles are slowing working themselves out. Hope he figures out a way to play in this offense. We need him to contribute offensively and he is certainly capable of doing it. But for him, I think it all starts with rebounding and he definitely looked better there last night.

Thought Coleman played a little better last night but he is still a step slow and still too tentative to help the team much right now. He did rebound the ball better and finished a play or two inside. I think JB needs to continue to give him minutes now to get him ready for later in the season. He got beat down the court again too many times last night, continuing a season long trend for him. I think it is more of a conditioning thing than just an inability to get up and down the court.

CO is never going to be a force on offense but he has to catch passes thrown directly to him under the basket. Right now, it feels like whenever he touches the ball there is a turnover about to happen. He has zero confidence and it shows. He is playing a bit better on defense and I give him credit for being very fast for a big guy and for hustling hard when he is in.

Thought KJ didn't play very well last night. To me his biggest problem is bad judgement, lack of basketball IQ, whatever you want to call it. Looks like this is slowly getting better but remains worrisome. His defense is somewhat better but still needs work.

JB gave FH a lot of PT last night. When he was in, he ran the half court offense quite well. Looks like our more traditional PG, really tries to find weaknesses in a defense and get the ball to the open man. Maybe forced up a shot or two when he shouldn't have, and maybe passed up a shot or two than he shouldn't have. I like him a lot. Continues to impress me with his defense.

That leaves TL, who seems to get more and more PT at center with each passing game. He is not much of a factor on defense right now and teams hurt us inside when he plays center by crashing the offensive boards. But he is a decent rebounded on the defensive side, can get an occasional block and covers a lot of ground. Got at least one block on a jumper taken from the corner, which is impressive for a player playing in the middle of a 2-3 zone. Anticipates well too and is going to get a lot of steals in his career here.

The reason he is getting so much playing time though is because he is the only center we have that the defense has to worry about. We can play 5 on 5 on offense when he is in, and that makes a huge difference. Teams seeing him hitting 3s like he did on film is just going to make it easier for the offense to score when he is in.

Even as a gangly frosh, he poses a second extremely big challenge to defend for a team trying to play us in man defense (along with Silent G). I was really impressed with his fearlessness. It is really unusual for a freshman to take big shots down the stretch of a game and even more unusual for one to make a lot of them. He almost took the game over during that stretch late in the game when SU drew even and then blew by the Bonnies. He is already trying to do pick and rolls, which one day he will be great at, and is already showing signs of becoming our best high post player in many years. Very very impressive.

What else?

SU does a much better job using the ribbon boards to show stats for basketball than they do for football.

The students sang Happy Birthday to JB just after player introductions. I don't think he acknowledged them but job well done nonetheless.

They did the running of the flags just inside 8 minutes to go. I thought that was a 4 minute to go thing. I think what happened is that in a recent game, the timeouts happened to work out where there weren't any from 4 minutes to about 1 minute, so the running of the flags almost didn't happen, so they moved it up to prevent that from happening again.

So far, this has been a fun team to watch most of the time. I hope that next game, we start with the guards slashing to the hoop from the opening tip. It is a style not unlike what Villanova has used a lot in recent years and I think with our group of slashers and shooters, it is a good fit for this team.
Slashing to the basket is going to be how this team scores in the paint; it's our only hope at a balanced offense because the post game is obviously going to be nearly nonexistent. G is our best bet, though his handle is a little loose at times, Cooney showed some nice flashes last night (two left handed finishes!), and I really like the way MR uses his body to create contact. On one of his 'and-one' drives, he intentionally stepped into the defender with his left foot which created both contact and space; a lot of players would try to avoid the contact and end up further from the basket with a more contested shot. Lydon's driving ability was also pretty good and will only improve as big men on opposing teams have to step further and further away from the basket to defend his shooting.
Decent crowd for an unappealing opponent on a Tuesday night. When SU went on the run in the second half to break things open, they made a lot of noise. Student turnout was okay. Would guess 18K were actuall there. The attendance was helped by a strong showing of Bonnie fans. I have been watching St Bonaventure-SU games for many years and I think last night was without question their best turnout ever. They had maybe 500 fans in one of the outlaying sections on the third level and lots of people sitting scattered throughout the Dome. I suspect they had 1000 fans all told there. Impressive for such a tiny school so far away. Lots of them were students. Lots of skinny kids with skin problems and bad haircuts. They seemed nice and happy to be there.

What was up with so many of them wearing Wolfpack t-shirts though? I have a theory. Maybe NC State ordered a thousand t-shirts but the manufacturer screwed up and printed them on brown shirts instead of Last Place Rutgerian Red. And NC State State sold them to St Bonaventure for a song. I know St Bonaventure almost went bankrupt in the 1990s... Seriously, did the same nickname consultants that tried to make SU change its mascot from Otto to a wolf and call the fanbase Wolf Pack start working with St Bonaventure? Weird.

Anyway, props to those fans for coming and making noise. I hope we consider scheduling them was interesting to see some fans from an opposing team in the Dome early in the season. No question in my mind they had far more fans than Cornell or Colgate, or even LeMoyne have been able to muster in recent years.

The NA was sung by a women who works in the North Syracuse Central School District. She was good, hit all her notes and received a big ovation when she finished. Even the Bonnie fans clapped. Solid.

3 tubas in the SSS. Disgusting.

Food alert. That concession stand in the Northeast corner of the Dome, near section 120 (where the Burger King used to be years ago), has added hamburgers to their menu. They also offer Saranac beer, chicken tenders, fries and onion rings. Believe it is the only place in the Dome to get any of those things. I didn't try one but they looked decent. Which would make them better than a lot of what is currently offered.

That Joe Schmoe coach the Bonnies has was really aggressive in his man defense, patrolling his area of the court hard. He yelled a lot and based on his body, body language, coloring and speech patterns, I would say he is likely to suffer a heart attack sometime in the next 24 years. As Bud would say, he might want to mix in a salad or two every now and then.

Don't have a lot of time so here are some disjointed thoughts on the game itself...

This SU team loves to launch threes. They may or may not be good at it but they love to do it. So far, they haven't been very good at it and their stubborn determination to shoot them has helped keep lesser teams in the games. I think JB has this team all wrong. He thinks the only way for them to win is to launch threes all game long. But they look far better, and far more dangerous when he has the guards attack the hoop.

The first half SU relied on threes and outside shooting almost exclusively, and it was no surprise they fell behind and struggled to score for long stretches. Give credit to the Bonnies, who were really patient, milked the clock and got good shots with startling regularity in the first half. Their best outside shooter is small and shoots a set shot that takes a painful amount of time to get off. Should have been bottled up and never got a decent look but he hurt us badly, mostly taking advantage of shaky play from our guards. We did do a pretty good job collapsing inside when they tried to get the ball in the paint and got a lot of steals and turnovers doing this. MR, TC, MG, TR, TL are all good doing this.

In the second half, our strategy changed completely. We attacked the paint relentlessly with our guards, principally Silent G, MR and TC and had great success doing this. Got the Bonnies into foul trouble within 5 or 6 minutes. The Bonnies played mostly man in the first half but with the foul trouble, were forced to switch to a zone, which SU carved up even more than the Bonnie man defense. We kept attacking inside but when they collapsed there, we had a lot of guys wide open on the perimeter and unlike the first half, a lot of these 3s were made.

Was pleasantly surprised at MR's ability to go strong to the hoop and draw fouls. He showed signs of being capable of doing this but it was good to see him making it happen against a relatively decent team, in the second half, when pressive was high and points were badly needed. His defense and rebounding were again surprisingly compentent too.

TC had a bad first half but played much much better in the second. Haven't seen a box score but he got his hands on a lot of passes on defense and he hurt St Bonaventure but going inside hard. Even hit some outside shots in the second half.

It is easy to take Silent G for granted, and it will probably happen a lot this year. But after a slow start, he established himself as the best player on the court and he largely dominated the game in the second half. He is a tough guy to defend...he is so tall and strong and if you lay off him to stop him from getting in the paint, he will hurt you from the perimeter too. Teams so far are having tough times matching up with him...he keeps getting covered by players 6 or 7 inches shorter than he is. He has posted them up a few times but I am hoping for more of this when teams try and play SU man to man. It should be one of our best options against man defenses. His ball handling, rebounding passing and defense all look improved from last year. He is a good one.

TRob continues to look pretty lost on offense but he was dominant on the boards and his defense was solid as well. The team continues to evolve and roles are slowing working themselves out. Hope he figures out a way to play in this offense. We need him to contribute offensively and he is certainly capable of doing it. But for him, I think it all starts with rebounding and he definitely looked better there last night.

Thought Coleman played a little better last night but he is still a step slow and still too tentative to help the team much right now. He did rebound the ball better and finished a play or two inside. I think JB needs to continue to give him minutes now to get him ready for later in the season. He got beat down the court again too many times last night, continuing a season long trend for him. I think it is more of a conditioning thing than just an inability to get up and down the court.

CO is never going to be a force on offense but he has to catch passes thrown directly to him under the basket. Right now, it feels like whenever he touches the ball there is a turnover about to happen. He has zero confidence and it shows. He is playing a bit better on defense and I give him credit for being very fast for a big guy and for hustling hard when he is in.

Thought KJ didn't play very well last night. To me his biggest problem is bad judgement, lack of basketball IQ, whatever you want to call it. Looks like this is slowly getting better but remains worrisome. His defense is somewhat better but still needs work.

JB gave FH a lot of PT last night. When he was in, he ran the half court offense quite well. Looks like our more traditional PG, really tries to find weaknesses in a defense and get the ball to the open man. Maybe forced up a shot or two when he shouldn't have, and maybe passed up a shot or two than he shouldn't have. I like him a lot. Continues to impress me with his defense.

That leaves TL, who seems to get more and more PT at center with each passing game. He is not much of a factor on defense right now and teams hurt us inside when he plays center by crashing the offensive boards. But he is a decent rebounded on the defensive side, can get an occasional block and covers a lot of ground. Got at least one block on a jumper taken from the corner, which is impressive for a player playing in the middle of a 2-3 zone. Anticipates well too and is going to get a lot of steals in his career here.

The reason he is getting so much playing time though is because he is the only center we have that the defense has to worry about. We can play 5 on 5 on offense when he is in, and that makes a huge difference. Teams seeing him hitting 3s like he did on film is just going to make it easier for the offense to score when he is in.

Even as a gangly frosh, he poses a second extremely big challenge to defend for a team trying to play us in man defense (along with Silent G). I was really impressed with his fearlessness. It is really unusual for a freshman to take big shots down the stretch of a game and even more unusual for one to make a lot of them. He almost took the game over during that stretch late in the game when SU drew even and then blew by the Bonnies. He is already trying to do pick and rolls, which one day he will be great at, and is already showing signs of becoming our best high post player in many years. Very very impressive.

What else?

SU does a much better job using the ribbon boards to show stats for basketball than they do for football.

The students sang Happy Birthday to JB just after player introductions. I don't think he acknowledged them but job well done nonetheless.

They did the running of the flags just inside 8 minutes to go. I thought that was a 4 minute to go thing. I think what happened is that in a recent game, the timeouts happened to work out where there weren't any from 4 minutes to about 1 minute, so the running of the flags almost didn't happen, so they moved it up to prevent that from happening again.

So far, this has been a fun team to watch most of the time. I hope that next game, we start with the guards slashing to the hoop from the opening tip. It is a style not unlike what Villanova has used a lot in recent years and I think with our group of slashers and shooters, it is a good fit for this team.

"3 tubas in the SSS. Disgusting."

Whoever is in charge of tubas should hang!

I, too, was puzzled by the brown Wolfpack tee shirts. ARE they the Wolfpack? I thought their mascot was a monk, but maybe I'm thinking of Providence. They were so excited and proud of their team, justifiably. It made me feel a little bad to beat them, but I got over it.

When I watched the second half rerun last night, I was very impressed with Lydon and Silent G. During the actual game, I was more focused on Tarantula Cooney, perhaps because he receives so much criticism and I saw his huge hustle and heart out there. I am so glad Lydon is taking that shot! It's been open for him in our 3 previous games and he deferred.

Would it be wrong for me to hope for a "nice" game against Elon College, where we refine our game and develop more confidence before the Bahamas? BTW, I worked for four years in Burlington, NC, home of Elon College. Hardest and happiest job of my life.
Last year Cooney G and Rak and our bench did the same thing night in and out.
This year could be the complete opposite.
Just need to sit back and enjoy!
But they look far better, and far more dangerous when he has the guards attack the hoop.

Which will lead to everyone being able to launch "wide open" threes and we all win!
It is easy to take Silent G for granted, and it will probably happen a lot this year. But after a slow start, he established himself as the best player on the court and he largely dominated the game in the second half. He is a tough guy to defend...he is so tall and strong and if you lay off him to stop him from getting in the paint, he will hurt you from the perimeter too. Teams so far are having tough times matching up with him...he keeps getting covered by players 6 or 7 inches shorter than he is. He has posted them up a few times but I am hoping for more of this when teams try and play SU man to man. It should be one of our best options against man defenses. His ball handling, rebounding passing and defense all look improved from last year. He is a good one.

Decent crowd for an unappealing opponent on a Tuesday night. When SU went on the run in the second half to break things open, they made a lot of noise. Student turnout was okay. Would guess 18K were actuall there. The attendance was helped by a strong showing of Bonnie fans. I have been watching St Bonaventure-SU games for many years and I think last night was without question their best turnout ever. They had maybe 500 fans in one of the outlaying sections on the third level and lots of people sitting scattered throughout the Dome. I suspect they had 1000 fans all told there. Impressive for such a tiny school so far away. Lots of them were students. Lots of skinny kids with skin problems and bad haircuts. They seemed nice and happy to be there.


SU must have sold very few season tickets this season for all those Bona fans to have gotten seats right next to the 314 tunnel. And apparently the turnstile count allegedly being used for football games isn't used for basketball - good observation.

Fun night (except for the loss and the three-hour drive home) for all those visitors. They sure made a lot of noise. Should schedule a game with Bona every year if they're going to travel like that.
SU must have sold very few season tickets this season for all those Bona fans to have gotten seats right next to the 314 tunnel. And apparently the turnstile count allegedly being used for football games isn't used for basketball - good observation.

Fun night (except for the loss and the three-hour drive home) for all those visitors. They sure made a lot of noise. Should schedule a game with Bona every year if they're going to travel like that.
Agreed. Maybe the reason so many came this year was because the games with them have become so infrequent.

Regardless, I would much rather play a school with whom we have some history than say a Lehigh or a Elon. It is nice to read the stories on the history of the series, see old pictures and videos, etc. The Syracuse-St Bonaventure rivalry was, for a brief span of time, very big. It was the biggest game of the season for them and probably even for us, during the late 1970s...
They did the running of the flags just inside 8 minutes to go. I thought that was a 4 minute to go thing. I think what happened is that in a recent game, the timeouts happened to work out where there weren't any from 4 minutes to about 1 minute, so the running of the flags almost didn't happen, so they moved it up to prevent that from happening again.

Too many people were getting up to leave with 4:00 left and it turned the flag running into an obstacle course. So they bumped it up. :cool:
Too many people were getting up to leave with 4:00 left and it turned the flag running into an obstacle course. So they bumped it up. :cool:

there is so much to laugh at in this post. I'm not even mad, I'm just impressed.
Too many people were getting up to leave with 4:00 left and it turned the flag running into an obstacle course. So they bumped it up. :cool:

Brings new meaning to "gotta beat the traffic"
Wolfpack are becoming more popular. My alma mater just changed from the Storm to the Wolfpack.
Decent crowd for an unappealing opponent on a Tuesday night. When SU went on the run in the second half to break things open, they made a lot of noise. Student turnout was okay. Would guess 18K were actuall there. The attendance was helped by a strong showing of Bonnie fans. I have been watching St Bonaventure-SU games for many years and I think last night was without question their best turnout ever. They had maybe 500 fans in one of the outlaying sections on the third level and lots of people sitting scattered throughout the Dome. I suspect they had 1000 fans all told there. Impressive for such a tiny school so far away. Lots of them were students. Lots of skinny kids with skin problems and bad haircuts. They seemed nice and happy to be there.

What was up with so many of them wearing Wolfpack t-shirts though? I have a theory. Maybe NC State ordered a thousand t-shirts but the manufacturer screwed up and printed them on brown shirts instead of Last Place Rutgerian Red. And NC State State sold them to St Bonaventure for a song. I know St Bonaventure almost went bankrupt in the 1990s... Seriously, did the same nickname consultants that tried to make SU change its mascot from Otto to a wolf and call the fanbase Wolf Pack start working with St Bonaventure? Weird.

Anyway, props to those fans for coming and making noise. I hope we consider scheduling them was interesting to see some fans from an opposing team in the Dome early in the season. No question in my mind they had far more fans than Cornell or Colgate, or even LeMoyne have been able to muster in recent years.

The NA was sung by a women who works in the North Syracuse Central School District. She was good, hit all her notes and received a big ovation when she finished. Even the Bonnie fans clapped. Solid.

3 tubas in the SSS. Disgusting.

Food alert. That concession stand in the Northeast corner of the Dome, near section 120 (where the Burger King used to be years ago), has added hamburgers to their menu. They also offer Saranac beer, chicken tenders, fries and onion rings. Believe it is the only place in the Dome to get any of those things. I didn't try one but they looked decent. Which would make them better than a lot of what is currently offered.

That Joe Schmoe coach the Bonnies has was really aggressive in his man defense, patrolling his area of the court hard. He yelled a lot and based on his body, body language, coloring and speech patterns, I would say he is likely to suffer a heart attack sometime in the next 24 years. As Bud would say, he might want to mix in a salad or two every now and then.

Don't have a lot of time so here are some disjointed thoughts on the game itself...

This SU team loves to launch threes. They may or may not be good at it but they love to do it. So far, they haven't been very good at it and their stubborn determination to shoot them has helped keep lesser teams in the games. I think JB has this team all wrong. He thinks the only way for them to win is to launch threes all game long. But they look far better, and far more dangerous when he has the guards attack the hoop.

The first half SU relied on threes and outside shooting almost exclusively, and it was no surprise they fell behind and struggled to score for long stretches. Give credit to the Bonnies, who were really patient, milked the clock and got good shots with startling regularity in the first half. Their best outside shooter is small and shoots a set shot that takes a painful amount of time to get off. Should have been bottled up and never got a decent look but he hurt us badly, mostly taking advantage of shaky play from our guards. We did do a pretty good job collapsing inside when they tried to get the ball in the paint and got a lot of steals and turnovers doing this. MR, TC, MG, TR, TL are all good doing this.

In the second half, our strategy changed completely. We attacked the paint relentlessly with our guards, principally Silent G, MR and TC and had great success doing this. Got the Bonnies into foul trouble within 5 or 6 minutes. The Bonnies played mostly man in the first half but with the foul trouble, were forced to switch to a zone, which SU carved up even more than the Bonnie man defense. We kept attacking inside but when they collapsed there, we had a lot of guys wide open on the perimeter and unlike the first half, a lot of these 3s were made.

Was pleasantly surprised at MR's ability to go strong to the hoop and draw fouls. He showed signs of being capable of doing this but it was good to see him making it happen against a relatively decent team, in the second half, when pressive was high and points were badly needed. His defense and rebounding were again surprisingly compentent too.

TC had a bad first half but played much much better in the second. Haven't seen a box score but he got his hands on a lot of passes on defense and he hurt St Bonaventure but going inside hard. Even hit some outside shots in the second half.

It is easy to take Silent G for granted, and it will probably happen a lot this year. But after a slow start, he established himself as the best player on the court and he largely dominated the game in the second half. He is a tough guy to defend...he is so tall and strong and if you lay off him to stop him from getting in the paint, he will hurt you from the perimeter too. Teams so far are having tough times matching up with him...he keeps getting covered by players 6 or 7 inches shorter than he is. He has posted them up a few times but I am hoping for more of this when teams try and play SU man to man. It should be one of our best options against man defenses. His ball handling, rebounding passing and defense all look improved from last year. He is a good one.

TRob continues to look pretty lost on offense but he was dominant on the boards and his defense was solid as well. The team continues to evolve and roles are slowing working themselves out. Hope he figures out a way to play in this offense. We need him to contribute offensively and he is certainly capable of doing it. But for him, I think it all starts with rebounding and he definitely looked better there last night.

Thought Coleman played a little better last night but he is still a step slow and still too tentative to help the team much right now. He did rebound the ball better and finished a play or two inside. I think JB needs to continue to give him minutes now to get him ready for later in the season. He got beat down the court again too many times last night, continuing a season long trend for him. I think it is more of a conditioning thing than just an inability to get up and down the court.

CO is never going to be a force on offense but he has to catch passes thrown directly to him under the basket. Right now, it feels like whenever he touches the ball there is a turnover about to happen. He has zero confidence and it shows. He is playing a bit better on defense and I give him credit for being very fast for a big guy and for hustling hard when he is in.

Thought KJ didn't play very well last night. To me his biggest problem is bad judgement, lack of basketball IQ, whatever you want to call it. Looks like this is slowly getting better but remains worrisome. His defense is somewhat better but still needs work.

JB gave FH a lot of PT last night. When he was in, he ran the half court offense quite well. Looks like our more traditional PG, really tries to find weaknesses in a defense and get the ball to the open man. Maybe forced up a shot or two when he shouldn't have, and maybe passed up a shot or two than he shouldn't have. I like him a lot. Continues to impress me with his defense.

That leaves TL, who seems to get more and more PT at center with each passing game. He is not much of a factor on defense right now and teams hurt us inside when he plays center by crashing the offensive boards. But he is a decent rebounded on the defensive side, can get an occasional block and covers a lot of ground. Got at least one block on a jumper taken from the corner, which is impressive for a player playing in the middle of a 2-3 zone. Anticipates well too and is going to get a lot of steals in his career here.

The reason he is getting so much playing time though is because he is the only center we have that the defense has to worry about. We can play 5 on 5 on offense when he is in, and that makes a huge difference. Teams seeing him hitting 3s like he did on film is just going to make it easier for the offense to score when he is in.

Even as a gangly frosh, he poses a second extremely big challenge to defend for a team trying to play us in man defense (along with Silent G). I was really impressed with his fearlessness. It is really unusual for a freshman to take big shots down the stretch of a game and even more unusual for one to make a lot of them. He almost took the game over during that stretch late in the game when SU drew even and then blew by the Bonnies. He is already trying to do pick and rolls, which one day he will be great at, and is already showing signs of becoming our best high post player in many years. Very very impressive.

What else?

SU does a much better job using the ribbon boards to show stats for basketball than they do for football.

The students sang Happy Birthday to JB just after player introductions. I don't think he acknowledged them but job well done nonetheless.

They did the running of the flags just inside 8 minutes to go. I thought that was a 4 minute to go thing. I think what happened is that in a recent game, the timeouts happened to work out where there weren't any from 4 minutes to about 1 minute, so the running of the flags almost didn't happen, so they moved it up to prevent that from happening again.

So far, this has been a fun team to watch most of the time. I hope that next game, we start with the guards slashing to the hoop from the opening tip. It is a style not unlike what Villanova has used a lot in recent years and I think with our group of slashers and shooters, it is a good fit for this team.

I loved that Burger King. I'm a Whopper guy, (so much better than a Big Mac!. I didn't try the hamburgers because they weren't Whoppers. Maybe someone else can sample them.
I loved that Burger King. I'm a Whopper guy, (so much better than a Big Mac!. I didn't try the hamburgers because they weren't Whoppers. Maybe someone else can sample them.
I probably will at some point this season. Tough to find time on a weekday night to get home from work, get changed, get the tickets, pick up the people going to the game with me and get to the Dome, and also find time to have dinner before leaving...
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I probably will at some point this season. Tough to find time on a weekday night to get home from work, get changed, get the tickets, pick up the people going to the game with me and get to the Dome, and also find time to have dinner before leaving...

I have dinner afterwards, so a hot dog or hamburger might tide me over.
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couple things here. even if you like the frosh malachi and lydon on the front line we were badly outrebounded by the bonnies. and roberson had 12. we play a guard at sf and a forward at center. and they ain't paul harris and derrick coleman board wise. secondly i strongly agree with the issue you raise re three pt shooting and drawing fouls inside.
we aren't going to the line or getting anyone in foul trouble launching from downtown a;ll night.
lastly we basically played only 6 guys against st. bonaventure bona-fidos. not a good thing.
That Joe Schmoe coach the Bonnies has was really aggressive in his man defense, patrolling his area of the court hard. He yelled a lot and based on his body, body language, coloring and speech patterns, I would say he is likely to suffer a heart attack sometime in the next 24 years. As Bud would say, he might want to mix in a salad or two every now and then.

There are more than a few coaches in college b ball and football who look like walking time bombs. This guy is one of them. His BP must be in the stratosphere. 24 years or 24 hours?
Delmar said:
There are more than a few coaches in college b ball and football who look like walking time bombs. This guy is one of them. His BP must be in the stratosphere. 24 years or 24 hours?

I meant to type 2 years...
tbonezone said:
couple things here. even if you like the frosh malachi and lydon on the front line we were badly outrebounded by the bonnies. and roberson had 12. we play a guard at sf and a forward at center. and they ain't paul harris and derrick coleman board wise. secondly i strongly agree with the issue you raise re three pt shooting and drawing fouls inside. we aren't going to the line or getting anyone in foul trouble launching from downtown a;ll night. lastly we basically played only 6 guys against st. bonaventure bona-fidos. not a good thing.

Our rebounding woes last night were not on the centers or the power forward. Both those positions had double figure rebounds.

It was everyone else that dropped the ball...MR, Silent G and TC have to help out rebounding or this is going to be a long season...

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