NCAA Changing the way it picks Tournament Teams |

NCAA Changing the way it picks Tournament Teams


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Dec 21, 2011
Great Article: The NCAA Is Modernizing The Way It Picks March Madness Teams

The NCAA Is Modernizing The Way It Picks March Madness Teams
For 40 years, the selection process relied way too much on strength of schedule. Now the league is ready to rethink that system.

By Neil Paine

Filed under March Madness

Late last month, NCAA officials met with some of basketball’s most prominent analytics experts to remake the way they select teams for the men’s NCAA tournament. Until now, they’ve used the ratings percentage index (RPI) to help guide their decisions, but that stat has become antiquated as far more advanced ranking systems have been developed. Efforts to replace the RPI, though, raise a lot of tricky questions.

According to multiple people I spoke to who were at the meeting, the NCAA is not interested in generating a completely new metric from scratch. Instead, officials favored using multiple ranking systems to create a composite index that would be a resource on selection Sunday. But as the many controversies around college football’s Bowl Championship Series showed, developing a new rating, even one made up of accepted metrics, is full of twists and turns, roadblocks and landmines. Finding the right formula will require asking deep philosophical questions about what a ranking system should try to achieve — and whether certain statistical compromises are even possible.

What’s so wrong with the RPI?
Until the NCAA adopts a new metric, the committee is stuck with the RPI. Developed in 1980 by statistician Jim Van Valkenburg, the RPI was originally intended to adjust a team’s record for its strength of schedule, a noble cause in a sport where 351 teams face opponents of wildly dissimilar quality. Critics of the RPI — and there are many — are less concerned about its goal and than its execution. It’s an arbitrary formula that mashes together a team’s winning percentage with those of its opponents (and opponents’ opponents), and as a result, it amplifies the importance of a strong schedule at the expense of everything else.

2012 .94 .87
2013 .94 .91
2014 .97 .90
2015 .94 .93
2016 .95 .91
All years .95 .91
At-large bids .89 .72
The committee leans on the RPI when choosing teams
A value closer to 1 indicates a higher correlation.


The amount of sway the RPI still holds over the selection process in 2017 is a matter of debate. Officially, the NCAA maintains that the RPI is just one of many tools at the committee’s disposal, and the organization takes pains to show just how little influence the metric has whenever media members are invited to attend mock selection exercises. Bill Hancock, who spent 13 years as director of the men’s basketball tournament before moving on to lead the BCS and College Football Playoff, told me that the RPI’s clout with the committee has been waning for years. “In the first couple years I was there, it carried more weight,” Hancock recalled of the late 1980s, when he first joined the NCAA’s staff. “But by the time I left [in 2005], it really was just another factor — nothing more.” He said the tournament had tweaked the RPI formula “a time or two” during his tenure, and that it had even made a concerted effort to reduce the stat’s influence during the 1990s.

Even so, Ken Pomeroy, dean of college basketball statheads and one of the people invited to the NCAA meeting, thinks it’s impossible not to be affected by the omnipresence of RPI-related data points in the committee room. “In discussions with other committee members, they always stress to me, ‘Hey, we’re not just relying on the RPI, we’re allowed to use whatever we want,’” Pomeroy said. “But obviously it’s much more convenient to use the RPI, because the RPI is on their computer screen, in front of their face.”

Pomeroy himself helped intensify the public’s desire for something better than the RPI when he launched his tempo-free ratings at in 2004. In the ensuing 13 years, Pomeroy’s numbers have become the de facto industry standard for public-facing college basketball statistics; in turn, their increased popularity has driven fans and the media to pore over selections and seedings using tools far more advanced than the nearly four-decades-old RPI.

Coaches, too, know that the RPI isn’t up to snuff. The National Association of Basketball Coaches raised concerns last May about the metrics being used to evaluate their teams, and David Worlock, the NCAA’s director of media coordination and statistics, told me the organization pushed for the inclusion of more up-to-date stats in the selection process.

In a statement, the NABC said, “The NABC ad hoc group never had specific concerns about a single metric or metrics being included in a potential composite ranking. The coaches in the group simply expressed interest in utilizing both predictive and results-based metrics. The only concern expressed was that the coaches didn’t want to completely move away from using metrics that still factor in wins and losses.”

Worlock is spearheading the new-metrics initiative. “It’s important to stay relevant; it’s just as important to have justification and rationale for every decision that gets made during selection week,” he told me via email. “We recognize the flaws in the RPI, and while there isn’t a perfect metric or combination of metrics, we owe it to ourselves and to the committee to use additional data that exists so that we are not overly relying on the RPI to measure teams and sort data.”

A few easy solutions
The analytics meeting in Indianapolis was broad and open-ended, Pomeroy said, much more the beginning of a conversation than a definitive conclusion. The hope was that the league could find a way to take most of the committee’s mechanisms that are currently underpinned by RPI — like the so-called “nitty-gritty report,” which breaks down a team’s records against opponents from different ranking tiers — and replace them with similar mechanisms based on a blend of more modern metrics.

Everyone I talked to agreed that one of the most important (and easiest) reforms would be to find a better method of balancing the quality of a team’s home and away records. The committee’s current system emphasizes a team’s record, but makes no distinction between a close loss on the road and a close win at home. (The former could be more suggestive of a good team.) As of now, a home win against a top-25 team is considered better than a road win versus a top-50 team, though both of those wins could be equally difficult.

Every state-of-the-art power rating now makes a home-court adjustment, so a new, composite ranking could easily calibrate the strength of a team’s opponent to include a difficulty boost if the game was played on the road and a downgrade if it came at home. This kind of modification would instantly affect which bubble teams make it into the tournament and could even change schools’ scheduling habits in future seasons.

When the discussion turned to whether scoring margin should be considered by the metrics that feed the new rankings, however, the questions got more complex. On the one hand, research shows that a team’s point differential is more predictive of future outcomes than its win-loss record.1 On the other hand, the inclusion of victory margin could encourage coaches to run up the score or, less nefariously, could lead the metric to misconstrue how dominant a team was over an entire game by focusing only on the final tally.

“If a team is up 20, do they keep the starters in for the final 90 seconds to keep the lead at 20,” Worlock wonders, “or do they risk winning by ‘only’ 14 because the walk-ons allowed a couple of three-pointers? [And] are there injury risks if the decision to play the starters longer is the direction a coach chooses to go?”

For veterans of the college-sports ranking business, college basketball’s debate echoes what college football went through many years ago. After complaints that excessive score-padding carried potentially undeserving teams to the national title game in 2000 (Florida State) and 2001 (Nebraska), the BCS asked its computer systems to begin disregarding point differentials in the 2002 season. The change led to a mini-revolt among number-crunchers, several of whom recused themselves from the process rather than alter their formulas to remove what they saw as vital information about teams’ quality.

Today’s statisticians downplay such an uncompromising approach, however, pointing to such solutions as game control, which measures dominance through a team’s average in-game win probability rather than the final score, and strength of record, which measures how difficult it would be for a generic “good team” to earn a specific team’s record, given its opponents. Both use a mix of metrics that measure how dominant a team was without explicitly accounting for a team’s margin in a way that coaches could manipulate during garbage time.
Obviously a needed change. I just hope they keep the human element and don't switch to a fully automated selection method. KenPom is good but his rankings are still flawed and some human intuition is still required.
Interesting article.

1) I think the one thing that people confuse is that individual RPI matters when they assess a team -- it generally does not . In itself it is either a non factor or a very minor factor. The only time I think it factors is when it gets too high. BUT while your individual RPI does not matter when they analyze you, they rely heavily on the RPI's of other teams to assess your quality wins. So there is clearly a flaw there.

2) From the header to the article they claimed that through the years the system has been too "strength of schedule" based. The thing is through that no matter what "composite" you use, the P5 teams will always have the schedules to dominate in the key metrics -- top 25, top 50, top 100 wins. So if they are ignoring schedule, does that mean the composite will have more value moving forward? . They said they are not really looking to change the metrics, so there will always be an apple and orange thing when looking at key wins.

Some examples this year
Wichita St #13 in KP, but only 1 top 1oo RPI win... if they were using a new composite, maybe it's 2 or 3 top 100 "Composite" wins. It still does not hold up. Will they use the composite more for mid tier teams in terms of seeding and the bubble.

Some other examples - Houston #38 on KP... assume that is the composite. Will they look at that individual figure more now and ignore the other metrics. It's quite clear that for mid major schools in the 30's and 40's they have no confidence in the individual RPI right now,

Middle Tennesse St at #51 on KP> That might be just enough to get into the field of 68 if you base it on a composite like KP. Do they get the benefit of the doubt.
The NCAA and therefore "the Committee" want more non-P5 teams and fewer middle of the conference P5 teams. The last few years -- especially last year -- they have been blistered with crticism for taking middle of the conference P5 teams (like Syracuse last year) and leaving out the poor unloved mid majors that won 25 games but didn't win their conference tourney to get the 1 auto bid. This statistical mumbo jumbo adjustment is just the way to justify doing what they want to do...add a few more mid majors with gaudy records against mostly crap competition and leave out middling P5 teams. It's coming. Expect to see it this year. (Guarantee you Monmouth gets a bid to make up for last year). And a few middle of the pack P5 teams with double digit losses are going to be out even with 2-3 wins against top 10 teams. My take.
The NCAA and therefore "the Committee" want more non-P5 teams and fewer middle of the conference P5 teams. The last few years -- especially last year -- they have been blistered with crticism for taking middle of the conference P5 teams (like Syracuse last year) and leaving out the poor unloved mid majors that won 25 games but didn't win their conference tourney to get the 1 auto bid. This statistical mumbo jumbo adjustment is just the way to justify doing what they want to do...add a few more mid majors with gaudy records against mostly crap competition and leave out middling P5 teams. It's coming. Expect to see it this year. (Guarantee you Monmouth gets a bid to make up for last year). And a few middle of the pack P5 teams with double digit losses are going to be out even with 2-3 wins against top 10 teams. My take.

Your premise is somewhat flawed. If the committee wants to use a single ranking to justify letting mid majors in the worse thing they would do is drop the RPI.

The RPI ranks these teams quite highly compared to the most accepted power rankings that they are investigating (KP, Sag, BPI)

Look at the teams with RPI's between 30 and 50. These rankings all suggest they are worthy of at larges. Compare them to the other power ratings (KP, BPI, SAG)

Average of Big 3 Power Ratings vs RPI

Down 56 Spots - Akron 91 vs 35
Down 40 Spots - Monmouth 88 vs 48
Down 32 Spots - UT Arlington 73 vs 41
Down 23 Spots - Illinois St 54 vs 31
Down 18 Spots - Middle Tennessee St 55 vs 37
Down 17 Spots - UNC Wilmingston 61 vs 44
Down 15 Spots - Nevada 60 vs 45
Up 27 Spots - Wichita St 16 vs 43

The average mid major between #30 and #50 in the RPI is ranked 29 spots higher by the RPI vs the other ratings they are looking it.
I have excluded Wichita St which is an exception. That is a massive difference.

The above being said, in reality they are not letting these types of teams as at larges. They reject the RPI in this case because they have no faith in it. But the numbers for these type of teams will get no better with another rating in terms of getting them in.

Perhaps with the new ranking index they will have more faith in it. So if a mid major is ranked highly in the new ranking it might get more of the benefit of the doubt. But those type of mid majors are very rare. It will not result in an influx of P5 teams dropping, But it will allow the odd mid major in quite arguably deserves it.

- In 2017 none of the teams above are getting the benefit of the doubt based on the shitty power rankings they have.
- Last year, St. Mary's at 34 in the KP, and Valpo at #41 in KP may have got in.
- In 2015 no additional mid major would have got in
- In 2014, Louisiana Tech was #37 in the KenPom.

So they may add the odd additional mid major in, but a mid major that is in the top 40 across all the rankings probably deserves it.

It certainly won't help a team like Monmouth this year, or Akron, or UT Arlington who have terrible composite rankings. Monmouth has absolutely zero chance of getting in the tournament as an at large. None.
Your premise is somewhat flawed. If the committee wants to use a single ranking to justify letting mid majors in the worse thing they would do is drop the RPI.

The RPI ranks these teams quite highly compared to the most accepted power rankings that they are investigating (KP, Sag, BPI)

Look at the teams with RPI's between 30 and 50. These rankings all suggest they are worthy of at larges. Compare them to the other power ratings (KP, BPI, SAG)

Average of Big 3 Power Ratings vs RPI

Down 56 Spots - Akron 91 vs 35
Down 40 Spots - Monmouth 88 vs 48
Down 32 Spots - UT Arlington 73 vs 41
Down 23 Spots - Illinois St 54 vs 31
Down 18 Spots - Middle Tennessee St 55 vs 37
Down 17 Spots - UNC Wilmingston 61 vs 44
Down 15 Spots - Nevada 60 vs 45
Up 27 Spots - Wichita St 16 vs 43

The average mid major between #30 and #50 in the RPI is ranked 29 spots higher by the RPI vs the other ratings they are looking it.
I have excluded Wichita St which is an exception. That is a massive difference.

The above being said, in reality they are not letting these types of teams as at larges. They reject the RPI in this case because they have no faith in it. But the numbers for these type of teams will get no better with another rating in terms of getting them in.

Perhaps with the new ranking index they will have more faith in it. So if a mid major is ranked highly in the new ranking it might get more of the benefit of the doubt. But those type of mid majors are very rare. It will not result in an influx of P5 teams dropping, But it will allow the odd mid major in quite arguably deserves it.

- In 2017 none of the teams above are getting the benefit of the doubt based on the shitty power rankings they have.
- Last year, St. Mary's at 34 in the KP, and Valpo at #41 in KP may have got in.
- In 2015 no additional mid major would have got in
- In 2014, Louisiana Tech was #37 in the KenPom.

So they may add the odd additional mid major in, but a mid major that is in the top 40 across all the rankings probably deserves it.

It certainly won't help a team like Monmouth this year, or Akron, or UT Arlington who have terrible composite rankings. Monmouth has absolutely zero chance of getting in the tournament as an at large. None.

Great post - very informative. Well done, sir.
Your premise is somewhat flawed. If the committee wants to use a single ranking to justify letting mid majors in the worse thing they would do is drop the RPI.

The RPI ranks these teams quite highly compared to the most accepted power rankings that they are investigating (KP, Sag, BPI)

Look at the teams with RPI's between 30 and 50. These rankings all suggest they are worthy of at larges. Compare them to the other power ratings (KP, BPI, SAG)

Average of Big 3 Power Ratings vs RPI

Down 56 Spots - Akron 91 vs 35
Down 40 Spots - Monmouth 88 vs 48
Down 32 Spots - UT Arlington 73 vs 41
Down 23 Spots - Illinois St 54 vs 31
Down 18 Spots - Middle Tennessee St 55 vs 37
Down 17 Spots - UNC Wilmingston 61 vs 44
Down 15 Spots - Nevada 60 vs 45
Up 27 Spots - Wichita St 16 vs 43

The average mid major between #30 and #50 in the RPI is ranked 29 spots higher by the RPI vs the other ratings they are looking it.
I have excluded Wichita St which is an exception. That is a massive difference.

The above being said, in reality they are not letting these types of teams as at larges. They reject the RPI in this case because they have no faith in it. But the numbers for these type of teams will get no better with another rating in terms of getting them in.

Perhaps with the new ranking index they will have more faith in it. So if a mid major is ranked highly in the new ranking it might get more of the benefit of the doubt. But those type of mid majors are very rare. It will not result in an influx of P5 teams dropping, But it will allow the odd mid major in quite arguably deserves it.

- In 2017 none of the teams above are getting the benefit of the doubt based on the shitty power rankings they have.
- Last year, St. Mary's at 34 in the KP, and Valpo at #41 in KP may have got in.
- In 2015 no additional mid major would have got in
- In 2014, Louisiana Tech was #37 in the KenPom.

So they may add the odd additional mid major in, but a mid major that is in the top 40 across all the rankings probably deserves it.

It certainly won't help a team like Monmouth this year, or Akron, or UT Arlington who have terrible composite rankings. Monmouth has absolutely zero chance of getting in the tournament as an at large. None.
I understand your point and your well thought analysis. Hope you're right. I'm just skeptical, after 30 odd years of large corporate life, that a change in the analyses methodology is done to provide rational for a pre-determined end game somebody wants.

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